The Need for Change (edited)

in #hope7 years ago


Deep in our pores it seeps,
It deforms and then it feeds,
As our hearts bleed,
And our innocence ceases to exist.

We watch unwilling to force change,
Aiding and abetting the deformity of humanity,
Where have all the good souls gone,
Has it really been outgrown,
Have we forgotten where we came from,
Or simply never found our path.

I wish I could say it’s simple,
But these situations rarely are,
The elaborate blindfolding of humanity took time,
It took plans and it took agendas,
It even took me by surprise.

The truth was swept from underneath our feet,
And the curtain fell thick between,
The moment we are born we are innocent,
Even free,
But not for long,
That much was taken from me.

An illusion of freedom quickly sets in,
Conditioned to differentiate,
Everything we see we set apart,
We dissect, discriminate and collide.

We’ve forgotten it’s all the same,
After all we are not worlds apart,
You are human and so am I.

You see it’s easier for some that way,
The invitation to let go of your control has been made,
Will you be one to part take?

We are told categorize everything we see,
Ever asked yourself why things aren't always as they seem,
We are blinded by preconceived notions,
By greed, jealousy and misplaced devotion.

When we leave our mother’s womb there is much excitement to the nuance of life,
We see everything as a miracle at first,
But what you once saw as a miracle later in life seems like a mirage,
Perhaps the misconceptions are being made by adults,
While children fail to instinctively separate,
What has the world become?

Very young we are taught how to stand in line,
To respect authority and for what,
Do you really think they have your best interest in mind.

By whose word have you been taught to hide behind,
Oh yes, it is easier when the blame can be passed,
Responsibility is what we mostly lack.

In no time we are conditioned,
Taught to want more than we need,
To need more than what we need to survive,
Keeping markets alive,
And feeding the corporate greed of those with a pretty dime.

Oh how I wish I could go back,
If those days ever when everything was one,
When the illusion did not taint our eyes,
When we saw more than what we were meant to see,
Days when truth did not hide behind lies,
If we could only leave those times behind.

We are told what to think and when,
Oh but the system never lies.

We are kept from learning skills we need to survive,
Our emotional and physical well being lacks,
As we keep the system alive,
Is this really why we are alive,
To spend a good amount of your life a slave to your lifestyle,
Is it all worth the price?

Compassion is replaced by greed,
Love is replaced by jealousy,
Kindness is replaced by misplaced anger,
Material things are adored,
People continue to be used,
Are we finally amused?

We are barely surviving within,
Barely thinking of the things that should really matter,
Barely awoken souls,
Broken before we have the chance to be fixed,
Oh how my soul now weeps,
Is your ego fed enough?

How is that love of yours for material things?
Can you feel happy in your routine?
Oh how our days have changed,
How our lives have passed,
In the mere blink of an eye.

What have you achieved?
How have you really grown inside?
Did you really think this to be the way that we were meant to be?

We strive for what we call success,
And measure success by the amount of material things we keep,
Does this not make your heart weep?
Can you see the corruption that I see?

The lack of education in the art of right and wrong,
The lack of motivation to lend a helping hand,
Common courtesy is at best scarce,
When did we forget to care?

Where and when did our world ever go so wrong,
The corruptions spreads,
Like a virus in our minds,
It fills and it attempts to fulfill itself,
While leaving our humanity behind.

How do you keep so many from seeking truth?
Would no one like to be the hero of the youth?

We are told one day a hero would come,
Isn’t that what every story shows,
That one day a savior come,
Will you wait until the world has come to an end,
Merely hoping that you will be saved,
Waiting idle the population remains,
How is that hero helping you so far?

Oh that hero is just a dream at last,
We must wake up from the dream!
If we seek to find what we need,
But why ever would we move,
From the comfort of the known.

Trading comfort for compliance,
Do you really think that a fair trade,
Do we let them invade foreign homes to claim our own,
Respect no lives except of those who look like us,
What evil has this world come to know?

