Homesteaders & Preppers on steemit - the 100 edition v4 [01 Jul '17]

We have reached the big 100 !!!
I have now found 100 homesteaders and preppers on steemit. Quite a growing community. And I'm sure there are more to come.
I hope fellow homesteaders and preppers find this list useful for networking, making connections, sharing ideas and learning from each other.
Hopefully we can also support each and help the homesteading and prepping community prosper here on steemit. If we can keep an eye out for each others posts, and resteem, upvote and comment as the mood takes you then we can all gain.
As well as maintaining this list I have also begun compiling a list of all the homesteading and prepping posts that I find that I feel should live on and have a wider readership. The first of these lists is here :
I will also be continuing my Pennsif's Pick of Week. This weeks picks will be coming out shortly. Here is last week's for interest :
So here is the latest list of homesteaders and preppers. My apologies if I have missed anyone from the list that has already contacted me - just post in the comments again. Or if you know anyone else who should be on the list let me know.
Homesteaders & Preppers on steemit (v4) :
- 1919homesteader @farmhomestead19 [ USA, Kansas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- agsurrection @agsurrection [ USA, Missouri ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- ajain @ajain [ USA ] [ May-2017 ]
- Alice Marie @alicemarie [ USA, Illinois ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- allforthegood @allforthegood [ USA, Arkansas ] [ Jul-2016 ]
- AnAmericanHomestead @mericanhomestead [ USA, Ozark Mountains ] [ May-2017 ]
- Anwen Baumeister @anwenbaumeister [ USA, California ] [ Jun-2016 ]
- Arte Della Vita @artedellavita [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- AspiePrepper @aspieprepper [ UK ] [ May-2017 ]
- B @brdapwll [ USA? ] [ May-2017 ]
- Basics To Living @basicstoliving [ USA, Georgia ] [ May-2017 ]
- bchick @bchick [ USA, New Hampshire ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Better Together @bettertogether [ USA, Texas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Beyond Mountains @beyondmountains [ USA, Pennsylvania ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Big Family Homestead @bfhomestead [ USA, Ohio ] [ May-2017 ]
- BLUER than Green @bluerthangreen [ USA, Arkansas ] [ Jul-2016 ]
- b-n-angel @b-n-angel [ USA, North Carolina ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Body Matrix @bodymatrix [ Australia ] [ May-2017 ]
- Brian @thelifeofbrian [ Canada ] [ May-2017 ]
- Chris Florio @florio [ USA, North Carolina ] [ May-2017 ]
- christa @christa [ Australia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- clickinchicken @clickinchicken [ USA, midwest ] [ May-2017 ]
- Coffee time @coffeetime [ USA, Florida ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Country Musing @countrymusing [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Country Prepper @countryprepper [ USA ] [ May-2017 ]
- Daddykirbs @daddykirbs [ USA, Texas ] [ May-2017 ]
- David Koblos @stortebeker [ Mexico ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- DeaconTom @deacontom [ USA, Texas ] [ May-2017 ]
- Dr. Prepper @drprepper [ USA, Ohio ] [ May-2017 ]
- Duck Ponds Farm @duckpondsfarm [ Australia, Queensland ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- eggmeister @eggmeister [ UK ] [ May-2017 ]
- EngineerPrepper @engineerprepper [ USA, Oklahoma ] [ May-2017 ]
- Erinia @erinia22 [ Canada, Ontario ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Everitt Mickey @everittdmickey [ USA, Texas ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- Farm and Adventure @farmandadventure [ USA, Florida ] [ May-2017 ]
- Farmstead @farmstead [ USA, Oregon ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Flatrider @flatrider [ Netherlands ] [ May-2017 ]
- Fluster Farm @flusterfarm [ USA, Georgia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Garden of the Goats @goatgarden [ USA, Midwest ] [ May-2017 ]
- gardengirlcanada @gardengirlcanada [ Canada, Ontario ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- Geordie Prepper @geordieprepper [ UK, Newcastle ] [ Dec-2016 ]
- Garden of the Goats @goatgarden [ USA, midwest ] [ May-2017 ]
- Green Acre Homestead @greenacrehome [ USA, North Carolina ] [ May-2017 ]
- Guide Prepper @guide.prepper [ ] [ May-2017 ]
- gulfcoastprepper @gulfcoastprepper [ USA? ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Haphazard Homestead @haphazard-hstead [ USA, Oregon ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- hewetthomestead @hewetthomestead [ USA, Florida ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- High Tech Homestead @hths [ USA, Kansas ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- Homestead Dad @homesteaddad [ USA, Michigan ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- HVS @volcanosquad [ USA, Hawaii ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Iridium242 @iridium242 [ USA, Nevada ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- jolly-homestead @jolly-homestead [ Canada, western ] [ May-2017 ]
- Ken King @stacking9mm [ USA? ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Kiara Antonoviche @kiaraantonoviche [ USA ] [ May-2017 ]
- knowledge-seeker @knowledge-seeker [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- LazyPrepper @lazyprepper [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- MGeorgianHomestead @minighomestead [ USA, Georgia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- minigrowl @minigrowl [ USA, Indiana ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- MiniSteading @ministeading [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- My Lil Homestead @mylilhomestead [ USA, Tennessee ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- nicholasj @nicholasj [ USA, Wisconsin ] [ May-2017 ]
