
We laugh at the idiots that think they have found a loophole in life that doesn't require work. You are playing with money you don't have to gamble on these other forms of currency. The most important rule of investing is never invest more than you can afford to lose. You can't afford to lose a quarter. I love your bad luck.

I am not "investing" anything really.

Just doing my work and trying to make my way through life.

While you try to destroy it.

so your video talking about all the different mining you do was a lie? Should have known. You absolutely are investing when you are paid in anything not us dollars that have to be traded to get any benefit. You claim to be making a lot of money on steemit but its in crypto so you really don't have any money till you cash it in for dollars and have it in your hands. People that don't think as you do are actually bringing home US dollars that they can spend right away without the volatility of crypto. You are the last person on earth that can afford to dabble in this and yes you are investing. I wouldn't doubt that you have bought many bridges in your 48 years.

Yup, i am out to destroy you Turd, i have big plans for 2018 and intend to spare no expence now i have more time.

You don't know what I'm talking about? On Friday the price dropped from $4.12 to $2.10, nearly cutting your earnings in half. You would think someone who is so invested into cryptocurrency would pay a little more attention to the markets. And I'm not laughing about your Steem shares shrinking. I'm laughing about the fact you might actually have to get off of your ass and finally work for a living.

Well, that does not hurt me directly. I did not lose anything.

It is part of dealing with crypto. It changes daily.

I love my job by the way.

I can't imagine a life sooo bad that you have to spend 12 hours a day on the internet trying to reverse the downward trend your channel has taken. Every time you lie it causes you to spend even more time defending yourself when the truth and proof of the lie is on video for the world to see.

If you think we are lying then leave.

Find something else to entertain you.

All we do is make videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

But harassing my family online and in the real world is criminal.

If you were honest I wouldn't be here. I'm here to bring out the lies and deceit and plagiarism on your sites. Your content is boring as hell and the reason people watch is because you are a living train wreck. How many of your subs do you think only watch because you are an idot and they can't believe the shit you are trying to sell.

Well, you already know my jobs and sources of income.

The .sucks members are always out to destroy them afterall.

your once source where people pay you for you video content was patreon and you fucked those people over badly. No exclusive content and no give aways as promised. That was a contract they had with you and you disregarded that. That was criminal.

What is this .sucks you keep whining about bitch-boi?

your laptop must be running out of ink. Your comments as so light grey I can't read them.

Oh no.

That is just Fixedbydoc harassing me as usual.

Its been 5 years and going on steady.

He already said that he will never stop trying to destroy my life until one of us dies.

And that is in his own long winded 45 minute video so dont try to deny it and go worshiping at his feet again all upset with me.

wrong again Mr. Idiot. He offered you a way to end this and you refused. This is evidently what you wanted. You once told someone that drama sells and that was the reason you created so much controversy. Well I hope you enjoyed all the money you made back then because drama is now the reason your channel has bit the dust and you have so many more haters than loyal supporters. You asked for it and you got it. Live with it.

So when Doc does it a few times it is "harassment", but the thousands of times you do it was just fine?

Hypocrite douche-bag liar....

You don't have a job. Not one that pays very much at least. And it will hurt you directly if you ever try to cash out OR it renders SteemIt bankrupt. I think it's time to change the name of your channel, Troy. You're not living in a tiny house. You are not a homesteader. You are not off-grid. You are an Internet addict and a fraud. If you need help coming up with a new name let me know. I'm willing to help you out.

Oh, now there you go again stating lies as facts.

See, you may end up confusing someone like that.

I recall a recent post on steemit where you are having trouble cashing in. Looks like the answer you gave Martin was a lie.


The wannabe online scammer got taken by some professionals...


Loved that video, it was the best Christmas present of all knowing he was outsmarted by another crook. I always thought one crook would recognize another and steer clear of each other.

How did Troy get ripped off? Where is that article?


I am unaware of his cryptocurrency blog.

Well, most people would provide a link. I'm not about to go search for it. He did a blog POST about a fraudulent company, but it did not say he was ripped off.

What about you ready laughing in your disclaimer that you have harmed chickens and deer.
My daughter thinks you should be castrated for the evil things you do, and i agree with her.
We all need to make a new year resolution to make a determined effort to get you banged up like you deserve.
What you are doing is criminal and you have just admitted it!

