Honey plays a special role to make the body healthy and protects us from many diseases, as soon as children are born, they are first fed honey.
The reason for this is that only after 10-15 hours of the birth of the children, the mother's milk hardly comes from the mother's breasts.
In this interval, honey gives vitality to the children.
Honey is a light and easily digestible element which gets mixed in the blood as soon as it reaches the stomach. Glucose, maltose, fructose, gond, maum, chlorophyll, vitamins A, B, C are found in honey, copper magnesium silica, calcium, iron element, sodium. Phosphorus, sulfur, iodine, antiseptic elements are also present.
[Identity] :- Ripe honey lasts for many years.
This is what is real and real. The real honey, when put in water, goes straight to the bottom and does not dissolve in water, real honey burns when applied in the eye and does not leave a mark on the paper or cloth.
[Precautions] :- Honey should never be burnt on fire and should not be mixed with tea cup. Honey should not be eaten with fish. Do not consume honey in fever and thirst. Always add honey to cold milk and drink it. Water should never be mixed, it is harmful. Always use pure and real honey.