Keep The Water Equal To Maintain The Life Of The World.
Hello steemians, I hope everyone of you guys is healthy.
Water is the main source in the life of living beings in the world, not just humans, animals and plants also rely on water life. In fact, water is one of the most important elements and very-very important on Earth. Water is necessary for the survival of all types of creatures of the world. Thus, water is often referred to as the source of life, as the saying goes, where there is water there anyway so there will be life. There is no water, no life.
Keep the sustainability of the water we can start by not wasting water, don't throw rubbish into rivers or to lakes, because it is a major supplier of water in the soil.
Case studies like in Indonesia: nearly 60% of the river already contaminated with various industrial wastes, contaminated with organic material, are contaminated with garbage-garbage. Therefore, it is necessary for each policy and awareness of the community to maintain the sustainability of clean water.
For the future, in particular, the Government should be able to memprioritas society and the citizen in the wearing of clean water, don't simply monopolized by some of those who have a lot of money.
Already we should safeguard the sustainability of clean water, as this is the primary capital keeping life world.
Right now, I think we have to prevent the misuse of water resources, because currently many companies are illegally taking water from underground. As a result can reduce excessive exploitation of clean water for the needs of humanity in the face of this earth.
If such a case above we let it continuously, then we can imagine what is happening on the ground that is already stable, will trigger natural disasters.
Example cases in Africa, that every day they lack the main tool in the life of the ' water '.
From the example above we could take a very valuable lesson, and we should always be thankful, adakala we have many sources of clean water.
In terms of keeping the water sustainability, not only did by one or two people, but all of us as a user of water, must adhere to our survival.
On earth we frequent, we get to see if the water is the element that mengelilngi the Earth. comprising 97% 3% salt water and fresh water. Therefore, we have to maintain the sustainability of the water as the source of our life.
If we see with physics, water has a thermal properties. This trait is determined by how much heat must be removed and be absorbed by water, to balance the temperature on Earth. The nature of this change exists in the form of vapor, liquid or ice.
Properties of dilute water is very influential in our body. If the water is slightly condensed, then the odds of blood could flow through the capillaries and outstanding. If in our body there is no water, it will complicate liver venous blood vessels stopped in place.
And if there is a shortage of this primary source, then it will give rise to diseases such as cholera, Hepatitis, Polymearitis, Disentrin, Typoid Trachoma, Scabies, malaria and intestinal worms.
Therefore, Governments and citizens must also keep the water sustainability. And it required in order to avoid viewing from all kinds of disease that will arise.
When water as source of life is reduced, then it is very much the worse impacts will occur.
Fact : If you guys go to my hometown, you guys are very surprised to see it, so many resources clean water is lacking attention management properly.
If the Government want to manage water in the place I live, surely needs clean water to be consumed each day, will certainly increase considerably.
Because, my area is located on the Mainland, far from the mountains and far from the ocean, then to get clean water very easily.
In the place I live, still less attention and concern societies towards sustainability of clean water. Sometimes, there is also a community still littering the river without a care about a healthy environment.
If we look at, the use of clean water in the place I live, still using well water and airvsungai as the main supplier of clean water for consumption.
Humans, animals and plants is in need of water on Earth kni, therefore maintaining the sustainability of the water as well as maintain life in this world.
As I've said, our current obligation is to maintain the sustainability of the water so that life on earth it remains stable.
This only I can discuss about water, if it's still less discussion, I really apologize to my teacher @zen-art, because this time I was at home, to celebrate family day.
Thanks a lot.
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Intinya adalah air adalah sumber utama dalam kehidupan, dan kenyataan yang dilihat adalah kita selain tidak menjaga kelestarian air, kita juga sering boros saat memakainya, inilah perilaku yang harus diubah oleh setiap manusia.
Iya benar. Sebagai umat manusia kita perlu menjaganya. thank yeah.
You took some great photos there and the content you wrote is nice and educational, good job! 💚
Yeah. Thank a lo, my teacher.
But I did not discuss much because of time constraints and many other agendas.
good job @ alhidayat
Thank a lot
Is that Lueng right? Pat posisi lueng nyan? Lagei toem lon lewat sang
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