Ocean life
The ocean is a vast entity of love that protects us so gently.
In it's grace and beauty, there's power and truth
listening to the ocean song, as I was raised on the water
I learned how to maneuver, as well as my teachers and my skills will keep me alive and others aboard; though I am no captain..
My children are getting the same experience
They appreciate the ocean and they know of it's wisdom and strength.
As sailing has become our way of connecting with the ocean
Finding out what we are made of and the power of appreciation
Wisdom in gratitude
Freedom in self awareness
Karma in choices
We chose love
We chose gratitude
We chose simplicity
We chose forgiveness
We chose life
We chose the ocean
Yes!!! All about this xx
Thank you and love the support!! @runtime
Amazing attitude. Amazing pictures. Amazing inspiration! - Awesomeness!
Thank you for the amazing response ! Thank you! Thank you!! @bitrebels