One of the most scariest horror story ever.. Read till the end to get surprised

in #horror6 years ago

Once upon a time, there was a 8 years old small boy whose name was Jack. It was his winter vacations so his family decided to visit their village as a ceremony is going to be organized there and they have to attend it. Every year only Jack’s parents were supposed to visit that ceremony and left Jack with their neighbors to take care of him but this time his neighbors had already gone out of station so Jack was taken along with his parents to attend that annual ceremony. In their village, Jack’s cousin Maya was already living so his parents thought that Jack had great fun with her and not got bored.
Then on 1st January 2007, they left for their village. They had a great fun while traveling. On next day that is 2nd January they reached there. Jack had noticed that there are lots of priests there and all are chanting some mantras. Everyone was performing some sort of spiritual activities. It was clearly seen from their face that they were worried. Jack did not think much about their faces and moved towards Maya’s house. There they were greeted by Maya and her family. Jack was very happy seeing her after so much time. As soon as he reached there, he quickly gets refreshed and started insisting Maya play with him and guide him to various places of her village but Maya’s parents don’t allow them as so as Jack’s parents and asked them to sit with them and start praying. It was afternoon so Jack said “Who prays in afternoon” but Jack’s father said that “Don’ t ask much questions just do what had been said to you “. Jack found it bit odd as his father had never talked him in this manner. Then they all sat down and start praying. Jack founds it disgusting as they all were praying not in front of any God but in a front of chart paper which was stuck on a wall on which date of next to next day that is 4th January 2017 is written. Jack founds it disbelief of village people so does not mind it much. As soon as they finished praying Maya’s parents asked Jack to stay in the house only for 3-4 days after that he could go anywhere out. Jack asked about the reason but they denied to tell. He then asks Maya about all this but Maya says that she too does not know anything about this. Her parents nor her neighbors tell anything about this. She also says to Jack that Every Year this time the same thing happens. Jack was a kid so he did not think much about it and started waiting for 4 days to pass. Later that night after dinner they all went to sleep. Jack saw that his father along with Maya’s father was tying a thread along the house then everyone came into that room (Jack’s mother, Maya’s mother, Their father’s) He then asks to his dad that there are already 3 rooms in Maya’s house so why they all are going to sleep in that single room. This irritates his father and he scolded Jack by saying “You don’t ask much questions for 3-4 days, just do what was asked you to do. You are a kid so don’t act like you are a grown up” this upsets Jack and he then goes into the corner and slept silently. Later in that night, it was around 1 Am. The door then suddenly started knocking up hard KNOCK...KNOCK...KNOCK and stop; KNOCK...KNOCK...KNOCK and stop. This wakes them all. Jack’s father and Maya’s father got a bit terrified and asked everyone not to open the door in any circumstances. These weren't regular knocks either it was like someone was pounding on the door with their full hand. After an hour or so they heard pounding along with kicking the front door. Jack’s father then asked everyone to sleep and ignore the knocking saying “ it was the evil witch and that she was just playing tricks on us”. Witch? What was that, asked Jack to Maya. Then Maya asked him to talk next morning and they all went to sleep ignoring the knocks. This thing keeps on running into Jack’s head. That time he heard Maya’s father telling that “this happens in a lot of houses during the black magic week ” to his father. Again Jack not understands this. He was occupied with so many questions but unable to get any answers. He then slept thinking all about this.
Next morning, Jack insisted Maya to let him know what is going on in the village? What had happened last night? Maya then replied that last night it was an evil witch. For her, only this ceremony is going on. Maya says that it was a black magic week. This time this evil witch comes. For getting this week passes peacefully, villagers do this ceremony but she did not the reason behind it as her parents nor her neighbor’s had ever told her. Maya then says that only the main priest who was supposed to come that day, only he could tell them about the whole story behind it. Then they both started waiting for him. In the afternoon The priest comes and was resting in his guestroom. Jack and Maya anyhow manage to go there and asked him to tell the whole story behind this black magic week. They were curious to know. Their parents were not telling them. Maya too started insisting father that she was living there from last 9 years, every year this thing happens but she did not know the reason behind it. The priest then feels that it was their right to know about their home so he started telling. He told them that a witch lived in their village 80 years ago. This witch was a very prestigious woman and was respected by everyone. She was young, in her early twenties at the time, but she never seemed to age. She helped the people of her village by using some magic to make their crops flourish. But after a while, the children of the villagers started to mysteriously die due to some disease. Of course, when people didn't find an explanation, they blamed the witch. So the witch was tied and beat up by the villagers and finally killed by burning her alive. So since then annually and unexpectedly, there was a week of weird sightings and horror. Bad things happened and the witch was sighted in the village at the times. People died, crops failed and people claimed to see the witch who scared them to death. The villagers called this time “Week Of Black Magic”. Jack and Maya got shocked to hear about all these. They got terrified and scared too. The priest then asked them not to worry as tomorrow is the last day of it and by day after tomorrow, it all becomes normal. The priest then said that tomorrow is the final spiritual activity they all have to perform together. He then explained their roles that they had supposed to play in the ceremony. Mostly it was praying and making holy gestures etc.
