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RE: Chicken Tractor For The Homestead

in #homesteading7 years ago

I also started with chicken tractors but quickly moved to electric netting that can be taken down and put up in different places very quickly by leap frogging multiple netting together. I like to use this approach inside already fenced padlocks where I can just run the electric right off the outside perimeter fence with a few gator clamps. I find it works very well unless you have hawks. I like the chicken tractor on a large scale not as a yard for the birds to stay and feed in but as a mobile chicken house. I can just move the hole chicken house to the next pasture, pop up the netting and open the door. This allows the chickens to still go into the house that we can close up at night for protection along with having 2 different electric fences around them. We have hawks, raccoons, bob cats, and even fox dens right on our property but the only thing I have ever had a problem with killing my livestock is neighbor hood dogs or stray cats. It is great to hear that you were able to make the transition to full time homestead because that is where I am trying to get to. What do you produce on your homestead for income?
I run a small worm business but am not anywhere near quitting my full time job since I am the only income in the house hold. Look forward to you next article.


Thank you! I have a serious problem with winged predators, more so than the 4 legged type. Tractors work great for protecting birds, but the work is much harder for daily chores. Your setup sounds excellent. I do a few different things around here to earn my keep. The main issue to making any transition is the ability to keep the bankers away.

I have paid off my land but we had a baby a little over a year ago and I am only 35 so I have not stashed away a large amount of money. Also buying land and building a homestead can be a little costly up front even though it will pay it all back in the end. Happy homesteading.

Thanks and same to you.

We have a serious aerial predator population here also. This is what we developed and it was endorsed by the local raptor rehab person. We call it the circus tent and have been using it for over 10 years with excellent results.

Circus tent10 crop August 08.jpg

That's great. I had a large area covered as well. But I had to take it down to make repairs and haven't put it back up yet. I hope to do it this year.

This is totally portable, takes less than an hour once a week to move. We move it all season over the pastures. Here's a link to more info on it:

Thanks gonna check it out.

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