Baby chicks are growing up fast!

in #homesteading8 years ago


Feathers Galore!

Our 8 little chicks aren't so little anymore and most of their chick fuzz has turned into feathers. They now like to roost on things all the time and whatever one chick does, the rest normally follow.

left to right: Ameraucana, Dominique, Cucko Moran, Welsummer, Welsummer, Ameraucana, Cucko Moran, Dominique

our choices for names aren't solid yet and we can't tell the which is which on each breed except Ameraucanas. So far we have theses names for
Dominique's: ?, ?
Cucko Marans's: Opal, Olive
Welsummer's: Maple, ?
Ameraucana's: Annie, ?

We are open to suggestions.

They love corn on the cob, this is their second cob so far and they come running to it like a bum rush.

Chick Selfies

previously called the yellow Ameraucana, now is a white one and is the current boss. She might end up being a rooster, we don't know because she is so aggressive and jumps on the others to establish dominance. She is the second smallest.

One of the Welsummer's and still the most timid. They don't really like to be picked up still but have no issues with walking near you. They usedto look very brown but now their feathers are coming in and I call them the "orange ones".

The Dominique's are still the most friendly and still jump up on you when you say hi. They like to cuddle and fall asleep on your arm so we like them. They are the biggest 2 of the bunch and probably the most developed.

Both Cucko Maran's have similar color to the Dominique's but have much less white. They are easy enough to tell the difference especially when flying around because they have a few feathers under their wings that are pure white and it really stands out as you can see in the picture. Their demeanor is the same. They don't mind being picked up but they don't come to you on their own as much.

The brown Ameraucana is turning out to be quite pretty but she sure is an energetic little thing. She gets the worms first and isn't content to sit still very long. I had a tough time getting a picture that wasn't blurry and still get most of her in it. She's not shy and she likes to explore, most of the time she is the first bird to check out something new in their area or when we feed them bugs/worms or whatever, she always comes first and takes it.

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Great photos of the chicks! Barred Rocks are my favorite that I've had so far in my homesteading life. Close second are Buff Orphington and Red Sex Link.

Thank you. Our plan next spring is to get some Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds for meat birds and a rooster. These girls are just for eggs and 'pets'

I hope one day to get my little slice of heaven and raise some chicks. Looks very rewarding :)

They are pretty fun so far and not much maintenance. What is stopping you from getting some?

It's against the rules in the community I live. Just moved to Oregon within the last year and don't have enough choices of where to live just yet. It's a five year goal to get a bit more rural.

I hope you like Duck Dynasty, there's an episode of exactly this. I guess if you like to be in the suburb that is ok then. I like being able to shoot in my own yard and have whatever animals I want and do as I please. I know @farmstead lives in Oregon maybe she knows of some areas you may be interested in for future plans?

I've been looking at prices since I moved here! Even though I know I'm still years away from making an actual plan, I know the areas that are affordable and near where we live. It's just with little kids and wife in school, it adds a little too much to the plate right now to think about moving. One day!

good luck buddy.

That white one is awesome! I can't wait to see them all grown up.

I can't tell the difference between my Welsummers or my Cuckoo Marans... haha

lol what's awesome about the white one? We let them outside of the fence today. they didn't do much though. Is there a way to identify them? paint their beaks?

I dunno, I just like the white ones, because their plumage comes in different. Like. A box of chocolates! Lol

You can get the ankle thingies. But I think they're emore of a hassle than they're worth. You could paint their toenails!

thanks Forrest Gump ;) My wife said paint their toenails but wouldn't that come off really fast?

I dunno. The leg things can be a hassle, but you can look into them. For me, it's not a big deal to be able to tell the difference, so I haven't actually done any identifiers.

Starlord and Vapor Chaser!

those are good ones, not sure what the wife will think though lol. Maybe Darth chick?

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