in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

Its been so long since I was last on Steemit I almost forgot my password!!

It has been over two months since I last posted on Steemit!  Can someone please tell me where the last two months of 2017 went?  Oh wait, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas....duh.  Maybe I ate a spiked piece of candy and it numbed my brain and I was a zombie.  Thanksgiving and Christmas, I blame that on the double bouts of turkey and the overpowering Tryptophan!!  Watch it folks, it will get ya!!

Well I am back from my hiatus and here to bring you some entertainment, hopefully some education and some shock and awe.  Most importantly though some education.

I hope everyone had a safe, happy and merry holidays.  I know we did. We got to see the family for Thanksgiving and of course the girls made out like bandits for Christmas, where I got slippers! Ha Ha, but hey they eep my feet warm!!  It is nice living closer to family.  A six hour drive sure does beat a 25 hour drive!!  So glad those are over with.

Okay enough of my rambling.  Let's get down to "brass tax" here...

A couple key items that veered us to this property that we live on is the fact that it has a very large shop, has (and will soon be gone) shed that was used for a coop, and the 90'x40' hoop house.   

Our home  

Our freshly plowed garden bed and hoop house.   

The coop that will be going bye bye and the shop behind it.  

Our goal is to become self sufficient; growing our fruits and vegetable, raising some livestock and eventually get into beekeeping and making some adult beverages. But most importantly growing and raising our own food so we are healthier while teaching valuable life skills and encouraging traits to our children. 

The hoop house really really spiked my interest.  It was built, in relatively good shape and with some tending to (cutting down all the weeds) could be used for whatever our dreams have for it.  The poly plastic sheet has seen some better days but hey it is workable.

The problem I am dealing with now is that next month I start sowing seeds indoors and I have yet decided on what to do with the hoop house.  2017 flew by us like we were standing still with the move and getting settled in.  I do not want the next three months to blow by me and I am scratching my head with a hoop house that is not ready for anything.  What do I do with the hoop house???  

So far these are my considerations for the hoop house: (NOTE:  I need to re-hang the sliding doors first.)

  • Section off the north side about 30-40' and use that solely for hay and straw storage and the remaining area used as raised beds for herbs
  • Replacing the poly plastic so it is 100% free of large gaping holes
  • Use it how the previous owner had done and hold his chickens, rabbits and hogs
  • Plow and disc it and just plant an additional garden 
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • Any ideas from you

So that is my issue.  What to do?  What would make the best practical sense (NOW) in using that space.  I originally wanted to replace the plastic so it was complete.  The holes chewed in by the hogs are so large I could toss my kids through!  After looking at a few websites and seeing the prices (roughly $600.00) for 6 mil plastic...that needs to go on a budget...for next year.  Guess I should have not purchased the pistol a few months back for my wife.  Live and learn right!?!

Next year I would like to have it all replaced especially if we plan to grow herbs or just extend the growing season in general with a variety of vegetables.

So please, I ask for YOUR input on which option to take or better yet let me know how you use your hoop house.

Thank you for reading, thank you for watching, and thank you for sharing your input and ideas!!

So what did you think of those bucks?  It sure is nice to just feed them and give them names.  Ha Ha Ha (I am crying on the inside!!)  To find out why I am crying, check out these posts and you will understand.  And all the geese!!!  Ahhhhh I am drooling.  






FYI, I do not hate living here in Missouri.  I really enjoy it.  The city we live in, the school my kids go to and the new people we have met are all great.  It is great to be back in the Midwest (minus the single digit temps)!


But before I go I want to let you know that I am working on something that I will share in a few days.  I have read and watched countless gardeners, farmers, homesteaders and preppers all stating they wish they could go back to their first year and start recording the day-to-day operations, expenses, time, events, etc.  Basically journaling everything so the following year is better.  cWe are just starting out this new year and I want to employ what I have learned from our communities.  I found numerous Homestead Management documents that will help with recording/journaling.  I am combining them into one document.  One in MS Word and the same thing in MS Excel.  So check back in a few days and I will post my finish product.  Hopefully with a link so I can share it will you all, for free.  Who doesn't like free, especially if you can use it or modify it.  Sorry to those try to sell what I will post,  but if I can make something that someone is trying to sell, I will make it instead.  It is that whole Pride in Ownership that I used to preach to my Marines when we were turning wrenches on HMMWVs and MTVRs.

If you like this post, toss in a comment, upvote, resteem, etc.  The more ideas I get from you all, maybe I can put this issue to rest and step forward with action.

As always, have a great and blessed day and continue to help each other grow in knowledge. 


Pfeiler Family Farm 


I think Mother Earth News read this post and very quickly wrote an article about greenhouses, then print it thousands of times in the current issue and shipped it directly to my door because I just received their latest issue in the mail today. It sure is funny how the good Lord works and provides solutions! I am very optimistic that maybe the answer to my dilemma is in here?

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