Watching my garden grow what week? I forget

in #homesteading6 years ago (edited)

I am late on the watch my garden grow series

Plus I forget what week I am on. It has been a hectic few weeks with graduation and planting and dealing with contractors. I got behind with my updates. Then we also had a few days of rain.


But I am happy to report things are looking pretty good

I have some more weeds to pull out there once I finish this post. I needed to rest my back for a few and decided to break to make this post. I am very happy to see my big boys tomatoes have started to produce since my last update.

My big boys are not alone my Bell peppers are also started producing

We eat a lot of bell peppers each year. I am looking forward to saving a little bit of money and sharing with friends and family.


My roma tomatoes are producing the best this far

I got early producing tomatoes on these plants and new fruit is producing each day I check on it. I am gonna harvest a ton from these plants. Here are two photos
20180616_165923.jpg the large one is the first that produced this season been documenting it's growth


My Russet potatoes seem to be taking off as well

Last time I checked only a few seemed to have taken. But after a bunch of rain and a couple of days of not going out there to look I see a bunch more has taken off. And the red potatoes next to it is already starting to produce it's flowers. They take 70-120 days to grow. I should have red potatoes by the end of July. With the russet coming a few weeks later.


I garden differently than most

I think mother nature does a good job if we plant herbs near our veggies and fruits to act as a natural repellant. But even if natures creatures eat some of what I plant I am cool with that because they have a purpose too and 1they deserve to eat also. I pull weeds and don't use chemicals. Because I want to be healthy and I don't want to add things to the earth that will poison her.

Gaint Sunflower garden bed

I am not sure if some of the seeds didn't take or if they are late bloomers but Inam happy with the sprouts I have so far coming up. The whole trying to be in balance with nature and all I am trying to attract honeybees cause these chemicals that are being sprayed are killing them off. Help the planet and plant some sunflower seeds if you can. They help the honeybees. Which helps pollinate our crops. Bees= food.



I need to get a garden update post done too...

You've got a lot of tomatoes coming on! I've only got a couple, and one disappeared. Like the size of a large plumb, it was there, and then it wasn't. 😣

I wish I had room for potatoes! Do you know if they'll cross, having two varieties planted together? Do you save your own seed potatoes?

I really enjoy seeing other people's gardens progress through the season! I don't have any gardeners in the crowd I run with, so Steemit is where I get my garden talk in!

Oh, and my sunflowers have been slooooow to germinate also. 🐌🌻

I saved the red potatoes but the russett potatoes I had to buy the seeds but will save some from both for next year. I don't know if I will get crossbred ones from planting so close or not. That will be interesting to find out.
I am looking forward to having giant sunflowers in my yard. Love the seeds.

Heyyyy girls! @technosgirl 💖👍🎉 happy steem birthday!! Your garden us looking great! Would love yo see your update @powellx5
I have never heard of or seen potatoes crossbreading. I will ask grandma. I did an update. Here's a spoiler also about potatoes. Happy Days friends. All is well.


This is the first time I have planted two different types next to each other but I never heard of it either. But I am one of those plant and let nature do her thing.

I wish you the best

Man I really hope you start to get lots of votes. I really enjoyed your article!

Lookin' good! You're way ahead of me and I'm a little envious of your tomatoes. ;~D

When they get ripe you are more the welcome to some if you are in the area.

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