
Looks like no one is seeing your answers no matter who you're answering

Learn the English language please.

I answer your accusations in order to tell my side of things.

I do NOT answer TO trolls.

Learn the english language? Troy really you said that? Teach your bought wife english. And while she learns the english language teach her how to drive.

And cook, she is a terrible cook and it took comments on her video to get her to clean up the mouse shit on her counters and stove top. Troy probably thought that was pepper in that food. Most homeless eat better than troy

My Chinese girlfriend of 3 years speaks far better English than Mae. Everyone remarks how her English has improved during that time because I SPEND TIME TEACHING HER BECAUSE I LOVE HER. And she works over 70 hours a week in HER OWN BUSINESS, providing valuable services to the community, not twiddling around making amateurish pallet wood coasters and ludicrous cooking videos!!! MEANWHILE YOU LICK YOUR WIFE'S FACE ON CAMERA LIKE AN IMMATURE ADOLESCENT!!


Troy has been married for 2 years now and his young Filipino wife still barely speaks English. Are you spending no time at all being a husband to her and helping her to transition into life in America?! WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO YOUR WIFE IS CRIMINAL!!!

About about a drivers license for her?
Shes just stuck in that dump?

troy does not want her to have access to the real world or she will be able to get away. He won't teach her to drive or allow her to go have women friends without him along. Her world is trog, his sister, and trogs parents. Her family is now a fond memory as trog will never be able to get viewers to pay for airfare for her to go home for visits.

Double talk? Well proof assholes should not try to talk.

You have answered to us since you decided steemit was your ticket to riches. You often claim you don't answer to trolls but yesterday you put in overtime getting your ass kicked by those damn trolls and answered for hours and hours. You are our puppet- we pull your stings- we OWN you.

gee reid. were heartbroken. i guess well just have to go over to "pure living for life" channel and watch a couple who is articulate,intellegent,cute, (after all you look like you have aids), ambitious and have done everything they said they were gonna do. they have done it in 2 yrs and have such a fan base they make 300 bucks a day on youtube even with the socalled demonitization you continuiously cry about. holy shit! look! they have a timber frame sitting on their basement wall! guess ill offer to help wire their house like i did you last spring and got ignored. your mobile will burn down one of these days. their house will last for 100s of yrs if done right. i would help them wire it light and done right. you being a cheap cocksucker would use 14ga. through your whole place anyway.

Troy Reid has already said he hates to be compared to people who have intelligence. He can't even figure out how to open a box of screws.

that works out well since he can't afford to buy a box of screws

Of course not, every penny has to go to buy steem power to down vote his sworn enemies. Troy can hardly wait for Mel to get a green card so he can put her to work in a nail salon because he needs the money.


she may have scraped up troy juice when the little boys were there and put it in a turkey baster. Just thinking out loud, no one told me that.

@wednitedelite .......i dont think it was him , i think it was trucker buck that pollenated the little water lily

In Tory tiny mind he watched, so he thinks he did it himself. That's how he rolls on ever other project. Or maybe he got tranny loving PN1 to do it in exchange for those batteries.

You just answered a troll, so yet you lie once again...

You really need to read what you write before you hit the enter key, your comments really sound stupid majority of the time.

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