Homo Sapiens:First AppearancesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #homospains6 years ago

First Appearance:
The Homo sapiens species, spreading from Africa to the world, is the only ruler of the so-called “intelligence”. He began his journey with the intelligence that started in the African forests about 200,000 years ago. In 1960, he reached the climax by reaching to the moon. It was understood that the first modern man appeared 100,000 years ago. The first fossils of our species were found in the ”Omo Kibish” region of Ethiopia and were dated to 195,000 years ago. According to new findings, human evolution has evolved at different points in various parts of the African continent. For the first time in East Africa, Homo sapiens also appeared in the caves of Morocco. According to the study in Morocco, the age of Homo sapiens is not 200,000, but 3000,000 years old.

The fossils found in “Jebel Irhoud ” in Morocco show that Homo sapiens species evolved simultaneously in different parts of Africa.
Homo sapiens, which evolved on a continent rich in nutrients like Africa, received the necessary nutrients from the sources around it. Homo sapiens as individuals were also consuming plenty of gazel, occasionally antelope, zebra, and similar hunting animals as well as seasonal ostrich eggs. It has undergone a cerebral evolution after abundant protein feeding. The reason for this was that the foods cooked over the fire were more nutritious. Fire is considered the greatest invention in human history. Homo sapiens life in the trees (arboreal living) has ended by the use of fire. The using of the fire allowed this caveman a safer and more comfortable place in nearby caves. The fire was a security weapon. It was a shield that protected Homo sapiens against wild African creatures. The using of the fire was started by the fired branches taken from the trees formed by lightning strikes. This fired was taken to the Homo sapiens cave.
The first road to humanity began 7 million years ago with Sahelanthropus tchadensis, the species closest to the common ancestor of the chimpanzee. The brain of this species is around 350 cc. Another species is Orrorin tugenensis. This species could stand and climb trees. These species are common ancestors of both chimpanzees and Australopitecus, the common ancestor of modern man. The brain volume of Australopithecus africanus that occurred in later stages was about 500 cc. Australopithecus africanus lived about 3 million years ago. With evolution, these species have increased hand-brain coordination and have the ability to use stone tools. The resulting brain volume of Homo habilis was about 650 cc. The Homo ergaster, has lived about 1.5 million years ago, is the common ancestor of Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis.
This type had more advanced two-sided axes. This kind of first hunter-gatherer is the kind that reaches the tribal structure and is the first species that can produce sounds similar to speech. Even though he no longer produces abstract ideas, human beings are approaching this stage (thinking with abstract ideas). Later on, Homo erectus appears. It has emerged from about 1.9 to 100.000 years ago. He also lived in the same period as Homo sapiens. It was first found on the island of Java. Another name is “Java man”. After being found on the island of Java, it was found in other fossils belonging to Homo erectus in different parts of the world. They have approximately 750 cc to 1225 cc brain size. He could stand better than the modern man. It has migrated to many regions with its advanced standing capacity. Therefore, fossils have been found in different parts of the world. The Homo heidelbergens' brain volume after Homo erectus was approximately 1100-1400 cc. This shows the capacity of this species to abstract thinking. The tradition of burying their dead has first emerged with this species. This kind of had the ability to talk now. Part of this species migrated to Europe and revealed the species Homo neanderthalensis (Homo neanderthals). The remaining part of this species in Africa caused the emergence of Homo sapiens. Homo Neanderthalensis or so-called Neanderthal man's brain volume is about 1450 cc. A brain volume more than a modern man’s brain volume! Neanderthal people, who lived approximately 600 thousand to 30 thousand years ago, have disappeared. Homo sapiens is called the Cro-magnon man of Europe. This type of hunters and collectors are separate from each other and the species can speak in themselves. He made his first works of art and wall drawings. They have produced a wide variety of instruments and both meat and plant are eaten by them. This species then entered the gene pool with Homo sapiens species from Africa and was eliminated genetically by Homo sapiens.
In addition, according to another study, the weight of the brain has a relationship with body weight. This relationship is shown in the following formula (Damask, Swenberg).
Log E = Log k + (2/3) log (P)
Here, (E) the weight of the brain, (P) is the body weight. The value of (k) is known as the “cephalization index” and shows how a brain is developed according to the needs of the lowest animal in the same body weight. As an example, if we consider that the Homo sapiens with a brain weight of 1350 grams comes to 70,000 grams, the value of (k) comes from the above formula 6.3. The anatomical meaning of this is that the ability to develop during the first eight weeks after the fertilization phase of the animal is concentrated in its cephalization. This means that, as a measure of the development of the “cerebral cortex” (where the human thinking ability is the highest), 6.3 times more advanced (logarithmic, exponential) thinking ability than the other animals. The part of the “cerebral cortex” that forms the intellectual part of today's human brain (Homo sapiens) is larger than that of the Neanderthal-human skull. It can be easily understood from the pictures how the “occipitals” part, which provides the visualization in the Neanderthal skull, pulls back from the pictures where the “cerebral cortex” is pulled back to the forehead.
According to the approach in the above formula, it is easily understood that the “cephalization index” which is the brain-body weight index in the Neandertals which is heavier than Homo sapiens is smaller. This leads us to the conclusion that the value of the Neandertals (k), whose brain weight is 1450 grams and the body is heavier, will be lower than the Homo sapiens of the same scale. The main reason for their disappearance is the emergence of an environment leading extinction due to lack of development of the brain (causality) and lack of thinking.

