Podcast: The COLLAPSE Has STARTED! ~ Illinois To Cut PENSIONS! ~ 🎤 [Audio Included]

This is not a joke friends. The official comptroller of the state of Illinois as stated that "payments to the state’s pension funds...will likely have to be cut"

Friday's ruling by the U.S. District Court takes the state's finances from horrific to catastrophic
-Comptroller Susana Mendoza


The state of Illinois is broke and will probably file for US Bankruptcy protections. Speculators say that New Jersey will likely be next. What will the public do when basic state services and pensions are cut off? These are scary times.
ARTICLE LINK: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-07-01/horrific-catastrophic-court-ruling-send-illinois-financial-abyss


Our website two years ago published an article on why Homesteading is the ultimate survival prep. This was during the Greek financial crisis and that was only given a temporary solution to prevent collapse. Many people think of themselves as preppers. But a real prepper who pushes that mindset to its logical conclusion will always end up on a sustainable homestead.
ARTICLE LINK: https://anamericanhomestead.com/homesteading-the-ultimate-survival-prep/


And finally we discussed an article from Off The Grid News that mentions 3 ways a homestead can make money. There is never only one way a homestead makes money. There are many ways and you put them all together to eek out a living.
Money For Nothing: 3 Overlooked Ways Homesteaders Make Extra Cash


Visit Us Online: http://AnAmericanHomestead.com




But Illinois has always been a junk state!

Sorry, I'm from Wisconsin, so I couldn't resist, lol.

Also, a judge temporarily blocked the new gun law in California, as someone commented on YouTube. It was quite a surprise when it happened, and it will be interesting to see what happens with it.

It's totally unenforceable. The libs at the state assembly would love for officers to go door to door and arrest all gun owners....but most of the line officers are pro-2nd.

And thanks for watching and commenting!

No!...stop spewing this propaganda! Stay on your loving government provided plantations, don't wander off to try to take care of yourself!

There are parts of this nation that have been in collapse for decades. The rust belt has been in economic collapse since at least the late 80s. Detroit has fallen apart and just enough of it was bailed out to draw attention away from the issue for most of the country. The problem with Illinois is that Chicago is an economic powerhouse in this country. The feasibility to bail out a state at the scale of Illinois will be tough to swallow, yet MAY not be past the economic "event horizon."

If we see this occur with California, all bets are off.

It's only a matter of time before it happens to California. They are broke just like every other state. Some states are more broke than others...but they keep spending the money. It's going to catch up to them.

Agreed. I empathize with left leaning political types, but it seems like the most leftist states in the union are in the sorriest financial shape.

This was a great show guys! I had a good time listening to it live on Saturday night. It's the late late show but for me in California it's still fairly early. : )

Unfortunately I work for a fairly large local government entity as a civil engineer but I am trying to escape the matrix I have been institutionalized by. I can see California being next in line to fall as there are many pension plans that are not funded. We used to have two retirement plans; a contributory and noncontributory. A few years ago the noncontributory plan was taken off the table for new hires. That's when I knew that the gig was up on the ponzi scheme. With the baby bust combined with the mass exodus of the baby boomers, I don't see things looking good in the next 5 to 10 years.

Thanks for listening! You are appreciated!

Here you go again. Talking common sense and providing topical information in a way that's actually benificial to people yearning for learning. If you keep this up, you're going to have a following. Too late, can't turn back now.

I've been watching, listening, and implementing your tips for years. Thank you for introducing me to Steemit!

If you can Dream It, Steemit! 🍉🍒🍅🍓🌽🌶🥕🥔🍆🥑🥝🥒🍄🌰🐣🐐🐂

I could not agree more. Shifting towards a more self sustaining lifestyle is the ONLY way to really be prepared for what is coming... I predict more of a slow slide then an implosion, but the dominoes are beginning to fall.

it's gonna get fast very soon. Do not expect a slow slide. Expect shit to stop working one day.

Wow that's so interesting. But have to say I think we all are seeing it coming. Just have to be ready for when it does happen. Thanks for sharing.

Reviewing my preps and looking for weaknesses I can fix before it all goes to heck

probiotics, Colloidal Silver, and alcohol.

More evidence to support my contention that government is insane.

I enjoyed the show last night (yes I was "lurking" snagged a troll at the end) so much is changing in this world that to be unprepared is to prepare to fail and those who don't prepare will fail..

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