Daily horoscope for the day Sep 20, 2022

Sep 20, 2022

Mar 21 - Apr 20
- Mood: Accomplished
- Lucky Time: 12am
- Description: You've managed to struggle through three weeks of communication breakdowns, and you've handled the snafus well -- better than the rest, even. You're now officially entitled to at least one evening off. Take it.
- Lucky Color: Orchid
- Sign Compatability: Cancer
- Lucky Number: 92

Apr 21 - May 20
- Mood: Patient
- Lucky Time: 12am
- Description: Finally -- finally -- you can relax. For the first time in weeks -- once the next few days are over with, at least -- you'll be able to get some work done without all kinds of obstacles in your way. Be patient.
- Lucky Color: Sky Blue
- Sign Compatability: Scorpio
- Lucky Number: 93

May 21 - Jun 21
- Mood: Determined
- Lucky Time: 7am
- Description: You're thinking about a certain item that you've been dying to have in your possession for some time now. So when someone asks if you'd like to hit the mall, don't even pretend to hesitate.
- Lucky Color: Blue
- Sign Compatability: Scorpio
- Lucky Number: 97

Jun 22 - Jul 22
- Mood: Stressed
- Lucky Time: 4am
- Description: Your dilemma is an internal one: conflicting emotions. On the one hand, you desperately want to march up to your target, bark out exactly what you need to say and stalk off. On the other, you need to keep a secret extremely secret.
- Lucky Color: Pink
- Sign Compatability: Aries
- Lucky Number: 47

Jul 23 - Aug 22
- Mood: Relaxed
- Lucky Time: 2pm
- Description: What you love best is the sensory pleasure that life inside these wonderful bodies often provides. As a result, you're not unfamiliar with the concept of overdoing it. Try to take it easy now, though -- just a little bit.
- Lucky Color: Rose Pink
- Sign Compatability: Scorpio
- Lucky Number: 86

Aug 23 - Sep 22
- Mood: Serious
- Lucky Time: 11pm
- Description: Sure, it's frustrating to do the 'hurry up and wait' thing -- but you've got plenty of company. Everybody's doing it, for at least another day or so. Try to have Plan B ready to roll, just in case.
- Lucky Color: Orchid
- Sign Compatability: Libra
- Lucky Number: 41

Sep 23 - Oct 22
- Mood: Confidence
- Lucky Time: 1am
- Description: Whatever it is you're feeling, you're not the type to hide it. And you should know that even trying will be out of the question right about now. You won't have to say a word -- your eyes will tell the story.
- Lucky Color: Yellow
- Sign Compatability: Pisces
- Lucky Number: 84

Oct 23 - Nov 22
- Mood: Brave
- Lucky Time: 5am
- Description: Okay, now here's an escalation of the action -- which is what you've been wanting more than anything. Don't step on any toes getting to where you want to be, but don't be shy, either.
- Lucky Color: Purple
- Sign Compatability: Aries
- Lucky Number: 45

Nov 23 - Dec 21
- Mood: Cool
- Lucky Time: 2pm
- Description: You're a little too eager to get in touch -- and it's going to show if you're not careful. Try your best to be aloof and unconcerned. Really. Think about how appealing that sort of thing can be.
- Lucky Color: Brown
- Sign Compatability: Libra
- Lucky Number: 66

Dec 22 - Jan 19
- Mood: Excited
- Lucky Time: 3pm
- Description: That long, strange trip you've been on? It's about to come to a rapid-fire close -- over the next 72 hours. Doesn't sound quick -- unless you consider the past three long, strange weeks you've been enduring.
- Lucky Color: Copper
- Sign Compatability: Scorpio
- Lucky Number: 81

Jan 20 - Feb 18
- Mood: Patient
- Lucky Time: 5am
- Description: Been trying to get hold of someone for days? Or longer? Well, there's a little more of the same en route, so get comfy. Okay, so it's not the best news you could possibly have -- at least you'll be prepared.
- Lucky Color: Rose Pink
- Sign Compatability: Cancer
- Lucky Number: 13

Feb 19 - Mar 20
- Mood: Truthful
- Lucky Time: 9am
- Description: Over the past three weeks, you've been trying to keep quiet about something. But if there's anything -- anything at all -- that you've been stifling (a scream, perhaps?), you might as well toss in the towel and clear your throat.
- Lucky Color: Pink
- Sign Compatability: Scorpio
- Lucky Number: 17
#astrology #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces