July 17, 2018 HOROSCOPES by Jennifer Angel Moon in Libra softens the energy, so you can open up to the possibilities of life.

in #horoscopes7 years ago


July 17, 2018 HOROSCOPES by Jennifer Angel
Moon in Libra softens the energy, so you can open up to the possibilities of life.

An intuitive astrology session can reveal insights and answers.

Aries MARCH 21-APRIL 19

Even if you disagree with someone, you have the ability to understand their point of view. And with the influence of the Moon in the area of relationships in your solar chart the energy will help you make allowances for someone else if you need to.

Taurus APRIL 20-MAY 20

Moon energy can be intense, and as such, can spark change, and change that may indeed be overdue. And the position of Venus in your star chart can get you thinking more intensely about your love life.

Gemini MAY 21-JUNE 20

When discussing a creative venture with a friend or colleague, be prepared to adopt change. You may not want to bother doing something in a different way, but when you have a think-tank with other creative people, a tweak here and there to a project can give it a point of difference.

Cancer JUNE 21-JULY 22

Sometimes, Cancer, no matter what you do, someone will not be happy. And as the Moon is in your family zone, there can be a conflict of interest right now between what you want to do and feel you should do. Be careful you don’t try to keep everyone happy and you’re the one who misses out.

Leo JULY 23-AUG. 22

The Moon in your area of communication can cause confusion, which can shift things around, so keep your schedule flexible. You are a fixed sign, Leo, but now and again, a change, even if subtle to your routine, can be a good thing -- keep an open mind.

Virgo AUG. 23-SEPT. 22
Remain in an all-business mode when it concerns finances. Emotions tend to cloud the waters when you are dealing with a personal or professional matter, especially with today’s Moon in your money zone. Keep a level head and avoid rash decisions. Take time to think things through.

Libra SEPT. 23-OCT. 22

Where love and relationships are concerned, set your expectations high but be open to anything! The Moon is in your sign, which means relationships are on your radar now. The energy can provide a few surprises as well as possibilities.

Scorpio OCT. 23-NOV. 21

Your creativity and imagination is heightened now. With the Moon in the sign before yours, your instincts are heightened, too. Pay attention to those subtle intuitive nudges, they could be telling you something important. Get organized; plan for tomorrow but live for today.

Sagittarius NOV. 22-DEC. 21

As the energy of the Moon influences your friendships, what happens next can put things in motion. Great things can happen now, and as you connect with other people, opportunities for the future can arise. But you may need to let go of something to invite a new situation into your life.

Capricorn DEC. 22-JAN. 19

Work can take up a great deal of your time, so it is best to work at something you love to do. As the Moon moves to your career zone, the energy will help you get in touch with what you really want to do. The energy helps you set goals for the future. But don’t chain yourself to the desk, allow time for Love, too.

Aquarius JAN. 20-FEB. 18

If travelling, you will have a great deal to think through and organize, and as today’s Moon can cause you to try and cater to the needs of others, it can cause you to miss an important detail in your own schedule. Stay focused.

Pisces FEB. 19-MARCH 20

If an issue with someone close has to be resolved, don't ignore it; instead, talk it through. Not everyone needs to know all of your business, Pisces, but be careful you don’t keep secrets from those who do need to know.

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