The ceremony was on the next day on January 4th, 2017. That day after dinner they were told to go to bed early as the ceremony will start early in the morning. They obeyed and went to bed.
Jack was not at all in a mood to sleep as every stuff said by the priest was still roaming in his head. He wanted to see that all that stuff which had happened last night will happen that night too or not.
Everyone went slept. It was again around 1 AM. Again the door started knocking up hard KNOCK...KNOCK...KNOCK and stop; KNOCK...KNOCK...KNOCK and stop. Jack wakes up quickly and wakes Maya too. Everyone was still sleeping. He then asks Maya to open the door to look how the witch looks. Maya stops him and says that this may be dangerous and ask Jack to sleep and ignore the knocks. Initially, Jack agrees and they both again tries to sleep in this heavy knocking. Then suddenly the knock becomes harder than ever. It was pounding on the door with their full hand and kicking on the front door. Everyone was very deeply indulge in sleeping as they all got too tired of preparing for the next day’s ceremony whole day. Then Jack stands up and started moving towards the door. Maya kept on insisting him and warned him that if he tries to open up the door she will gonna wake his father but he did not stops. He wanted to see the witch which was troubling the village for so many years. Maya too got hide behind Jack and they both started moving towards the door to open. Maya was scared up to hell. They both continued towards the door. Jack then holds up the lock. Then suddenly Knock stops all of the sudden and Jack pulls up the Lock down and the door was opened. He holds Maya’s hand tightly and opens the door completely. There he did not find anyone. He makes one step outside the room and first saw right. It was completely dark there and then saw left. Again it was very dark there. He was trying to figure out how someone got disappeared so fast. Then suddenly He moves back and saw the door of that room. There he saw dents made by some kind of skinny hand - and the dents were so deep that no ordinary person could make them. And there were so many of them. There were even skinny footprints on the door - probably made by kicking. But that wasn't as scary as what was inside the dents. The dents - all of them - were bloody. It was like the "person" who made those dents had bloody hands. It terrified both of them to an extreme level. Jack then asked Maya to get in fast as there was something wrong. Maya quickly gets in but when Jack was moving in, he got caught by someone from the back. Jack quickly moves back and got shocked to see an old lady whose skin was fully burnt, her hands were bleeding her hairs and everything was making her a real evil spirit. She then started taking him along dragging. Seeing this Maya shouts, this wakes up everyone present there in the room. Quickly Maya’s father and Jack’s Father went out. Till then the witch got disappeared leaving Jack in very miserable condition. He was bleeding from his neck. His eyes got swallowed up. Jack’s father quickly holds him and went inside the room and locked the room. There Jack’s Mom got panic and started treating him. Maya’s father then said that the witch had seen Jack, so she will gonna kill him and started worring. Jack’s father then asked Maya’s father to call the main priest as soon as possible. He called him and the priest then quickly comes to Maya’s house. He saw Jack lying on the bed bleeding and her mother was crying and everyone was terrified. He then said all of them that in order to protect their son they have to start the ceremony now here only. They can’t wait until the next morning. Jack’s father and Maya’s father then quickly went to their neighbors and called them. At 3 Am, the priest started chanting the mantras. His helpers started throwing holy water all around. The door was closed. Then after some time again the door started knocking hard but the priest does not stop his chanting. His helpers then started throwing holy water on the door. Then suddenly due to a very strong bang, the door’s lock gets broken up it was all open. Helpers initially get scared and move back. The priest then also continued the chanting process. Then they observed that a strong storm had just arrived which was entering in their room through that door. After something, they saw that a woman was coming near the door silently. This terrifies them all up to an extreme as they all had seen her for the first time this closely. She keeps on standing there for a while and then quickly ran towards the Jack throwing all the priest helpers and the priest away but the priest than also continued chanting. Jack and Maya’s father then holds Jack very hard but the witch throws them too. This hurts Jack’s father but he was not at all ready to let the witch took his Son with her. The witch then started shouting. Each and every stuff in the room was started flying. Jack’s father with his full efforts was holding Jack. The priest then over his chanting took some holy water and throws on her. This makes Witch disappeared and Jack again becomes normal and left for his home next morning only.
After that Jack was always found to be lost in some memories. He had forgotten to play and creating mischief etc. After that in the village, the Witch was never seen by the people and they had stopped conducting that ceremony too.

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