Weekly Homesteading Newsletter (WHN) SPECIAL EDITION - Issue #10

Weekly Homesteading Newsletter (WHN) SPECIAL EDITION - Issue #10

Date: September 17, 2017 - September 24, 2017

~We’ve reached a special milestone - the 10th edition of the Weekly Homesteading Newsletter! Thank you for the continual support! This issue is a Special Edition featuring both all-time top contributors & all-time favorite articles!~

P.S. We will now be using the tag #WHN on future newsletters so all issues can easily be found!


Welcome to the official Weekly Homesteading Newsletter (WHN)! This newsletter will be released each Sunday with a detailed exposition of the previous week’s homesteading articles.


The goal of the Weekly Homesteading Newsletter is to increase awareness and support of the Steemit homesteading community!


In order to recommend articles for future WHN issues, the following guidelines must be adhered to:

  • The article must be related to homesteading, prepping, farming & agriculture, sustainability, nature & environment, and/or gardening.
  • The article must be published between the newsletter’s respective dates (Sunday to Sunday).
  • The article must be original material. Any plagiarized articles will be blocked and future submissions from the corresponding account will be banned.

To submit a recommendation, simply comment on the most recent WHN article (please include a link) or dm the author (@kiaraantonoviche) on Steemit.chat or SteemitHomesteaders.Slack. You may submit your own articles as well!

NOTE: All articles MUST have permission granted from the author to include them in the newsletter. To expedite this process in the future, you may comment below with “I give you indefinite permission to include my articles in future newsletters!” Thank you in advance!

All Authors Featured To Date

Throughout the past nine issues of the Weekly Homesteading Newsletter, we’ve managed to feature a total of 55 Steemit authors! A huge shoutout to everyone who has helped make this newsletter a success!

@allforthegood, @amy-goodrich, @awesome-seven, @bettertogether, @bfhomestead, @bobbleheadstead, @bobwillow, @ckurtish, @coghill, @crosheille, @daddykirbs, @duckpondsfarm, @farmstead, @flemingfarm, @foodisfree, @gardengirlcanada, @gardenofeden, @greenacrehome, @halcyondaze, @haphazard-hstead, @heart-to-heart, @hewetthomestead, @hydroconomist, @kiaraantonoviche, @knowledge-seeker, @knownassam, @leafhopperfarm, @melowilo, @mericanhomestead, @minighomestead, @minismallholding, @mother2chicks, @mygypsysoul, @nataliejohnson, @ozarkoffgridfam, @papa-pepper, @pennsif, @professorbromide, @projectdiaries, @raincountry, @rakkasan84, @rebeccaryan, @riversedge, @runrudy, @slhomestead, @steemithomestead, @steempowergarden, @sthomestead, @sulev, @sunscape, @sylviategan, @texasboys, @the-curator, @vegansilverstack, @wholesomeroots

All-Time Top Contributors

These are the all-time top contributors based on the number of articles included in previous Weekly Homesteading Newsletters:

All-Time Favorite Articles

These are the all-time favorite articles included in previous Weekly Homesteading Newsletters based on number of total upvotes:

Featured Authors

Featured authors of this WHN issue include:
@aibell, @aunt-deb, @awesome-seven, @brimwoodfarm, @cahlenlee, @citizenzero, @coghill, @daddykirbs, @eco-alex, @farmstead, @flemingfarm, @goldendawne, @halcyondaze, @hethur240, @leafhopperfarm, @mother2chicks, @phoenixwren, @projectdiaries, @rakkasan84

All photos, quotes, and articles belong to each respective linked author. Permission to repost and link these articles has been obtained from each respective linked author.

Featured Article

“Wal-Mart and What You Support When You Buy to Supply Your Homestead” by @rakkasan84

There is a common desire amongst homesteaders to be self-sufficient and find freedom. That’s why I am passionate about any choice that accomplishes these goals, one of which is supporting small businesses and local communities. Learn a bit more about “Wal-Mart and What You Support When You Buy to Supply Your Homestead” from @rakkasan84 and get a good giggle while reading too!


Is Walmart the work of the devil?! (I don’t doubt it) Follow @rakkasan84 and start a discussion - where do you typically shop for homesteading supplies?

Featured Photo

“Finally a Farmstead Update!” by @farmstead

Click here to see what’s new and send a welcoming upvote their way!

