Daily horoscope for the day Sep 11, 2022

Sep 11, 2022

Mar 21 - Apr 20
- Mood: Warm
- Lucky Time: 12am
- Description: You're ready, willing and able to talk to friends or family, especially when it comes to getting close with someone you love -- or should we say closer. What you need now is some quality time together. Put it into your schedule -- in pen.
- Lucky Color: Shadow Black
- Sign Compatability: Virgo
- Lucky Number: 88

Apr 21 - May 20
- Mood: Attractive
- Lucky Time: 11pm
- Description: You show-off! Of course, if anyone has the right to gloat right now, it's you. You've been awarded a special gift -- the gift of immediate attraction. Pass it around carefully. It's tough to turn off.
- Lucky Color: Rose Pink
- Sign Compatability: Libra
- Lucky Number: 8

May 21 - Jun 21
- Mood: Warm
- Lucky Time: 2am
- Description: Your month will likely begin with a whisper -- not an entirely unpleasant image, especially since whether you're on the extending or receiving end, it's going to make one wonderful, tender memory.
- Lucky Color: Sky Blue
- Sign Compatability: Libra
- Lucky Number: 46

Jun 22 - Jul 22
- Mood: Innocent
- Lucky Time: 8am
- Description: Hopefully, you weren't spoiled by how responsible, respectable and disciplined everyone was yesterday -- because today will be a different story. In fact, you might be a bit 'unchained' yourself, in several departments: your thoughts and words, for example.
- Lucky Color: Silver
- Sign Compatability: Libra
- Lucky Number: 8

Jul 23 - Aug 22
- Mood: Sincere
- Lucky Time: 7am
- Description: Company's coming -- but then, you already knew that, right? And not because you got a message or saw their number on Caller ID. You were probably waiting for this visitor well before the two of you actually spoke.
- Lucky Color: Spring Green
- Sign Compatability: Libra
- Lucky Number: 96

Aug 23 - Sep 22
- Mood: Cheerful
- Lucky Time: 7am
- Description: If anyone can trust that what they're hearing from a dear one is believable, it's you. You'll inspire everyone who comes into contact with you to only do what's right.
- Lucky Color: Orange
- Sign Compatability: Libra
- Lucky Number: 33

Sep 23 - Oct 22
- Mood: Fun
- Lucky Time: 11pm
- Description: One of your feistier friends will provide you with quite the emotional extravaganza. It may be funny, it may be ridiculous or it may aggravate the living daylights out of you, but it certainly won't be boring.
- Lucky Color: Orchid
- Sign Compatability: Leo
- Lucky Number: 26

Oct 23 - Nov 22
- Mood: Excited
- Lucky Time: 10pm
- Description: Not feeling quite so bored, are you? See? It was only a one-day thing. You're about to experience a lot more excitement than you have in months. Better take your vitamins.
- Lucky Color: Purple
- Sign Compatability: Capricorn
- Lucky Number: 69

Nov 23 - Dec 21
- Mood: Focus
- Lucky Time: 9am
- Description: 'Just the facts, ma'am' -- that's what you're interested in. Nothing more, and certainly nothing less. It just so happens to be with your friends, though -- so, needless to say, you should try to be a good sport.
- Lucky Color: Blue
- Sign Compatability: Pisces
- Lucky Number: 71

Dec 22 - Jan 19
- Mood: Sweet
- Lucky Time: 3am
- Description: That secret you were thinking you'd hold onto until you-know-where froze over? Won't work. Your first clue will arrive as a feeling in your chest when you see the person involved. That nice, warm feeling...
- Lucky Color: Orchid
- Sign Compatability: Taurus
- Lucky Number: 47

Jan 20 - Feb 18
- Mood: Calm
- Lucky Time: 6pm
- Description: As if there wasn't already enough going on upstairs, another planet will toss its two cents into mix, making it even tougher to get things done. Don't be frustrated. Hold onto that lovely faith you're famous for.
- Lucky Color: Peach
- Sign Compatability: Gemini
- Lucky Number: 59

Feb 19 - Mar 20
- Mood: Fun
- Lucky Time: 12am
- Description: You've been thinking for a while now about making a major decision -- and you're just about ready. For now, however, let yourself have some fun. You'll need your sense of humor.
- Lucky Color: Orange
- Sign Compatability: Libra
- Lucky Number: 13
#astrology #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces