
Oh, you mean the "kill the trolls" video where I show my YouTube viewers how to hit the block button.

Oh, I am so worried.

I should do another video on that soon.

And one on how to mute people on steemit.

Yes, I think I will.

Thanks for the reminder.

Muting people on steemit would be great. How often have you claimed the reason for your mess is that you blocked people and had no way of knowing what they were saying so viewers took you not responding as that being the truth? I say do it again here on steemit. One sign of an idiot is to make the same mistakes over and over and hope for a different outcome. Do it troy. Just do it. Quit threatening and do it. Besides, what could go wrong?


Oh, you mean the one where I simply show the hateful, threatening and harassing comments made against me and my subs?

Well, I dont see how that can hurt me

After all, you guys do openly and publicly harass me and my family.

Why would you be upset with my sharing your own words?

Hmm, fixedbydoc grayed out my own comment on my own blog.

Not really fair is it?

Here is my comment:

Or do you mean the one where .sucks members broke into my home and smeared blood all over the walls.

Then called the police and turned me in for murder.

Yeah, that was a good one huh?

Your memory is really bad troy. You couldn't pin that on anyone and the cops so right through your scam for money. No one was investigated or called and the cops can get IP addresses in murder cases. Your little pitiful troy lies always came back and bit you in the ass.

Somewhere in the 100s of pages, I have a screen print of the .sucks member bragging about it.

Somewhere I have the real name of that person as well.

You harass me online for the World to see.

And then you try to act innocent on the same web.

Can you say "WARPED"?

It was widely reported that the reason you needed such a large moving van was to transport all the screenshots you have of the criminals and the taped evidence of trespassers on the dumpsite in NY. So I'm sure you do have everything you need to file suit. Now hop to it.

Hmm, fixedbydoc grayed out my own comment on my own blog.

Not really fair is it?

Here is my comment:

Oh, you mean the one where I simply show the hateful, threatening and harassing comments made against me and my subs?

Well, I dont see how that can hurt me

After all, you guys do openly and publicly harass me and my family.

Why would you be upset with my sharing your own words?

Why don't you just cheat some more and buy more power?
Doc earned his and can use it for anything he wants...
Or why don't you go whine some more in the chat?
Oh that's right, they told you to go fuck yourself and your
whiny little bitch boi problems...

@danmcc ..which chat was this , i missed it and would like to join

go to chat and type in steemitabuse and see poor troy reid crying about tit for tat getting what he gives...

Oh really Ryan???

Have I ever come to your blog and harassed you???

Have I ever come to your YouTube channel and harassed you???


Oh, so you are a liar then?

Yeah, I thought so.

yes troy you have come to my youtube channels many times under all kinds of various alternate names. you have incited several people to do so as well. you have made several videos attacking me and falsely accusing me of things. just because you hide behind fake alts and hide your videos google made you remove doesn't mean it never happened. you will pay for your crimes by losing everything you have and i will use every legal means possible to see it so!

Doc plays by steemit rules. He has the steem power to do it and we see no issues. You still don't follow any rules you don't like. Do you still have 4 steemit accounts? See Mr. Whiney

Oh so its by the rules to team up on a family and try to ruin their lives?

Their source of income?

Destroy their name?

First off your instructors did you a great disservice in not pulling you aside and saying trog you should never work in a job in the public service. You have no personality and are borderline retarded. No one is told hey if you complete these courses we guarantee you a job in social media. You chose a field you are very bad at. The reason your channel started of well is we thought you were retarded and trying to make your way in life but you showed us you would lie and cheat and steal to make it in social media. Well you were outed and now its all heading for the cliff. You destroyed your name and source of income so that doesn't hold water, its all on you

I not only recommend but hope you learn nothing and change nothing in the way you operate your sites. You are now the crybaby of steemit and its fun to watch. When a person puts out good content and is honest you want nothing but the best for them. When they are dishonest and deceitful you want them to go down in flames. You are the flames guy.

i believe you should have them by the end of the week...

Ryan, you are on a public forum

You do realize that everyone can see everything you do on here?

Your plotting to destroy my family and all - its right here in the public.

But yet there is not one single bit of evidence that I ever did a thing to you.

Oh, I know you have a three page list of accusations against me.

But not one bit of evidence.

Why? The people ask

Because it never happened.

Ryan is mad because long ago I blocked him.

He got his panties in a knot and started to harass me.

