Honorary Master spoke to the vice regent
A number of honorary teachers who are members of the Movement of Honorary Categories 2 Indonesia Bersatu (GHK2IB) Lebak Lebak regency went to the office to meet with Vice Regent (Vice Regent) Lebak Ade Sumardi, Monday (23/1). They come to complain about wages or salaries received each month is only Rp 150 thousand to Rp 300 thousand. They assess wage diterimnya not very feasible.
"The wages that we received very inhumane, because we only received Rp 150 to 300 thousand per month. It was only rely on BOS (school operational assistance) received by schools once every three months, "said Chairman Ade GHK2IB Lebak Bukhari.
According to him, the value of wages to temporary teacher should be updated. Because the value is still very small compared with the energy fees in a village or a housekeeper who usually earn more than Rp 1 million per month. "The teachers who have a noble task to make a generation of character, is so low in the eyes of the government," he said.
Bukhari hoped the government can adjust teachers' salaries honorary K2 is at least equal to MSEs. Because in other areas, the application of the UMK wages already imposed on teachers' honorarium.
"We're just asking for humane treatment, because the wages are not currently supplicants for daily needs," he said.
Vice Regent of Lebak Ade Sumardi promised to discuss the grievance with the Regent Iti Octavia Jayabaya, and a consideration for him. Because, if you see the amount of wages received honorary teachers are indeed far from decent.
"It is not unreasonable fee of Rp 150 thousand to Rp 300 thousand to be sufficient, especially receipt sometimes quarterly. For that we petimbangkan which must be adapted to the fiscal capacity of the government, "said Ade. (Fadilah)