DIY Tutorial(s)

“How to: Control Leaf Miner (A Complete Step by Step Guide)” by @projectdiaries

Disease and pests are common occurrences on any homestead so learning the best way(s) to deal with them is essential. Find out “How to: Control Leaf Miner (A Complete Step by Step Guide)” from @projectdiaries by making your own homemade insecticide.

Follow @projectdiaries for more informative articles on a wide variety of topics and upvote if you appreciated watching the simple tutorial video included!

“The Best Way To Clean A Cast Iron Frying Pan” by @citizenzero

My whole life I’ve had difficulties cleaning out my cast iron frying pans… I didn’t want to switch to non-stick because ew. So I’m super happy to have learned “The Best Way To Clean A Cast Iron Frying Pan” by @citizenzero!

Follow @citizenzero to see the simple photo tutorial and upvote to show your appreciation!

“Minimalism - Homemade Wood Polish w/ Beeswax & Coconut Oil” by @cahlenlee

Do you enjoy working with your hands and creating your own furniture/decor? Are you a woodworker or craftsman? Then knowing how to keep your crafts in tip top shape is on the to-do list! Check out “Minimalism - Homemade Wood Polish w/ Beeswax & Coconut Oil” by @cahlenlee to see the simple recipe!

Follow @cahlenlee and don’t forget to upvote!

Healthy Recipe(s)

“Sweet Summer Peach Sauce - Delicious” by @awesome-seven

Keep a taste of summer in a jar with @awesome-seven’s recipe for “Sweet Summer Peach Sauce - Delicious!” With two ingredients - fresh peaches and brown sugar - you can’t find an easier (or tastier) treat to make!

Follow @awesome-seven and upvote if you plan on giving this perfect peach recipe a try!

“How to make homemade vanilla extract” by @phoenixwren

Why buy when you can make? It’s usually cheaper, healthier, better for the environment, and incredibly liberating! That’s why I was excited to learn “How to make homemade vanilla extract” from @phoenixwren! With only 2 ingredients and a glass jar, it can’t get much easier than this!

Follow @phoenixwren for the simple recipe and don’t forget to upvote!

“Jalapeno Poppers With A Wonton Twist” by @goldendawne

One of my favorite guilty pleasure snacks is the classic jalapeno popper! Now I get to change things up a bit by trying “Jalapeno Poppers With A Wonton Twist” thanks to a reciple posted by @goldendawne!

Follow @goldendawne for this mouthwatering recipe and upvote for a new take on a classic app!

Current Events

“Brand New Chickens!!” by @aibell

Nothing is better than welcoming a new addition to the homestead… except multiple additions! Check out the “Brand New Chickens!!” in the article posted by @aibell!

Follow @aibell and send the hens a welcoming upvote!

“Chickens - Hatching Chicks with an Incubator” by @leafhopperfarm

More chickens! Well, chicks to be precise! Check out how Liz Crain of Leafhopper Farm hatches chicks from her own chicken’s eggs using an incubator in “Chickens - Hatching Chicks with an Incubator.

Follow @leafhopperfarm to see the video and upvote for new life!

“RED RANGER CHICKENS - Raising Red Ranger Chickens vs our Cornish Cross -Side by Side comparison” by @coghill

Even more chickens! But this time we get to explore “RED RANGER CHICKENS - Raising Red Ranger Chickens vs our Cornish Cross -Side by Side comparison” with @coghill!

Follow @coghill to see the videos comparing the side by side progression of the red ranger chickens versus the cornish cross chicken!

“Lacking Space? Start A Backyard Homestead” by @brimwoodfarm

The most frequent excuse I hear individuals use when debating their inability to homestead is “lack of space.” But there are ways to work around this as explored in “Lacking Space? Start A Backyard Homestead” by @brimwoodfarm!

Follow @brimwoodfarm to find out why you don’t need 100+ acres in order to get your hands dirty!

“20+ Inspiring and Free Gardening Documentaries” by @halcyondaze

As a newbie homesteader/gardener, I need all the resources I can get and even veteran homesteaders can learn a new thing or two! That’s why Steemit is such a great platform to share knowledge like @halcyondaze did when informing us all of “20+ Inspiring and Free Gardening Documentaries!

Follow @halcyondaze to see this extensive list and upvote if you enjoyed watching them!

“The Adventures of Birdette and Tony - Romping Around” by @hethur240

If you like to follow the story of BarryTheBee (check out the tag), then you will love this series called “The Adventures of Birdette and Tony - Romping Around” by @hethur240! These little chicken figurines travel around and @hethur240 documents their sweet shenanigans!

Follow @hethur240 to see future adventures of Birdette and Tony and upvote if it made you smile!