This 90-thousand-year-old-road between the common life period of Neandertal and Homo Saipens was the using of the "brain". The social, psychological and lifestyle differences between those species have resulted in the disappearance of the Neanderthals. As a result, Homo sapiens have won over this type of human race.
Homo sapiens, who baked the animals they hunt, began to taste more than meat. The brain volume of Homo sapiens about 300,000 years ago was 1000-1200 cc. This amount is equal to the brain volume of a monkey today. Today's brain volume of a modern human is about 1350-1500 cc. Since 1000 cc is 1 liter, the human brain has a volume of fewer than 1.5 liters. Our brain volume has been increased by 1.5 times over 300,000 years. This is a tremendous cleverness of the meat. The brain has always shown a tendency of growth in the transformation of Homo sapiens into modern man. Is there any relationship between brain size and intelligence? This issue needs to be answered. While an elephant's brain is about 5 kilograms, a dolphin's is between 1.5 and 1.7 kilograms, and a human’s is about 1.5 kilograms. An elephant with a large brain structure and a dolphin are intelligent animals but not as intelligent as humans. Scientists have brought different solutions to this question. One of this possible solution is “the Ratio of Brain Volume to Body Volume (BHVH Ratio) or Ratio of Brain Mass to Body Mass”. In other words, it is the ratio of brain mass to body mass. This technique is known as the “Encephalization Quotient” technique. As it can be clearly seen from the name, in order to analyze the intelligence of different animals, there is a ratio by simply dividing the mass of their brains (or volume by assuming that the density is the same in the whole body), by dividing the mass (or volume) of the body. The greater the number, the more intelligent the animal is.As can be noted, at this rate, an assumption arises as the body size of the animals tend to be more intelligent than the smaller of the body. In fact, as the body mass grows, the motor activities that the brain needs to control increase and the neural network in the body is expanding. It is necessary to have a large volume brain inside to control the neural network. Intelligence depends on the development of some parts of the brain.

As can be seen from the chart above, it is true that some living things ratio of their brain size to body volumes. The creatures that are just above the yellow line that we can characterize as average, have a brain size that is fully compatible with their body size.
Therefore, they are as intelligent as they should be according to their body size. On the other hand, the higher and the upper left side of green line means the greater the size of the brain over the size of the body. In other words, these creatures are "intelligent" according to their body size. Human species has moved away from the line to the upper left side.
Therefore, this approach seems to reflect the difference of people's intelligence. Hominidae species, such as Gracile australopithecines and Homo habilis, are closer to humans than other creatures in terms of the ratio of brain weight to body weight, as shown in the graph above. Since it is the use of tools as intelligence, it must already have a higher rate than other living things.
While our body size has changed little by little but little changed over time, our brain volume has grown tremendously. Today, we accept theoretically that modern human intelligence is more intelligent than other creatures. The definition of intelligence is still not fully defined. The number of neurons in the brain or the number of synapses (neuron connections) would be more clearly answered if we had the possibility to count now.