He didn't just kill the chickens...
He slowly starved them to death...




Oh, and you cannot blame me for a single meat bird dying.

Anyone trying that has no idea about these birds.

Now you are trying to throw the story off. He didn't say meat bird. He is talking about the hundreds of pet chickens dying horrible deaths at your hands from neglect . You neglected to provide a safe pen and coop that was predator proof even with the weekly raccoon attacks. You depended on a piece of shit solar set up for your electric fence and knew right away it wasn't going to do the job. You used netting as a fence and the coops were so crappy you showed where the raccoons just reached through the chicken wire and mutilated your "pets". You should never be allowed to own or care for another living thing. Now you have a kid and CPS will have to defend the kid against your neglect and abuse.

Its funny how you guys can edit my videos, articles and photos and then make claims against me.

You guys have me picking my nose, masturbating myself and another man.

All be editing my videos.

So I am not surprised at anything you show on your stuff anymore.

The last one is for real tho. Meat birds have weak hearts and some will die. Fortunately out of three batches we only lost one single bird from illness tho.

You zeroed in on meat birds. He is not talking about meat birds and only an idiot would have thought he meant meat birds. The chickens in the pics were not your meat birds and to deny it is exactly what put you in the situation you are in now. Putting your life and lies on social media has ruined any chance of you making a decent living for your family. You should be caged.

@fixedbydoc keeps graying out all my own comments on my own blog.

Here is my comment again:

Oh, and your constant harassment of my family online and in the real world is really banging us up nicely already.

@fixedbydoc keeps graying out all my own comments on my own blog.

Here it is again:

You know, the sad thing is that you should not include children into your hate filled world of harassment and slander.

It is not healthy for a child to be exposed to such filth.

I bet that if you just let her watch our videos she would become a subscriber and love to chat with you about our daily life.

You know, the sad thing is that you should not include children into your hate filled world of harassment and slander.

It is not healthy for a child to be exposed to such filth.

I bet that if you just let her watch our videos she would become a subscriber and love to chat with you about our daily life.

@thediyworld "It is not healthy for a child to be exposed to such filth."
that is right troy reid, children should NOT be subjected to YOUR FILTH and fraud and slander and libel etc... so you should hand over your child to CPS for better keeping... i will make the call for ya ;)

Thank you Ryan for so openly showing your harassment of my family in public.

Nobody will EVER find me harass you in any way, shape or form.

He is not harassing your family, he is telling you that you are scum and can't support your family. No CPS worker would think the atmosphere in your household is good for raising a kid. I think she will find a good home soon.

@thediyworld as a highly qualified health professional i am a mandatory reporter by law and that means the LAW requires me to report suspected issues with children and women. from what i have personally witnessed on your videos i feel as though your child and possibly wife are in real danger. you have even said so yourself. therefore i am REQUIRED BY LAW to report such findings! if i were to not report the issues i have witnessed and then something were to happen i could then be held accountable. therefore i have and will report when i feel it is needed.

It is not healthy for children to be exposed to Turd and it's not just the filth,
it's his attraction to taking you boys on overnight trips to the secret cabin
where nobody can see what's happening or hear the screams

Right young Sam???


he should be prosecuted for that . Luckily those boys he camped with in the middle of nowhere will still be able to file charges once they are adults.

Oh trog you should run to vegas and bet the homestead on that idea that she would become a subscriber and love to chat. See this is why your life has always been hard and keeps fucking you over. You would bet on a sure loser like that?

He makes video's, squawk, shit ones but he makes video's!

Hey filth, whos children are you ranting about?

Oh, and your constant harassment of my family online and in the real world is really banging us up nicely already.

Throw him a cracker, squawk, throw him a cracker, Momma, Momma, Docs just greyed out my comment on my blog, squawk, its all coming back to bite my ass Momma, squawk, whine, squawk! It's not right Momma. Doc's the better man Momma it's not fair he's winning.

Please forgive me Momma!

