Why You Should Start Homesteading Right Now Right Where You Are

in #homesteading7 years ago

On this episode of the Modern Homesteading Podcast I discuss several reasons why you shouldn’t wait until you move to your dream homestead, but instead you should start your homesteading journey right now and right where you are.

Listen Here: http://api.spreaker.com/download/episode/9340861/034_why_you_should_start_homesteading_right_now_right_where_you_are.mp3

I discuss:
-A modern definition of what homesteading is.
-The many reasons you should start homesteading today.
-What you can do to start homesteading right where you are.

What is Homesteading?

Homesteading is a lifestyle of self-sufficiency. It is often characterized by subsistence agriculture, livestock production, home preservation of foodstuffs, and it may or may not also involve the small scale production of textiles, clothing, and craftwork for household use or sale. Modern homesteaders often use renewable energy options including solar electricity and wind power. Many also choose to plant and grow heirloom vegetables and to raise heritage livestock. Homesteading is not necessarily defined by where someone lives, such as the city or the country, but rather by the lifestyle choices they make.

Why Should I Start Homesteading Right Now?

For better health.

There is a real food problem in the world today and it mostly centers around the nutritional value of what we most often consume. Restaurants and grocery stores are packed full of unhealthy, nutrient deficient “food” and it’s creating a huge health crises among people today. One solution to solving this problem, at least on a micro level within your own household, is to grow and raise your own food. This solution is at the very heart of homesteading and is probably the biggest reason why you should start right now.

For preparedness.

Bad things happen and I’m not necessarily talking about a total collapse of society or an end of the world event, I’m talking about things like job losses, medical emergencies, weather disasters, etc… Very real things that can affect your life temporarily or long term. Being prepared for bad things to happen is not being paranoid it’s being responsible. Again the idea of preparedness is at the core of homesteading, having preserved food on hand, energy backups, water security, these things are what most homesteaders make part of their lifestyle and are important for when things turn for the worse for whatever reason. You don’t need a hundred acres in a woods to make these things a reality, it can be worked towards right now, right where you are.

For skill development.

Skills take time to develop so why not start today. I’ve seen it before, someone jumps into the management of a large homestead with no experience all because of dreams they have of being self sufficient and finds it’s much harder than they thought it would be. I’m not mocking the dream mind you, it’s a good dream, but rather than jumping into more than you can handle without any training why not start today developing the skills you will need to make the dream a reality in a more successful way.

For the children.

This sounds a little clichè I know but I mean it. If we want the children to carry on the important skills of our grandparents we need to start teaching them as soon as possible.

For the environment.

One of the greatest things about homesteading is that it usually encourages organic and environmentally friendly practices.

For the cause.

Homesteading is contagious! Beginning your homesteading journey sooner rather than later will impact others sooner than later. I really believe homesteading today will lead to a better tomorrow and the more we can influence others to the importance of this lifestyle the better future will be.

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

– Theodore Roosevelt

What can I do right now, right where I am?

Grow something edible.
Start practicing food preservation.
Work towards getting out of debt.
Learn to hunt.
Learn to forage.
Practice food preparation.

Shownotes for today’s podcast episode can be found at http://smalltownhomestead.com/34


Something I always tell people is that they do not have to have property to start homesteading! Anything they can do for themselves in a little more of a sustainable way can be a way of homesteading! Learn to make your own bread, grow food in containers! Anything that helps your family from right at home! :)

That's the message I've been preaching for a few years now. Glad to hear other homesteaders spreading the same message.

Love the advocacy. I wanted to begin my own journey since 2008, ever since I was introduced to some of Michael Pollan's work. It took me until now to begin working on our own urban farm.

When I reflect, I think I didn't see how it was possible. I live in a city, and I didn't realize that I could begin taking action.

Awesome article and video brother! new follower here! Keep up the good work, we need more homesteaders in this world

Thanks @hewetthomestead, followed you here and subbed your youtube as well. Look forward to checking out what your doing.

Awesome thank you brother! Isnt growing your own food fun!

Got 4 out 6 going on. Foraging and hunting are still on the to do list. Good information here.

Had to follow! Great info here!🌱⭐️

Nice post. Our society has evolved the meaning of homesteading and it is important for people to adjust their definition of it away from the settlers and the mountain man imagery and towards that of more modern self sufficiency. Homesteading doesn't have to be technology free, but it also doesn't need tech to be successfully accomplished. I feel the 2 most important things needed is knowledge/experience and a will to do it. There are so many great resources available but the 2 best, in my opinion are:

  • Parents, Grandparents, the generation older than yourself
  • Books - The library is still a very useful, but used book stores can have the gems that came from people's collections and contain much forgotten wisdom

Teddy was right! I wish that mentality was more prevalent these days.

Great points!

Great post! We've started in our suburban home. It's easy to get caught up in the dream and keep everything in the future, but this post is spot on. There is so much we are learning in our current place (dehydrating, cooking, sprouting, canning, foraging, target practice, the list goes on) that I feel once we make the leap to our own land, the transition will be so much easier. Thanks for the positive message. Looking forward to more.

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