How Censor Free is Steemit? This Might be a Test

in #homosexuality7 years ago (edited)

Let's talk about fags, shall we? And kikes. And Jews. And spics like MS 13 brought in to carry out the murders for Debbie Wasserman Schultz, eh? And spics in general allowed to fester and run communities where police dare not go. How about niggers? Eh, not so much and certainly in no meaningful way and definitely not the red man who is completely left out of all conversations to even warrant a slur. But let's also Let's talk about psychiatry, the "science" of mind and behavior which changes like the wind working at the forefront of the globalists and their agenda to hard-sell the "normalcy" of historically the most aberrative of behaviors -- homosexuality and their offshoots of pornography, both the most demoralizing forces in the world since their inception back to the roots of Zionism. These are people that globalist criminals like the Rothschilds, Clintons and Soros love. Because none of these people want to be exposed for who and what they really are -- snivelling beasts like the Jews who are nothing more than thugs feigning the forever innocent victims to extrapolate praise, approval and sympathy from those suckered in by way too much TV and media. When there's so many able bodied heterosexual men and women who can do 10X a better job in virtually every field of endeavor including the arts, what is the allure to put a homosexual into anyone's job virtually mandated by government regulation? Why did Eric Braverman, a homosexual, get put in charge of the criminal and fraudulent Clinton Foundation? My answer -- utterly malleable to do criminal acts or overlook lest he get outed to public ridicule and scorn. So, what is the criminal's (globalist) solution? Get the media harping how "OK" homosexuals are and that the rest of us should be so accepting when the fact is they will NEVER stand up for any heterosexual. It's the same with muslims who feign appreciation from all the liberal goofballs who were sold a bill of goods millions were somehow refugees, all the while gang raping indigenous women and girls in countries like Sweden and Germany, then laughing behind their backs at what fools they are for letting them all in open arms. All one has to know is the viciousness of their holy writ which essentially states that all non muslims are infidels to be fucked over any way possible. It makes sense since muslims agree to assign their self determinism where through "Allah's will" does one justify all manner of insanity and crime. Humans, being basically good, reject such rampant insanity but unfortunately the stupidity created by decades of media propaganda has obscured all history, disconnected all dots which is its purpose. But the topping on the cake how media has become utterly political to a point it has taken on the role of chief arbiter of what is fake news, what isn't when in fact it itself is fake news for decades of omissions of critical information, had it been made known and allowed to be examined, would have saved millions of lives (Bush's lies for the Iraq invasion), saved entire ecosystems, would have routed out bad leaders, bad politicians, circumvented useless wars and factually help overthrow tyrannical so-called democratic nations where, by their treachery, as resulted in the hard selling of homosexuality and all the touchy feely safe space pseudo-leftist junk ideology that because your mommy made you fat as a kid, you are somehow a superstar to be rewarded and coddled. To sell homosexuality one has to emasculate the traditional make figures. Turn on one's commercial TV to see how childish and buffoonish adult males are portrayed against "empowered" female figures who are not genetically engineered to be a replacement to any man and visa versa. Homosexuality is what is flaunted to sell awful Hollywood "entertainment." Why? Swishing bodies all over the map make for better eye movement than 30's and 40's styled Hollywood stars who literally stood motionless in shots where the dialogue itself was the attraction alone with elaborate sets. Homosexuality is used to sell militarism via muscled young men and women are depicted as team workers when in fact those at the top in Navy, Marines, Army are themselves homosexuals. Why? Because of their viciousness, not because of love of country or allegiance to a Constitution that protects people's rights to, say, free speech. Globalists want free speech shut down because God forbid someone like me criticize homosexuality, liberalism, psychiatry and social media which might include Steemit.

The fact of the matter the one defining force between complete madness and freedom has for centuries been attributed to Protestant Christians. Forget the fraud of the "Judea-Christian" ethic as the Judea part are the every evil, the driving force behind the spreading of homosexuality, every sexual perversion sold through pornography made "legal" by a corrupt US Supreme Court in the 1970's. They opened the doors to globalism and the selling of homosexuality and pornography was the first step. At the decline of every great nation or culture is because of allowing homosexuals into positions of power, normalizing the behavior to where the rest of us must be accepting of them on an "anti-semite" basis. One is "anti-semite" if he criticizes the Jews like Bibi Netanyahu for his murderous rampage over Palestinians in Gaza. It's why the UN is terrified to bring human rights abuse charges against Israel because of how the conversation is immediately shut down at the mere finger pointing of "anti-semite!" Tough shit, home boys. Our fingers are now pointed straight in your direction on a myriad of issues from the Federal Reserve tyranny of crime, toward the media establishments that have brainwashed generations before my time to accept the government's reasons for war as was done in the United States since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Our fingers point now, too, against the homosexual thugs, criminals and gangsters who are the Jews in media and Hollywood, who spit on the sanctity of the future of our planet -- the children of the Earth. It all leads to the Rothschilds. Ref.: Sibel Edmonds, Brendon O'Connell, Mordechai Vanunnu to name a very few. To curry favor in support of homosexuality is to approve of massive crime that created a matrix of Western cultures and governments who fell completely within the last 30 years minimally. Because wherever there is a Rothschild's central bank, there is globalism. There is war. There is demoralization through sexual perversion. How bad is it? Go to your local WalMart and take a very objective view of the people. Misshapen, mutilated, illiterate, never looking up from their smartphone, shuffling, obese, robotic, slow, tattooed and glued. Willing slaves to a system that has been in the works before anyone was born. Even the few remaining WWII vets have come to the realization of the treason committed on them for the central banks.

Some might find my stream of consciousness incoherent. Of course. "Incoherent," a great label to shut down the conversation I might and hopefully will cause. I run the risk of this being flagged because some soy boy chose to get his "feelings hurt" rather than confront ideas contrary to the TV and media narratives. My character was born out of jazz and Blues music. All my heroes were black men and women and a few whites who were accepted into their company including myself to some degree. To play Blues and jazz one has to be a singular voice, a stand up man or woman but one who is completely in tune to the moment. Globalists have obliterated all that through "new and cool" computer "music" that takes no actual person to perform. It's completely unreal and is in fact one giant psy op as is ALL TV programming. There are no exceptions. The TV format, the sequences, the sound, the lights, flashing graphics, are precisely the same one to another. All channels deliver the exact same narrative. So, what is it, really? Why are we subjected to such madness? The sound of globalist "music" a chronic pounding of one beat and is is born of police sirens for a global police state formed because of billions given to Israel's Mossad to train our police forces to become unquestioning killers only. Central banks must be in complete control. The riots in England during Thatcher's draconian economic policies were the first full test of globalist riot control and led to the totally surveilled state where certain types are let loose to murder by design as in the Las Vegas massacre, the Orlando nightclub incident and others. Decent folks are under constant surveillance but actual criminals, known terrorists, are must be as well but never rounded up to thwart a Goddamned thing. Hey! Didn't TV people sell us on George W. Bush's DHS? Boom! Just like that. Every critic censored. No one allowed to get counter data to what was being done. In comes the homosexual elite to run military because no decent person is capable of such wanton slaughter of mere peasants using the ugliest and most toxic and from afar onslaughts because the homosexual is void of conscience. If this were not so, I guarantee he/she would not choose to allow themselves this internal pollution, this "make wrong" decent people for being decent, above board. Because being above board got the depraved some retribution. Time to make 'em all wrong. Boom! I'm homosexual! I'm a Jew! I produce nothing! I need praise, approval and sympathy from others to stupid of themselves (by design) to object. I'm talking about the RIGHT to stand the fuck UP and just say NO!

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