With the development of the human brain in time, the energy use of the brain has increased. The total number of neurons in the human brain is approximately 86 billion. Neurons are the cells that make up the human brain. There are about 1 million neurons in the cockroach brain, 100 thousand in the fruit fly, 1 billion in the cat, 7 billion in the chimpanzee and 23 billion in the elephant. The interesting thing about the human heart is the 40,000 neurons. When it comes to work neurons, the structure of the heart composed of these neurons separates our heart from our other organs and 67 percent of all cells in the heart are composed of nerve cells. There is also special communication between the brain and the heart, and this feature is a special organ separate from the heart of other organs. Maybe our hearts have a structure that we think like our brains. The two parts of the brain, called the cortex, actually function as two different organs. Their task is different. These cortices are connected to one another by a bridge called ile “Corpus Collosum”. It consists of 300 million nerve fibers (axons). The right part of our brain is busy with the things we do now and our physical senses, while the left part analyzes the information coming from the right side in more detail. The relationship between the number of neurons and intelligence has been the subject of many researches. In addition, there are 10,000 synapses in a neuron. The synapse is the part where the neurons are attached to the organs. Perhaps the number of neurons in Homo sapiens's return to modern man has increased by 10 times. The increase in the number of neurons is thought to be due to changes in our diet and a better blood flow. The reason for this is that brain neurons are also evolving over time if the brain functions continuously like the muscles in our body move continuously. What is going on in the process of advanced evolution is hard to predict now, but research has shown that the number of neurons has decreased as intelligence develops. It is a problem to explain today.
Paul Cezanne said: The eye is the brain that grasps the thing. This approach is correct. Our brain is so interesting that it works with an electrochemical structure in it. As a result of this process, an electric current is generated in our brain. With this current, five kinds of waves are formed in our brain. Almost all of them work with a harmony or like a musical note. The names of these waves are Delta (1-3 Hz), Theta (3.5-8 Hz), Alpha (8-13 Hz), Beta (12-333 Hz), Gamma (25-100 Hz). Low oscillations of neurons generate low frequency waves and vise versa. The situation in which these waves occur is a different matter. For us, the importance of these waves is actually a transmitter. Let's think of a radio station. Every broadcast in the station is a thousand times the value of our brain waves. We listen to the station broadcast with a tool and call it a radio. We reach our goal with a transmitter and a receiver. And where the brain waves are acting as a donor, where our receiver is?. Who's listening to us? We broadcast in every stage of our daily life. We keep secret. Well, who has the radio in their hands? Maybe it's God. Our brain waves are ultimately an electromagnetic waves and move with the speed of light. The light travels in a year is what we call a light year. The distance taken in about one light ranks a distance of 9.5 trillion kilometers. If a person lives a maximum of one hundred years, the distance of the brain wave emitted from birth is 95 trillion kilometers. This distance in cosmology means that our brain waves will reach a small place in our own galaxy from infancy to death. The Milky Way galaxy is approximately 100,000 light years in diameter. Probably the people who listen to us and give us the inner answer are sitting somewhere in our own Milky Way. It is about 93 billion light years in the whole known universe. Whatever they've heard from us, the Sun, Vega and Sirius away from Betelgeuse'e are located somewhere. Or how they can answer us!

The human brain doesn't just deliver a certain amount of frequency. Some other organs also delivers some waves with different frequencies. Our brain generally deliveres waves with a frequency of 72 MHz, our heart is 67-70 MHz and our liver is 55-60 MHz. It was discovered in 1962 by Dr.Bruce Tainio and his team who first found this information. All our body cells work with a vibration at a certain frequency. The human body emits vibration in the range of 62-72 MHz. This frequency decreases during diseases. We have a body frequency of 67-60 MHz at the time of the flu, 50 MHz for bacterial infection and 42 MHz for cancer. At the moment of death it drops to a frequency of 25 MHz and below. These vibrations actually have a wavelength equivalent to the frequencies emitted by a radio station. Nikola Tesla's claim is that if we can isolate the external frequencies from our body, we will provide a great deal of resistance to diseases. The food we eat has a certain amount of frequencies. These substances may decrease or increase our body frequencies. For example, the rose flower frequency is high. It was discovered by a scientist named D.Gary Young that our frequency increased when we sniffed, and our body frequency dropped a certain amount while drinking coffee. This scientist has managed to make a device that measures the frequency. Our body frequency decreased in stress and our body frequency increased during positive thinking.The human brain uses about twenty percent of the energy entering our body. The brain is proportional to about two percent of our entire body. This shows how important brain activity is. At the stage of cerebral development, Homo sapiens transformed from a quadrupedalism into a bipedalism. Bipedalism, which has the advantage of being more biomechanically, has also led to less energy and less friction with soil.This has allowed him to travel from Africa to the entire world.

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