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RE: Mail Time! (Seeds Seeds Seeds!) And a Shed Update
I saw a post a while back...I wish I could remember who’s it was... but they had a package of seeds that they got in the mail. It had several packages of labeled seeds in it, and a list of all the other Steemians the package had visited. When someone recieved the package, they would take what they could use and add what they had to share. They would mard on the list what they took and added, write their name and pass it on. I was thinking of starting something like that after harvest time this year, and if I’m able to collect enough seed, pass them around a little.
I do remember that! I think I saw it on YouTube back when we were on there. I think it is a very neat idea. So, if you end up doing that, keep us in the loop!
You bet’cha! :)