Sheep Opera
Just a quick homestead report today. It's business as usual, but managed to get some fun pictures while doing chores yesterday.
I don't know what to call this. A sheepie? A shelfie? A selfeepie? Anyways, it's me and #3 hanging out beside the hay feeder.
#3 was raised on the bottle so she's pretty friendly.
She was over visiting me because I had left the pitchfork leaning against the feeder. Sheep are pretty quick to notice something "new" in their environment.
Their process is pretty simple. It goes like this:
"Oh, a new thing. It has not moved so I am not scared of it."
"I will taste this thing in case it is food, and then I will keep it all to myself."
"Human, the thing was not food. Please give me the food."
That's when we took some sheepelfies.
Another fun thing I observed was an interaction between my two rams, Badger and Booster. They've been enjoying the company of all the ewes for a couple weeks now, breeding any ewes that were missed at the earlier breeding window, as well as the ewe lambs.
Badger is definitely the boss. Rams will develop a pecking order and the top ram gets to do all the breeding he wants. We have a large enough group that Booster still winds up breeding some of the ewes, but Badger doesnt share any of the ladies he wants to himself!
The little black ewe lamb on the right is in heat right now, she acts flirtatiously with the rams and follows them everywhere. Booster, on the left, is coming to give her a little greeting, but Badger, in the middle, is acting like the jocks in the movies.
Ewe lamb: giggles, bats eyelashes
Booster: hey there beauti--
Ewe lamb: Oh Badgie! giggle He was just talking.
Booster: Yeah! Just talking.
Booster: Wow jeez ok bye
Badger: YEAH YOU BETTER RUN PANSY see that baby, see how I protected you from that loser
Ewe lamb: ok yes i saw you're so attractive
So, most likely Badger will be the father of this ewe's lambs later this summer. Pretty exciting, right?
I feel like I could probably turn the relationships in my sheep flock into a blockbuster soap opera.
Thanks for dropping by!
I know if we could read chicken minds we would have a great TV drama. It seems to me animal really do have personalites. Thanks for sharing.
They sure do. Thank you for stopping by!
For sure! 40+ chickens and every one with their own attitude!
I love! Oh my gosh, you're so goofy!!
Did you legitimately name a sheep #3??
Hahaha! I just didn't name her at all, so she goes by her ID number, lol
Aw! Well you pick a name for her then. I'll put it down in my record book :D
How about Baaaa-bra Anne?
Or Lambantha.
Awe..this was an adorable post and #3 is so dang cute! I like sheepelfies!!
Thanks deerjay. I haven't decided which one is my favorite term yet XD're very welcome! xoxo
That's a conundrum on what to call a sheep selfie. Hmmm. Ha! I adore the little sheep drama going on complete with pictures and dialogue.
Thanks for dropping in, topkpop :D
Hahaha This is so awesome, Please make this into a Monday comic
Hehehe i'll keep it in mind!
It's funny to see how animals interact. I like how you tell us exactly what they're saying too :)
Thanks! They all have unique personalities, very fun to observe.
When can we come visit?
(I'm not joking ... I will help with the sheep!)
This: "Oh, a new thing. It has not moved so I am not scared of it."
... I nearly spewed green tea across my keyboard.
Haha! Visitors are always welcome :D especially helpful ones!
Sheep psychology is very amusing to observe XD
Nice sheepelfies!
That there is a very good example of making a great story out of images. It was truly entertaining reading your post!
Glad I could give you a laugh XD
That the sheep didn't continue to lick the pitchfork is probably a good sign. It probably means it isn't low on salt. Or else you mostly wear gloves so there isn't enough...
Probably a combination of both, bex! Too cold to be out there without gloves, and they have a big mineral feeder out in the pasture to get their salt and trace mineral!
Lol selfeepie love it
Have a great day
Thanks Jay!