“Homestead Co-Op, Aspirations and Ruminations” by @aunt-deb

The homesteading community on Steemit is coming together like never before, especially with the “Homestead Co-Op, Aspirations and Ruminations” by @aunt-deb!

Follow @aunt-deb to give find out more about the initiative and to give some feedback!

Here are a few questions for you to answer in your comments:

What you like to see a Co-Op do for you?
What skills or knowledge could you share with the Community?
Would access to classes (locally or online) be helpful to your homestead’s success?

Answer here!

“Weekly Chicken Gazette Issue #10” by @mother2chicks

The WHN isn’t the only publication celebrating its’ 10th issue - check out the “Weekly Chicken Gazette Issue #10” by @mother2chicks!

Follow @mother2chicks to stay updated on the girls at “Fuss & Feathers” homestead and send a congratulatory upvote for reaching the 10th Gazette Issue!

“Indoor Winter Garden Update: Two Weeks In & Already Having Positive Results” by @goldendawne

Autumn is here and winter creeping up quickly in my neck of the woods. It’s time to prep winter gardens just like @goldendawne! Check out “Indoor Winter Garden Update: Two Weeks In & Already Having Positive Results” to see what’s growing!

Follow @goldendawne to see how the indoor winter garden grows!

“Giant Sunflower Harvest” by @flemingfarm

Congratulations are in order for the “Giant Sunflower Harvest” that won @flemingfarm an award! The 14’ 2” tall plant was the Grand Champion winning Mongolian Giant Sunflower in the Spokane County Fair this year!

Follow @flemingfarm and send him a congratulatory upvote! Way to go!

Penny For Your Thoughts

“EcoTrain Question Of The Week and $30 SBD Giveaway: “What one thing do you think individual people can do to make a positive impact on humanity?” by @eco-alex

For your chance to win a SBD prize and the chance to become a precious passenger aboard the EcoTrain, take a shot at answering the “EcoTrain Question Of The Week and 30 SBD Giveaway: “What one thing do you think individual people can do to make a positive impact on humanity?” No matter how big or how small, every action to make the world a better place is appreciated.

Follow @eco-alex to stay updated and enter the challenge by answering the question (using QOTW tag):

“What one thing can any person do to make a positive impact on humanity?”

See original article for details and additional requirements!

That’s All Folks!

That concludes this issue of the Weekly Homesteading Newsletter - we managed to feature 19 articles by 19 different authors!

Now accepting submissions and recommendations for Issue #11 - simply comment below (please include a link) or dm the author (@kiaraantonoviche) on Steemit.Chat or SteemitHomesteaders.Slack.

Don’t forget to show your support and appreciation to the original authors of these articles by following, upvoting, and resteeming their work!

All photos, quotes, and articles belong to each respective linked author. Permission to repost and link these articles has been obtained from each respective linked author.

Issue #1, Issue #2, Issue #3, Issue #4, Issue #5, Issue #6, Issue #7, Issue #8, Issue #9

Follow @kiaraantonoviche and check back next Sunday to see Issue #11!


I LOVE these newsletters. Thank you SO much for curating them. Now I'm off to read all these wonderful articles. :D

Thank you so much for featuring my article! And so many others I want to check out now! Mmm those jalapeño poppers look delicious...
I have lots of reading to do, and new people to follow!

Awesome, that's the goal! Enjoy! :D

What a great curation post!! I feel like this needs more attention! Super interesting and what a great way to help build the community!! Thanks for putting so much effort into your steeming!!

Thank you for featuring us in your newsletter, we hope to bring more great content to the homesteading community.

I absolutely love your newsletter. It really does help encourage those of us that are just starting our homesteading journey to grab our independence full force. Also shows who we can reach out to if we are stuck or need an experienced homesteader's opinion. Kudos to all!

First, thanks so much for including the Co-Op post. The visibility is invaluable and much appreciated!

Second, having been so busy recently, this round up mentioned 5 posts I'd have missed otherwise. Woot!

Lastly, standing ovation for @kiaraantonoviche for gathering all these posts over the week for the benefit of the community! Bravo!

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it :)

This is a top niche curation post. I continuously come back to these articles because they are so jammed pack I can never read it all in one sitting.

I will wait until later in the week to resteem.

What a lot of interesting information you have put together in one post, a real diversity of posts but on about homesteading.
Great work! :)

Thank you for putting these together. Really enjoy reading them.

I'll be following more people after reading this newsletter for sure. Thanks.

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