- nolnocluap @nolnocluap [ Australia ] [ May-2017 ]
- NowhereHomestead @nowherehomestead [ ] [ May-2017 ]
- Oily's Humble Home @oilyshumblehome [ USA, Oklahoma ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Papa Pepper @papa-pepper [ USA ] [ Jul-2016 ]
- Pennsif @pennsif [ UK, Wales ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Prairie Hawk Jenn @jenncapestany [ USA, Texas ] [ Oct-2016 ]
- Prepared Suburbanite @prepsub [ USA, North Carolina ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- preparedwombat @preparedwombat [ ] [ Apr-2017 ]
- Primal Resist @primalresist [ USA, southeast ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Pyramid John @foodisfree [ USA, North Carolina ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Radio KAOS @radiokaos [ USA, Florida ] [ Jan-2017 ]
- Rain Country @raincountry [ USA, Washington State ] [ May-2017 ]
- robmc @robmc [ Canada ? ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- sarkhomestead @sarkhomestead [ USA, Arkansas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- saved4newlife @saved4newlife [ USA, Virginia ] [ May-2017 ]
- Scott Ireland @sireland [ USA, Midwest ] [ May-2017 ]
- Serenity Valley Farm @svfarms [ USA, Kentucky ] [ May-2017 ]
- Sheepdog Man @sheepdogman [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Siloé Oliveira @siloe [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Silversmyth @silversmyth [ USA, Texas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- SimpleLifeHomestead @slhomestead [ USA, Ozarks ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Simply 7 Living @simply7living [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Sir Cork @sircork [ USA, North Carolina ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- solarparadise @solarparadise [ USA, South Carolina ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Steemit Homesteading @homesteader [ USA, Appalachian Mountains ] [ May-2017 ]
- [ USA? ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- TeeRx @teerx [ USA? ] [ Feb-2017 ]
- TEOTWAWKI Man @teotwawkiman [ USA, Nevada ] [ May-2017 ]
- The Homestead Life @thehomesteadlife [ Australia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- theoklaprepper @theoklaprepper [ USA, Oklahoma ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- TheTexasBoys @texasboys [ USA, Texas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- trippinsaputos @trippinsaputos [ USA, Florida ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- TXbogey @txbogey [ USA, Texas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Uncle Mike @unclemike [ USA, Georgia ] [ May-2017 ]
- warnerhomestead @warnerhomestead [ USA? ] [ May-2017 ]
- waykiwayki @waykiwayki [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- wbrianjolly @wbrianjolly [ USA, South Carolina ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- weetreebonsai @weetreebonsai [ USA, southern state ] [ May-2017 ]
- Wholesome Roots @wholesomeroots [ USA, Georgia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
Come on Canada, there is only 4 of us. I know we have a short summer for growing stuff, but we do grow stuff, there has got to be more of us. Happy Canada Day 150 to my 3 other Canadian Friends, on this list.
Happy Canada Day @gardengirlcanada.
Thank you. Are you a fellow, Prepper and dare I say Canadian....LOL I believe as of this mornings list there were just 4 out of 100.
I am a fellow prepper, however I am not Canadian. If I had to leave the United States, I would prefer to go north instead of south. I have much love and respect for our neighbors.
Awe Thank you, Your entirely welcome anytime in our beautiful country
I'm almost Canadian...south side of Lake Superior, eh.
I'm not sure if I'm a prepper or just a homesteader...
SAVED! This is great! Thanks for putting it together. UP- voted my friend. This is as good as gold for me! Much appreciated.
Thank you @stillwater - glad it is useful.
I would love to be added as well!
Hi @vegansilverstack, you are on the list - new version coming out imminently.
Sweet :)
Wow thanks! This is so helpful! Love not having to look all over.. Going to resteem.
Thank you for the resteem - most appreciated.
This is fantastic. resteeming it.
Great list! I would love to be added :)
Hi @ecoinstant, you are now on the list - new version coming out imminently.
Thank you so much for your time and effort! @pennsif
You are welcome. Version 5 of the list is out now :
I am now working on version 6. If you know any homesteaders or preppers that aren't on the list do let me know. Thank you.
This is a great list! Thank you for compiling it! I'm just getting acquainted with steemit and I'm looking forward to being able to support like-minded people here.
I like what you said about supporting each other and helping the prepping community prosper here on steemit. I am going to take the time to meticulously follow and upvote each person on your list. It will take work on my part but it's going to be worth it.
Upvoted, resteemed and followed. Respectfully request to be added to the list. @prep4shtf and thanks in advance for your time and effort.
Thank you for the resteem @prep4shtf . You are now on list.
You are very welcome and thank you!
Thanks for putting me on the list. I know from watching some of these people are great homesteaders and preppers keep up the great work.
You're welcome.
So glad you put this list together! It is so useful! Upvoted and resteemed! Glad to be a part of this community!
Much appreciated for the resteem @wholesomeroots