Love horoscope for the week from July 17 to 23: how not to miss your happiness

in #horoscopelast year (edited)

She comes by herself, sometimes suddenly. A love horoscope makes it possible to foresee and bring closer its appearance, as well as to strengthen existing feelings, strengthening them.

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Aries Aries
are encouraged to stop dreaming and start acting when it comes to love. Currently, Mercury in Leo provides real opportunities for the rapid acquisition of personal happiness. It is important not to look for love where there is none, and not to connect your life with people whom Aries do not know well enough. You should also avoid attributing fictional qualities to people who show kindness and responsiveness to Aries. These are the main things to remember. If there are disagreements in the family, then it is time to correct the situation.

Taurus astrologers advise listening to the voice of your heart. Intuition will help determine where there are chances for happiness, and where they are not and cannot be. Although Taurus is often called greedy, this is not entirely true, but this week they should work on themselves. This does not mean that you need to give all the money to your soul mate or spend money on expensive dates. Love does not require large financial costs, but it takes time. If the other half or the person you like needs attention and care, then it is important to give it.

Gemini, as a mutable sign, is able to perfectly adapt to any conditions. This week they should make full use of this skill. It is possible that events will change quickly, but Gemini is able to cope with any difficulties, because Mercury is on their side. To bring change in their relationship, they need to take action: take the initiative, arrange a date, be close to a loved one. Now is the present time to remind of your love or to express it.

Cancers, if they have no desire to change anything in their relationship, this does not mean that they can just go about their business. Now it is important to do something together with a partner. Single Cancers can devote their free time to flirting and looking for relationships. You can temporarily put love in the background and use it as an emotional drink for work. Astrologers advise you to remain open and sincere both to your loved one and to those who like lonely Cancers.

If personal relationships correspond to Leo's plans, then you should not miss the opportunity to improve them. If they do not match, then there is no need to rush, as there will be better opportunities ahead. However, the current time is not the most favorable for activity in love, so the Lions will have to postpone increased attention to the opposite sex until mid-August. This will help them perceive reality more objectively. Lonely Leos may begin to build a personal life, but it is important not to rush into events.
For Virgos, personal life will be interesting and magical. Perhaps everything else will be in the background. Now they can cancel their plans for the sake of love, just to be close to their loved one. However, one should be careful with such sacrifice. It is not necessary to rush headlong into feelings, you can simply increase the amount of communication and romantic encounters in your life. Virgos are usually the typical choleric people of the zodiac, but this week they will become softer and very romantic. This is the time for them and they must act.

Libra should remember that in love problems can arise because of envious people. To protect yourself from their negative influence, there are five proven ways. Libras who have set high standards should be prepared to lower them. The coming week will pass without any special innovations, but there will be a lot of kindness, affection, care and love from the partner. Now it is important to focus on strengthening the relationship, even if you are being pulled in the opposite direction. The desire to get everything at once can lead to mistakes in the search for love. The same applies to excessive amorousness and gullibility.

Scorpios can lose their heads in love, but there's nothing wrong with that. It is important not to lose touch with reality and continue to do important things. For those who have just started a relationship, astrologers advise you to read our article on how to keep love with each zodiac sign. Scorpios should be wiser and more careful not to cause unintentional insults to their soulmate. Astrologers note that this is a great time to strengthen relationships, find love, and overcome jealousy and insecurities. This is also a favorable period for communication with loved ones.

Sagittarius will show a high level of charisma and charm during this period, along with Gemini and Virgo. It is recommended to choose clothes in shades that will accentuate their attractiveness. The Universe has prepared many interesting opportunities for Sagittarians, so it is important to be attentive to its prompts. For those who are already in a relationship, it is worth remembering that now is not the best time for spontaneity. It is important to let the relationship grow stronger and stronger. Single Sagittarians are allowed to openly flirt.

Capricorns should be mindful of their most common relationship mistakes and refrain from them. For the time being, it is best to avoid such mistakes. If someone nevertheless made a mistake, then it is recommended to admit their guilt as soon as possible and try to correct themselves, since next week the partner may misperceive such behavior. Intense emotions can arise in the love life of Capricorns during this week. A strong desire to fit the world to your ideals will not bring good results. Astrologers offer to relax, pull yourself together and tune in to order and mutual understanding.

Single Aquarius will find it much easier to make new acquaintances this week. This will help them find a person with whom the relationship will be pleasant and successful. Do not worry over trifles about the difficulties in love. While, of course, these issues can be important, by the weekend, Aquarians will realize that they have exaggerated their importance. Astrologers advise getting rid of anxiety in advance.

will be experiencing strong emotions this week. They must find a way to release these pent-up emotions, but not on their partner. Instead, you can go in for sports or your favorite hobbies. Relationships should become stronger this week, so it is better to avoid scenes of jealousy and conflict. Pisces in such a relationship will be able to get rid of them. The personal life of Pisces will attract the attention of strangers, but it is important not to reveal all the secrets of your relationship to others. It is better to remain silent about what is happening in their personal lives.

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