Separated, scared and distracted,
The population knows no change,
For it would rather see things remain the same,
However wrong it feels to know no change,
We can stand together to make the world a better place,
Or divided we shall fall,
And divided is how you lose control.

While the few in power steer us in whatever direction they choose,
We are headed towards a storm,
One like we have never seen before,
As the truth of how dangerous people in power may be,
Has it all repelled you yet?
Have you noticed the lack of consent?
How about the lack of self respect?

There is no justice,
There is no love,
Should I begin to lose hope?
Can we afford to lose the last thing they can take,
Or do we root ourselves and seek change?

Oh how beautiful this world could truly be,
If it could only see peace,
How very few can influence many from within!

What have we got to lose when we have lost ourselves,
Our lives are not our own,
They are what others have made of it,
Others who often lack gratitude and respect towards us.

Did you really think you could regain control?
Greed fuels those who let it you see,
When people begin to have a price,
We all pay the costs with our very lives.

We become nothing but cogs in a machine,
Is that what you really think that you were meant to be,
Pawns in a game that we are not playing,
Every move is strategized,
Without your consent or even your very life in mind.

Our water and air have been polluted,
Our earth deforested and our food modified,
Do you still think they have your best interest in mind?

How much can you really change as a slave in a system set in place,
A slave to debt and all that is material,
You know there is a problem when collecting water is made illegal,
And being self-reliant is seen as unpatriotic.

Do we not all have the same rights,
Not in the eyes of those who have a different plan in mind,
Oh how I wish that I could change your mind!

We work and then we die,
Is that really why you think we are alive,
Do you not see the need for change?

Our world may have already come to an end,
There is no community and no respect,
The days have only gotten that much worse.

When politicians are corrupt,
When our government is a joke,
When those with money take control,
Which side will you be on?
Will you join a revolution?
Whose agenda will you aide?
Will you lend a helping hand to the other cogs,
Or will you lend a hand to the agenda that is in place?

Will we allow families to be taken out of their homes,
So individuals with money can continue to take control?
While politicians and entertainers are pardoned for their crimes,
And our brothers are sisters are condemned,
Bankrupted by minuscule mistakes,
Robbed by taxes imposed on them,
Do we even have a fighting chance?

While our veterans receive no help,
And their minds have been scarred by death,
When will we ever see this system end?

Wars are launched for profit,
As our sons and daughters die,
Was it ever really worth the fight,
We are told it was,
But why ever would they lie?

It is unimaginable what has been done,
Untouchable is what they think they are,
Will you continue to lack the fight?
Sitting idle while aiding and abetting their crimes.

If it were you or I the end result would be the end of our lives,
But some pay a different price,
While the news shows you only what they want you to see,
And the world becomes a stage for whatever some please,
Everyone these days seems to have a price,
I am afraid that justice and democracy have long died.

Long forgotten that the truth can never be buried,
There is treason from within,
They said the truth shall set you free!

So here is the truth and I’ll tell you why,
I still believe that we have time,
And we have the heart to see past the lies,
Past the separation and the individualism,
Which so easily allows for fear to override.

One day I know the people as a whole will rise,
We shall all stand as one,
For if we do not our days will never be ours,
Freedom will remain a lie,
The truth will forever hide,
We will remain slaves in a system from which we can never rise,
While giving power to those with their own agendas.

One day our world may no longer have countless days,
For one day the abuse we have laid upon this earth,
Will haunt us to our very graves.

You see respect is not limited to each other,
Our mother earth also weeps,
From the destruction we have placed upon it,
We are bleeding our earth dry,
While never thinking about it twice.

How could we ever be so careless,
With something that has given us so much,
Including our very lives?

Today I remind you friend,
We are all in this together,
We survive together,
Or we fall alone,
Depressed, lonely and at fault,
But I do retain my hope,
For I believe there is good in you,
And my love that is enough.

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