In times of these, we must comprehend what you're going through! Since the vacuum of love you've created for people can't be filled with any mankind. No precious amount of jewelleries can bought the love love you've for these people that've passed away. This anguish, sorrow, bitterness, pains, grievances, sadness, injustices, unfairness events are like a sword piecing through you inevitably, but it's only you who can feel. It's also like a burning flame; those closer to it feel it more than those afar. We can't in any way replace what is already lost. But is one thing that if we do can supress the pains & anguish you're going throught; & that's "words of condolences." I'm not by this reminding or rekindle you of your pains, but I want to encourage you to stand firm on the unpleasant situation losing that huge of your beloved ones, & having of them injuired. We know in times of these of over anxieties caused to you several months of seeking your human rights which've been denied, no amount of words can wipe away your tears. But, we know, with God, all things are possible as "Methodist Hymn Book 584 written by Charles Wesley reveals it."
It's is an eyes by everybody travelling that milestone defending for your Human Rights & justices. The reports from media, such as Hong Kong Free Press(HKFP) kept us updated all this six months of unrest. It is vivid to those of us who place where the truth should be, that Hong Kongers were seeking for the Freedom from Extradition Law which could have been tantamount to slavery or exile. The Extradition Law has severally raised the concerned and attention to many populace of Hong Kong, & even for we the outsiders, we see it to have geoparsised the good records set by Hong Kong. Again, to send Hong Kongers to the Mainland China is another abuse of Human Rights. It's injustice to flout upon the law which have existed during the Britist Colonial time. Though one nation ruled using two systems, doesn't mean that China being the mainland can claim everything. The rule of law must take it own cause, since where the laws try to divert that's where misuderstanding set in.
Hong Kongers have suffered for the past six months in the attempts of protestings their Human Rights & seeking justices for their City. Numerous Hong Kongers have passed through these hardship situations, & it's base on this that many Hong Kongers have lost their live and many injuired. The culprits who caused the death & injuired victims are still not known. I don't know if the police in Hong Kong, through their investigation can submit reports on their those people. The situation as a remembrance to the victims, the deceased people & the entire Hong Kong city has called for a great mourning, since it's very sad & parthetic to lose that great number of people within six months. Though the situation has happened in Hong Kong, it also leaves us some heartfelt, psychlogical drauma, anxieties, emotionally sad & sympathy for the Hong Kongers, since we're all humans. This also draw our attention to say some words to the beholders of the laws causes to consider this incidence & grant Hong Kongers their rights for this freedom & Justice they are seeking for.HKFP News
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