Treating Cucumber Until Harvest Arrives

in #homesteading6 years ago

Cucumber, cucumber or Cucumis sativus is a plant that still belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family or pumpkins as well as watermelons and melons. This plant grows with vines and has a fruit that has a lot of water content, but unlike the case with other pumpkin families such as watermelon and sweet melon, cucumbers tend to have a neutral taste or bargaining.

Seeing the many benefits of a fair cucumber if the end of the demand for fruit / vegetables is always high. If you are interested in cultivating cucumbers, here we show a review on how to grow a good cucumber:

Terms Planting

Cucumbers can generally grow in various regions with varying heights and temperatures, but the altitude between 1000 to 1200 masl with a temperature between 21-27oC is the ideal soil. Land media should be well-exposed to the sun, as this plant belongs to a vulnerable plant so it needs to have good care. The recommended soil acidity is 6 to 7 pH. Good soil for cucumber planting is soil that has the nutrients are still good, the soil should be ejected first by the way in the hoe or plowed as deep as approximately 20-30 cm to reverse the position of the ground from the bottom up.

Land preparation

After the ground is ready then made bed with the following specifications:

  1. Create size beds with a width of 1 meter and a height of about 20-30 cm
  2. The length of the bed according to the length of the land
  3. The distance between the beds is about 20 cm
  4. Make a ditch between the beds neatly for drainage
  5. After ready-made soil beds then cover the bed with plastic mulch during the day or during hot weather for the length and durability of mulch is at maximum condition.
  6. Hole beds that have been covered mulch with a diameter of 10 cm
  7. The distance between the horizontal beds is 40 cm
  8. While the distance between the bed hole one row down aadalah 50-60cm


Cucumbers can generally grow in various regions with varying heights and temperatures, but the altitude between 1000 and 1200 mdpl with temperatures between 21-27oC is the ideal soil. Land media should be well-exposed to the sun, because this plant belongs to a vulnerable plant so it needs to have good care. The recommended soil acidity is 6 to 7 pH. Good soil for cucumber planting is soil that has nutrients that are still good, the soil should be ejected first by the way in the hoe or plowed as deep as approximately 20-30 cm to reverse the ground position from the bottom up.


After the seeds of cucumber are planted then the next step is to care for or maintain the cucumber to grow well. There are several parts to cucumber care such as:


Watering can be done after the plants germinate in the age of 1-4 days, then when the plants have stems or leaves at the age of 15 to 20 days. The soil should not look moist, because it will not be good for the growth of cucumber plants, irrigating until the soil looks wet.


  1. The fertilizer used for cucumber growth is organic fertilizer, UREA, TSP and KCL.
  2. Organic fertilizers are given during the soil tillage stage
  3. Urea fertilizer used about 75 Kg / ha, with a distribution of about 25-35 Kg given at planting cucumber while others are given after the first weeding or when the planting time is in 15-20 days.
  4. TSP and KCL fertilizers are given when planting time is distributed evenly, the composition is 40 Kg / ha TSP and 20 kg / ha KCL.

Pest and Disease Control

Pests and diseases that attack cucumbers are usually Weeds, pests, green ladybugs and rust leaves.

  • Weeds

For Weed control with Roundup pesticides given at planting or when the plants start flowering.

  • Ladybugs

The controls can be either manually destroying eggs or using insecticides such as Surecida 20 EC, Dursban 20 EC, 35 EC, or Azodrin 15 WCS are given when the plants are 20 days old.

  • Pest

For pest control can be with the insecticide that is done when the cucumber plants aged 7-8 days.

  • Leaf Leaf

Controlling with D-MF-45 Fungicide given at the age of 20 days. In addition it can also with manual extermination by plucking cleanly and then burned.

To control all my pests using the products in this country, like the picture below


Cucumber has entered the harvest ready age of 75 days from planting time. Harvest can be done every day gradually by taking the first fruit that is ready for harvest. After harvesting the cucumber fruit should be packed in good packaging to avoid damage, because this fruit has a vulnerable and easily damaged skin. In addition, after harvesting, cucumbers must also be placed in a cool temperature because the fruit is very susceptible to fluid loss if placed in hot weather, so that the fruit remains awake fresh should be placed in good weather.

Thank you, hopefully the science that I give useful and add to your knowledge as a reader, congratulations on guys, see you in the gardening of my next.

happy weekend, gardening greetings @pakiis

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