Edible weeds, talks and links


A whole garden of edible weeds

Last weekend, there was an Open Gardens day at Joe's Connected Gardens where I was asked to have a little chat about local, edible, weeds.

These talks are becoming yearly events. I do one at Ballywire Farm on the Yorke Peninsula at the end of winter, a local one in Henry Chenewoth Reserve (home to the most varieties of edible weeds in Gawler!) and several, semi-random appearances on the Coorong talking about bushfoods, when an Ngarrindjeri guide isn't available and I happen to be down that way. Also, I might be getting a spot again this year at the Gawler Sustainable Living Festival.

It's all great fun and I don't script them, just take a wander a few minutes before to see what's around. I believe in giving people what's seasonal, local and in arm's reach.

So, you can understand my awe and thankfulness when I found out that Joe's had prepared a bed of edible weeds for the talk. WOW!

We had around 25 people in the group for the talk where I rabbited on for about half an hour (folks that know me are probably wondering how they managed to stop me talking at all...) about such edibles as Goosefoot, Amaranth, Purslane, Mallow, Wild Lettuce, Horehound, Fennel and some conveniently located corn which isn't a weed down this way, but does have some great medicinal properties.

There is a great shift in interest, globally, towards a plant based diet that includes herbs, weeds, bushfoods and foraging. People are taking their diets, if not their lives into their own hands as they make their changes toward a better world. That's why I like to post here on Steemit, there are great communities of intent and interest about #homesteading, #permaculture and #gardening that are exchanges of information and skills. My favourite is @homesteadersonline, from where I find all kinds of good onformation.

For the convenience of people searching for information, I've collated most of my posts into almost regularly updated indexes such as those here -

Aussie Bushfoods Index

Edible Weeds

Easy Herbs

Australian Wildflowers

I hope you find them useful in your shift towards a better world.


Goosefoot, one of the best edibles arpund


This is @originalwork. The pics were taken by yours truly.

Check out how our garden grows on our blog, Ligaya.

We have a YouTube channel and a Patreon page that you might like to visit.

We're also members of the Homesteadersonline community. Click the image for the invite link to join us




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