10 Benefits of eating tamarind for the health of your body, already know?

in #homesteading7 years ago

Acid to be a fruit commonly used as a kitchen spice. In addition to these functions, any acid you can consume in the form of fresh fruit. The content of various vitamins in it including vitamin B, vitamin C, antioxidants, beta carotene, and minerals store many healthy benefits for your body.



  • Lose weight
    Acid is a good food to lose weight, Why acid contains hydroxy acid or HCA that inhibits fat storage so useful to make the body slim.
  • Improves digestion
    Consume acid regularly to support the smooth digestive system.
  • Treating intestinal wounds
    Bowel injuries or peptic ulcers are painful wounds that usually appear in the small intestine. The polyphenol compounds in it have a protective effect and treat wounds that appear.
  • Good for the heart
    Research shows that acids are useful for lowering bad cholesterol because of the flavonoid content in it. While the potassium content is good for reducing high blood pressure.
  • Fight cancer
    The high antioxidant substances in acids help to reduce the severity of acute renal failure and kidney cancer.
  • Heals wounds
    Leaves, skin, or acid seeds have anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties that help to heal wounds.
  • Treat flu and cough
    The high content of vitamin C in acids is beneficial to boost the immune system, treat flu, and stop coughing. Drink a cup of sour water if you are flu as a natural remedy.
  • Treating asthma
    Research has proven that acid has effective anti histamine properties to treat asthma.
  • Protect the lever
    For those who experience liver damage from consuming too much alcohol, research shows that drinking Javanese acid water is regularly beneficial for treating it.
  • Good for diabetics
    The presence of alpha-amylase enzymes in acids helps reduce blood glucose levels and stabilize them.


Benefits of Java Acid for Health and Beauty

Javanese acid is a spice that has many benefits for health, beauty and traditional medicine. Benefits of Javanic acid as an herb has been known for a long time. Our parents used to use their fruit to treat canker sores, wounds, eczema and overcome insect bites. While the leaves are used to treat fever.

In Indonesia, the seeds of tamarind are used as cooking spices to cultivate foods that embrace acidic sensations such as tamarind. And also become the main ingredient of one of the traditional health drinks, turmeric acid.
Javanese acid has the Latin name Tamarindus indica and belongs to the family of Fabaceae. This tree comes from Africa, in Indonesia is usually planted as a tree perindang by the way. The height can reach 25 meters. This is the only plant whose name is the same tree as the fruit flavor.

  • The tamarind flesh is white, and turns brown when it is ripe. In order to dagig this acid fruits remain durable, usually processed again and the color turns to blackish. Often referred to as kawak acid.
  • This fruit flesh contains a variety of acidic substances, including tartaric acid, malate, citric, succinate, and acetate. This acid substance efficacious as a laxative, to launch a bowel movement and blood circulation. While the flavonoid content contained in the leaves make this tamarind leaves as anti-inflammatory and relieve pain.

Benefits of Javanic Acid for Health

As mentioned earlier, Javanese acid is used as an herbal medicine to overcome various diseases. The part used is the fruit and leaves. The following is a traditional ingredient of Javanic acid for which is used as a traditional medicine.

Treat eczema

Eczema is often also called eczema or dermatitis. This disease attacks the skin tissue so that the skin blister and release pus. Usually attack children who care less health. Javanese acid can help you overcome them.

Grab a handful of tamarind, tubers of ginger and palm sugar to taste. All ingredients pounded and boiled with 2 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup. Filter the water, then drink. Do this treatment every other day.

For external treatment, prepare 1 handful of young java acid leaves and turmeric rhizome of thumb. Both materials are pounded until smooth, then affixed or smeared on the skin of the sick.

Treating dysentery

Dysentery comes from the Greek language which means intestinal disorders. Symptoms of stomach heartburn, throw big sir and sometimes accompanied by blood and mucus. The cause is bacteria and amoeba. Can be treated with traditional ingredients tamarind acid.

Way, puree 5 grams of kawak acid, 10 grams of turmeric and 10 grams of temulawak. Add a cup of hot water and stir until mixed. Filter the water, then add 1 tablespoon of pure honey. Stir until blended and then drink at once in the morning.

Treat itching on the already dry scar

Scars that have dried sometimes still leave the itching so can not stand want to scratch it. However, if carded will cause blisters that make it open again. To fix this can use the following way.

Soak kawak acid with boiled water until fluffy. Then rub it on an itchy scar. Or it can also smoothing 1 genngam acid leaves and turmeric to taste. Then paste the herb on the scratch that itches.

Treat itching in the form of red dots containing water

I do not know what the name of this disease, but the obvious skin condition that was attacked itching with the emergence of red spots on the surface of the skin and contain miri cacar or measles, but not. Whatever the name of the disease if you experience such a condition immediately treat with the following ingredients of Javanic acid.

Take the temulawak of thumb and washed and thinly sliced. Boil with a glass of water with palm sugar until the water is only half glass left. Add kawak acid for thumb and stir until blended. Strain the water and drink at once.

Benefits of Javanese Acid for Beauty

  • Savor Javanic acid not only for health and the world of traditional medicine, but also for the world of beauty. Benefits of Javanic acid for beauty include treating acne and skin beauty treatments. How, see the following reviews.
    Who the hell is not upset with acne? Even when it was healed still leaves the former in the form of black spots and even pockmarked wounds on the skin. To overcome the acne, you can use turmeric herb like below.

  • Ingredients: 12 leaves bitter leaves, 10 sliced temulawak, 5 cm kencur, 1 teaspoon fennel, and 10 sheets of cumin leaves, all the ingredients washed. Kawak acid is the size of an adult's thumb.
    Treatment: All ingredients are ground until smooth, and add kawak acid. Brewed with 2 glasses of hot water. After cold, the water is filtered and taken 3 times a day.

  • For external treatment, take 3 tamarind seeds then brewed with a glass of hot water. Once cool, the water is filtered and used for face wash in the morning.

  • Javanese acid can also be used for skin care to look brighter. Way, crushed the tamarind juicy flesh with warm water. Add a little turmeric powder and stir to form a dough like a lulur. Use the ingredients as a lulur, let stand for 15 minutes for the nutrients to sink in. Then rinse with clean water.

  • The content of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) in the fruit of Java acid can help lift dead skin cells that make the face look dull. Way, crushed tamarind fruit with a little salt and yogurt to form a dough like a paste. Apply the dough to the face as a mask, avoiding the eyes. Let stand for 20 minutes, while massaged slowly to remove dead skin cells. Rinse with clean water.

Cellulite or referred to as orange peel syndrome is the fat trapped beneath the surface of the skin. This unsuccessful fat causes uneven texture of the skin, like an orange peel. Cellulite usually attacks the body parts into a fat nest such as upper and lower forearms, upper and lower inner thighs, upper back (below the shoulder), lower back, and buttocks.
To overcome this mix of Javanese acid with a little sugar, baking soda and lemon juice. Stir until completely uniform. Use on the skin where cellulite is located, gently massage it in a circular direction clockwise. Let stand for 10 minutes, then wipe with warm water.

Well, it turns out the benefits of Javanic acid for health and beauty very much is not it? So it is not only useful as a cooking spice. Oh, yes even tamarind is very useful to support your diet program because it is able to absorb fat from the body. Good luck and hopefully useful.


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