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RE: Milk Thistle - Growing, harvesting and using
There are people behind the bot and I'm pretty sure they read the comments, sometimes it takes a couple of explanations XD Like they've pinged me a few times in the past for plagiarising (I cross post a lot) and the "similar thing" they found is my blog (where I post everything first). Explained it 2-3 times and was never bothered again XD
When you're quoting things I think just keep wrapping it in the block quotes and citing your sources. I'm not sure what particular combo/format they're looking for with that but have known occasional problems to occur even when people blockquote and citing. It'll get there XD

Oh no, majority of my replies to it’s comments are swearing lol!
And that’s what happened to me too!! I found a very old blog of mine and was transferring it over to here and cheetah kept pinging me, and like instantly it found the blog, which took me years to find, where was it when I was looking for the blog in the first place!!😂
I take it not replying to this one as a good sign =^_^=
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