in #homesteading7 years ago

This is Part 2 of a new series.

For person who chooses to homestead, the reason(s) will vary. For us, we see it as the path to the destination that we have in mind. The destination for us is a family that is free to live their life together. This was not originally our own idea. For those of you wondering why we would want to live together as a family, this is the video that covers it.

I may get off on a few tangents, but there are a lot of variables to consider here. In the end, we believe that God wants us to be together as family, so we now attempt to live our lives in a way that allows us to obey Him. Enjoy the video!


Since being together as a family is our goal, we think that homesteading is a good fit for us. In Part 3, I will begin to share about why we think homesteading is the path to our goal. Stay tuned!


Until next time…

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I think your take on teaching kids is powerful. We were meant to pass on skills directly to our kids. People have forgotten that and depend on the school system to do all their child rearing. I love that you are hands on.

I didn't know any of your backstory. I've got a wild history and I've been hesitant to share on Steemit. You've given me a little dose of authenticity, I'll take with me as I get some courage to put myself out there. Thanks a lot for that.

You're a fantastic breath of fresh air. Thanks for just telling it how you see it.
I'll be watching. Cheers my friend.

Wow! Thanks for letting me know!

I love your vids that I have seen. I do not know how to post my own comment so I had to post on this reply. I first found you through An American Homestead . I had given up on steemit cause I can not really figure out how to use it. But I thought I would give it another try. I appreciate your vids.

Here you are, trying again! That is encouraging. It takes a little effort, but can be rewarding. I'll even upvote your comment to add to the rewarding part! Thanks!

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I cant wait until my wife and I go into homestead retirement. Homesteaders are modern day pioneers and will be the saving grace of the modern world. Thank you for sharing this! And inspiring us to go for it.

Cool! Thanks for letting me inspire you!

I envy you... I always wanted to have sustainability, independent and live freely without even thinking of money.. but I live in the city and I had to work for my retirement and for my family back home. Planning to have kids at that time didn´t work out and I had to find a job to support or shall we say give back something for the good deeds of my parents sending me to college.

Now I am retired and still have the thoughts of living in the country. We did have an avocado plantation of about 300 trees with automated irrigation in Spain that came with the property we bought. It didn´t pay off because we only spend the time there half of the year. We tried it though for 8 years and it was a good experience to be farmers, but then, I guess the work was too much when one is aging and besides it cost us a lot of money to run when we were not there so we sold the property.

Am anxious for the 3rd part of your story.

Hopefully you will enjoy part 3 too! Thanks @mers!

I saw the pics of @little-peppers... they are so happy playing with those animals and growing nicely in your homestead and that´s what city grown children are missing.. Instead of playing games or bullying someone in the social media, they will surely grow as disturbed persons, just remember those massacres in schools. You are surely keeping your kids out of trouble if they grow happy and away from drugs and violence.... and that´s the way it should be.

Bravo, bravo, bravo, cheers, cheers, and more cheers!!!!! Just stand up and tell it like a real man. Unashamed, no apologies! I can't say enough good here. Perhaps we will meet someday.

I'd like to meet up with you, and bring a truckload of plants for your property or whatever else you may need!

I am at a loss for words to reply to this. I thank you for your friendship. I thank you for being an example of true humanity.

family is the most important thing in life. When we died only stay the family moments. Congratulations for your post.

God shows all the path, whether we chose to follow is up to us. We feel that we are following God's plan for us. Everyone's path is different and to compare paths doesn't work.

Yup, God created each of us different and has different plans for us, if we will only listen.

"A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps." Proverbs 16:9

Back in the Eighties I drove a school bus.
The first year I drove for a small down school district, about 30K population.
The kids were horrible. I was in trouble ALL the time with my supervisor because of either what I didn't do or what I did do...but that's another story.

The point is that city kids are ROTTEN.

I lasted on year..then I quit and went to work for a TINY town....(population less than the number of people who live in the apartment complex I live in now. My son and grandkids went to that school)

I loved it. The kids were nice, polite and easy to get along with.

My take away...cities are bad. They ruin children.

Good for you...more power to you Poppa-Pepper. If I had my life to live over I'd want to grow up on a homestead just like your kids are.

yup! AND its not just kids everitt!!!!

The Bible talks about how those who "plant" houses too close to each other, will eventually pay for it.

I think it's true.
Rat Utopia supports that contention

Isn't the bible the inerrent word of god? When it said 'plant houses' it meant exactly that.

Copernick's Rebellion would be one example of how but I rather suspect that it was by the use of Quintessence, which is what the ancient greeks called Utility Fog.

Then again..who knows if the ancients used molecular nanotechnology or genetic engineering...(or both) before the Contential Glaciers melted and the rising water destroyed everything?

I've heard quite a few who have drawn that same conclusion.

thx u gate voted can back it :D

Excellent choice!
I work from home so i have been able to work and take care of my son. Makes me sad to think how little time many families spend together.
Hope it all works out for you. i look forward to part 3.

So far so good for us, I think that we are heading in the correct direction!

Thanks @lakshmi!