Daily horoscope for the day Sep 23, 2022

Sep 23, 2022

Mar 21 - Apr 20
- Mood: Cool
- Lucky Time: 5am
- Description: In the mood for time alone with someone near and dear? Bet you won't hear any arguments when you suggest it. Don't hesitate to strut your stuff. They're waiting to see exactly how entertaining you can be.
- Lucky Color: Spring Green
- Sign Compatability: Sagittarius
- Lucky Number: 68

Apr 21 - May 20
- Mood: Charming
- Lucky Time: 11am
- Description: Ready to strut your stuff? Because someone out there wants to see you do it -- in the worst way. Don't be shy. Slip into the outfit that makes you feel as good as it makes you look, and work it on out.
- Lucky Color: Peach
- Sign Compatability: Gemini
- Lucky Number: 50

May 21 - Jun 21
- Mood: Fun
- Lucky Time: 1pm
- Description: What a great way to end a weekend -- with a heady dose of romance and fun. You won't be willing to do anything today that doesn't involve both, by the way, so tuck that to-do list into the drawer. Now.
- Lucky Color: Pink
- Sign Compatability: Capricorn
- Lucky Number: 4

Jun 22 - Jul 22
- Mood: Calm
- Lucky Time: 3pm
- Description: You're feeling fiery -- literally. Just do yourself -- and them -- a favor. Don't get too passionate too quickly. It might feel good right now, but in the long run, slow burns last longer.
- Lucky Color: Silver
- Sign Compatability: Aquarius
- Lucky Number: 91

Jul 23 - Aug 22
- Mood: Loved
- Lucky Time: 5am
- Description: You've just about had it with being where you are -- and even more so with doing the same thing you do every day. Is there a chance you can do something about this? Of course there is.
- Lucky Color: Silver
- Sign Compatability: Pisces
- Lucky Number: 11

Aug 23 - Sep 22
- Mood: Charming
- Lucky Time: 4pm
- Description: You'll be on center stage for a couple of days -- but you're going to like it. You may not usually be much for basking in the spotlight, but you'll be willing to make an exception now. And you should!
- Lucky Color: Brown
- Sign Compatability: Pisces
- Lucky Number: 74

Sep 23 - Oct 22
- Mood: Energetic
- Lucky Time: 7pm
- Description: If you listened to the more sedate side of yourself and actually stayed in last night, you'll feel pretty darned restless. That said, why fight it? You've got only one night left this weekend.
- Lucky Color: Orchid
- Sign Compatability: Taurus
- Lucky Number: 3

Oct 23 - Nov 22
- Mood: Lucky
- Lucky Time: 10am
- Description: Feeling lucky? Bet you are -- and there's good reason for it. The universe has sent a couple of very special planetary allies along to help you capture the brass ring. All you have to do is reach out.
- Lucky Color: Silver
- Sign Compatability: Cancer
- Lucky Number: 80

Nov 23 - Dec 21
- Mood: Relaxed
- Lucky Time: 10pm
- Description: Still wondering how to stay home and have a life, too? Here's a hint: You've got games, videos, an interesting nest and an endless repertoire of stories. Get the gang together.
- Lucky Color: Sky Blue
- Sign Compatability: Capricorn
- Lucky Number: 3

Dec 22 - Jan 19
- Mood: Joyful
- Lucky Time: 10am
- Description: What an absolutely terrific evening to spend with friends -- especially if, just once, someone else offered to host the gathering. When they start hinting, mention that you haven't been over to their place in just forever.
- Lucky Color: Peach
- Sign Compatability: Aquarius
- Lucky Number: 54

Jan 20 - Feb 18
- Mood: Curious
- Lucky Time: 8am
- Description: Just in time for the weekend, you've been inspired in the department of romance. You're in the mood to try anything at least once, and any lucky companion won't think twice about going along with whatever you suggest.
- Lucky Color: Peach
- Sign Compatability: Libra
- Lucky Number: 26

Feb 19 - Mar 20
- Mood: Relaxed
- Lucky Time: 1pm
- Description: It's officially time to get out there and party -- and you won't have any trouble finding someone to go along for the ride. Oh, and speaking of rides, this wouldn't be a bad weekend to go for a day trip.
- Lucky Color: Sky Blue
- Sign Compatability: Aquarius
- Lucky Number: 54
#astrology #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces