Can The Rulling Out Of 5 Demands By CARRIE LAM Lead To Another Protest In HongKong?
Hi Guys !, this is another news coverage about HongKong following after the 800,000 protesters match peacefully through the city of HongKong. The protesters were demanding for 5 concession from the Executives councils to be done for them so that this protest can be resolved. Among these demands are: "requiring full freedom of Elections, "to free their people who have been arrested," "independent inquiry into the police."
On Tuesday 10th December 2019, the Executives councils met for press conference meeting following how issues can be address to resolve this protest which has taken place for about six months ago. Carrie Lam who has received defeat at the Executive elections stood up and said: "she would not violate the rules to accept the demands for the protesters just for their mere aspirations." Following her speech, most of these people who have been arrested are students who will still cause violence when they freed.
Carrie Lam ruled out the demands of protesters
In my opinion this can lead to another planning by protesters in HongKong to embark on protest. After all, laws are made for man, not man for laws, hence, if protesters due to a lot of havoc and tensions that have occurred in the city of HongKong and China, laws had been made to ban them and now they are demanding for their rights, I do not see the reason why they should be denied. During the rally match through the city of HongKong no protest occurred, protesters matched peacefully and what they were saying were to seek the 5 demands from the Executive councils. To me, the Executive councils can lift those bans from protesters and if they see those actions they can reinstitute the ban. This is to see whether protest would exist when demands are granted for them.
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