Why would he get a job? He has gullible viewers to beg for stuff from. Hell he even got them to pay for his mail order bride

He says he doesn't beg but for new readers, what he does is this subtle suggestive mentioning of something that he wants, but "doesn't have the funds right now", or "finances don't allow it right now"... which is designed to get the gullible elderly people that he loves to take advantage of to send him some money, or send the item he's whining about. THAT'S how he does it...

Maybe someone would hire him to work in their mail room so he can still make package opening videos and feel special.

Oh @fixedbydoc keeps graying out all my own comments on my own blog.

Not nice Ryan.

I will NEVER do a thing to harass you.

Here is my comment again:

Interesting. Please show the factual evidence backing your claim that my viewers paid for my wife.

And please show the factual evidence that she is a "mail order bride".

Thank you.

Easy, you had many videos begging for help from viewers because you needed to travel there. You made the trip twice. You don't have that kind of money. Then you begged for clothes for her and spent the money on a $700 minibike but once your viewers questioned your ability to buy such an expensive toy while begging viewers to pay for your mail order bride. You answered that you bought the kid's mini bike with money from your side job. They were not happy that you deceived them and let you have it in comments.

Wow, this hit a nerve with trog-joythedog (27) · 1 hour ago
He says he doesn't beg but for new readers, what he does is this subtle suggestive mentioning of something that he wants, but "doesn't have the funds right now", or "finances don't allow it right now"... which is designed to get the gullible elderly people that he loves to take advantage of to send him some money, or send the item he's whining about. THAT'S how he does it...

1 vote

Interesting. Please show the factual evidence backing your claim that my viewers paid for my wife.

And please show the factual evidence that she is a "mail order bride".

Thank you.

Reid did you give Ming a test ride before you paid for her, after all you wouldn't buy a car before taking it out for a ride.
Is it true she came cheap because she had a kid, that she finally decided to dump and leave the PI because she was that desperate.

The term "mail order bride" is an 80s term. They are no longer "mail order." You can shop for them online. As for the question of whether or not your sycophant fans paid for her, you did encourage people to buy T-shirts, told people the best way they could help you is by making donations, and of course your omnipresent "donate now" buttons were clearly visible at all times on your YouTube channel and website while you lamented how expensive it would be to visit her, complete paperwork, and move her to the United States. The only thing I could not figure out is why you could not find an American bride, Troy. You seem like such a catch, living in squalor and all.

Filipino girls are schooled from an early age to get an American loser to take them to the US and get them a green card. They understand that love or a good man is not important. The object is the green card anyway they can get it. Most of the American men looking to pick up a slave or wife there are outcasts that can't get an American woman. They understand this but that green card is NO. 1 in the scheme. Once here their first goal is to have a baby with an American man to have a foot in the door that allows them to stay. One major perk for these poor young women is the men are to send money home to their families to provide a decent standard of living. troy is so poor he can't send Ming Pling's family money so he and Ming Ting are the laughing stock of her families friends. Sad really.

A disgraced laughingstock of a retarded fool loser scumbag on two continents...

His incompetence has gone global...

troy is the only member of steemit that has to put up a post telling viewer not to read the comments. He doen't want new viewers to see him getting outed as a liar, thief, and plagiarist, scammer and idiot

@thediyworld show proof you made the video begging people to donate!!!

There were multiple videos where you begged for money. And then you made a video begging for clothes and everything else for the bride that your viewers just paid

and at the same time he was fraudulently claiming on legal documents with immigration that he could afford to take care of her. Then a short time later he sat in his greenhouse and begged for help because he and Ming Wing had nothing to eat and were starving.

That was the video this retard made of himself making up fake tax returns to show immigration...

his loop hole is he claims he never begged once he was evicted and moved closer to his mommy

Throw him a cracker, squawk, throw him a cracker, Momma, Momma, Docs just greyed out my comment on my blog, squawk, its all coming back to bite my ass Momma, squawk, whine, squawk! It's not right Momma. Doc's the better man Momma it's not fair he's winning.

Dick Head, Where is the video of the Macy's shopping spree you promised?

Throw him a cracker, squawk, throw him a cracker, Momma, Momma, Docs just greyed out my comment on my blog, squawk, its all coming back to bite my ass Momma, squawk, whine, squawk! It's not right Momma. Doc's the better man Momma it's not fair he's winning.

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