And to this day he is still upset.

@thediyworld i see no plotting going on here. i do see a conversation about me giving another steemian copies of all the videos and comments YOU have made about me over the last 5yrs. now if you think revealing that information will destroy your family @thediyworld well then YOU should have thought about that BEFORE YOU MADE THE VIDEOS AND COMMENTS AND INCITED THE ATTACKS ON ME!!! soon all will be revealed where YOU cant cover it up!!!

Ryan - I never attacked you.

The only thing I ever did was block you on YouTube.

And show your own comments which were harassing and threatening my viewers.

Your own comments Ryan.

Your own comments.


just in time for the new year ............ awesome

Or do you mean the one where .sucks members broke into my home and smeared blood all over the walls.

Then called the police and turned me in for murder.

Yeah, that was a good one huh?

Throw him a cracker, squawk, throw him a cracker, Momma, Momma, Docs just greyed out my comment on my blog, squawk, its all coming back to bite my ass Momma, squawk, whine, squawk! It's not right Momma. Doc's the better man Momma it's not fair he's winning.

Of course that was before you guys were called sucks. Fitting name by the way.

you have whined and begged for 5 years now. When money got really tight you made up the most ridiculous stories that even the law enforcement and your church didn't believe. Cops had to make reports and just write what ever you claimed even though they saw nothing. Hardly proof of anything

Oh no. I dont whine and beg.

We just make videos for your free entertainment.

Just videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

Anyone can see that for themselves.

We are happy family and my viewers can see that.

Get it right dick head. It's ""
It wasn't you blocking me that pissed me off, as a matter of fact I wanted to be blocked. That's when I told you to Fuck Off and you blocked me. I don't take kindly to threats dick head. What pissed me off was all the false accusations spewing forth from your mouth. You are a liar and con man PERIOD!
Take your Bedhini motors and shove them up your ass.

Hmm, @fixedbydoc keeps graying out all my own comments, on my own blog.

That is not really fair is it @fixedbydoc?

I do not ever harass you.

Here is my comment again:

I dont even know who you are so I could not ever threaten you.

And I do not believe there are any threats coming from me - ever besides those of being blocked.

Generally I give three warnings before you get blocked.

Boy, if that is all it takes to make you hate me, I would not want to know you at all anyway.

I dont even know who you are so I could not ever threaten you.

And I do not believe there are any threats coming from me - ever besides those of being blocked.

Generally I give three warnings before you get blocked.

Boy, if that is all it takes to make you hate me, I would not want to know you at all anyway.

Do you actually believe that you blocking people would have the snowball effect that has ruined your name and channel? You are an idiot. We are hear letting the world know about your dishonesty, deceit and lies.

Well - lets see here.

You make great claims against me and use my videos as evidence.

But yet there is not one shred of evidence to back any of your accusations.


Wrong channel maybe?

One thing you have never seen me do is post your videos. Am I to understand you are telling me its ok to post your videos to show where you have been caught lying and being deceitful? I will get to work on it if that is ok with you. You may regret begging me to post the truth about your begging and lying.

Throw him a cracker, squawk, throw him a cracker, Momma, Momma, Docs just greyed out my comment on my blog, squawk, its all coming back to bite my ass Momma, squawk, whine, squawk! It's not right Momma. Doc's the better man Momma it's not fair he's winning.

Hmm, @fixedbydoc keeps graying out all my own comments, on my own blog.

That is not really fair is it @fixedbydoc?

I do not ever harass you.

Here is my comment again:

I dont even know who you are so I could not ever threaten you.

And I do not believe there are any threats coming from me - ever besides those of being blocked.

Generally I give three warnings before you get blocked.

Boy, if that is all it takes to make you hate me, I would not want to know you at all anyway.

Oh, Ryan likes to gray out my comments.

He is just a bully and a coward graying out my comments like that.

Whats wrong Ryan?

You wanna harass me but cant take the answers?

Oh, poor wittle baby.

Yeah well, Ryan's reasons for hiding your comments are far more justified than you banning folks off YouTube for years because their truth, spoken, threatens your jobless existence.

I can just imagine you crying yourself to sleep over it. Now that I have my free time restored, I'll be brainstorming NEW ideas. Furthermore, social media is trending towards environments WITHOUT the ability to censor opinion.

You're done! I engineered your demise on Google and now the second act is on its way! Woooooo!

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