Magic Tea! ( least what’s worked for me!)


I’ve had a few people ask about my “magic” or “miracle” tea, so I’m sharing my current recipe with you all here. It helps with all kinds of things, so I hope you enjoy a cup with me!






Sunshine on my shoulders almost always makes me high. —John Denver


Awesome as always <3

Good to hear from you, my friend. I saw your Saturday Beer post, so I hope it finds you well. :)

I hope you are well my dear. I was missing you.

It has been truly an emotional and mental journey lately, but the light at the end of the tunnel keeps getting brighter, and getting back to my Steemit community even in the past week has played such a huge role in that. Thank you for not giving up on me.

Thank you for sharing! I've been struggling to find a solution to a gravely voice during the wintertime. I've noticed that even just a little coffee in the morning can really dry out my vocal chords for the whole day. Espresso is one of my favorite things in this world though,,Maybe this tea after my morning cup could do the trick.. hmmmmm...

In my personal experience, this helps with vocal recovery across the board. I still drink a lot of water as well, but water alone versus water and a regimen of this tea has made a world of difference, and I haven’t missed a gig (finger’s crossed) due to no voice...and that’s tough because I have pretty severe sinus issues, to boot. I think the anti-inflammatory part really helps with the sinuses...obviously it’s going to help everything. But I also find that I don’t need to have a drink of water during a set as much as before when I’m drinking this throughout the day of the show. Let me know what you think if you give it a shot. I noticed an immediate difference on Day One. That cayenne kicks ya.

Wow I will have to try this we have been making kombucha for years but sounds very good.

Not sure I could ever cut out caffeine.. the scientists is a brave brave soul

The Scientist has been totally caffeine free since December 08th. I’m super proud of her. We both realized that perhaps we are nicer people to be around without caffeine upping our various neuroses.

Seriously, though...for a while there I thought I couldn’t survive without a Red Bull or a Monster in the morning...and The Scientist is a coffee snob who loves coffee so much and she wasn’t sure she could do it.

I’m completely off the morning caffeine (this tea has replaced it completely), and only have the occasional Red Bull when I’m out late playing shows and am tired like a grandma

I have seen this recipe over the years but have never myself attempted to make it, or use it.

There are lots of variations out there; this is the combo that seems to work best for me. If you suffer from any of the aforementioned things I talked about in the blog post and aren’t allergic to any of the ingredients, I highly recommend giving it a shot. Like I said, it has been a game-changer for me in just about all facets of my general feeling of physical well-being.

I suffer from abdomen issues and such, always have, and have been experimenting with different herbs and herbal teas. But I have always heard that apple cider vinegar is a good probiotic-like liquid to use.

I really rely on Bragg’s ACV because it contains “the mother,” so you have to shake it up every time before you use it, but I find it much more effective than other more commercial forms of apple cider vinegar.

This ia a great mixture for pain and stomach issues!

It has definitely been those things for me, for sure!! :)

Im thinking about trying tumeric again, but in small doses. It makes me nervous after what happened the last time, but i think it was toxins that caused it. I had similar issues when I first tried Thrive.

What happened with the tumeric? Did you tell me and I forgot?? My interest is piqued!

I won't go into too many details on here, but I will say I got super sick on it. I thought it was trying to kill my liver. My chiro was even stumped because he had never heard of someone reacting the way I did. But after having a few similar (though not as extreme) issues with Thrive, I'm thinking it was my body trying to get rid of toxins. I'm probably sensitive to it and need to start out with much lower doses.

Ooh, you posted it! I will have to try soon and letcha know what I think 😊

And also, (might be obvious) do you use purified water or tap? Just wanting to double check before I do try :)

Honestly, I should probably be using purified or distilled, but I don’t. I just use regular ole tap water if I’m going to be boiling it.

That's what I thought. 😊
I still have to get a few things before I can try but I'm anxious to see how it tastes.

Sounds awesome! I will have to try this out!

For those glorious pipes of yours, it’s a must. 💚💚You’ll be shocked at your vocal recovery. Especially if you smoke or are around smoke.

I'm going to really need it! I over-strained my vocal chords and throat during this week's open mic entry singing when I was sick - and I shouldn't have. Need to make a trip to the store to get pretty much all of it but the cayenne. I use cayenne in almost everything... and I'm almost out of ACV. ACV is so awesome. Sometimes, if I drink too much beer, I get thrush and swishing ACV around in your mouth really works.

ACV is amazing...if you use cayenne in everything already and already use ACV, I think this tea might just change your life like it did mine. Like for real. It made a daylight-and-dark difference in my overall vocal health, plus then I started realizing my body didn’t hurt as much as it used to, and I don’t wake up sick to my stomach from a totally TMI over-production of mucus situation I have combined with a post-nasal does it’s thang.

But seriously, you have one of my favorite voices in the entire world and you should take care of it. If not for your own sake, for mine and for my mom. We both love you so much, and love the sound of your voice!! <3

I love you guys too!!!

Nice! Davis and I may have to try this as well... Not sure about the cayenne or ACV, but I'll at least try it! ;) I use ACV to rinse my hair a lot, and heard that it's great for heart burn but I just can't get it down...

Girl, you can drink booze with the best of em. Surely you can do some ACV shots!! Lmao!!

But seriously, if you can’t get over the taste of ACV (I actually grew to really actually like it), what I would do as I was acquiring taste was to just pour 1.5 oz (literally a shot) into a shot glass and just knock er down. It’s quick and gets it into your system. I think you’d be pleased with the results in a lot of ways. You can make the tea without the ACV, but it’s not going to have as many of the goodies in there for ya. I’m all about hacking it all together into one drink. Lmao.

Hehe! Well ACV is definitely one that makes me gag... But I know that I could benefit from all the things you listed, especially with my voice. If I don't work my chords out enough before practice, my throat is sore from the gritty screaming I do, and I know this would help out so much. Maybe if I put the ACV in the tide pod shots... BWAHAHAHA!!!!

Keep the Tide Pods out of this! LMAO!!!

But for real, I think this tea would soothe your cords and throat in a big way. Especially with smoking and also helps with general inflammation, so adding this to the “morning of” a show (I do not recommend drinking this particular mixture during a show...I think the cayenne is an irritant during a performance.) However, I have drank what they call “sipping vinegar” on stage and find the burn of that to be incredibly soothing.

Also, if you did your shot before rehearsal or a show, that would also be a good thing, as well. I think it’s a great pep booster on its own and find my cords aren’t as spent after the show...considering how much grit you put into your vocal style, I can’t imagine how your cords/throat must feel the next day or two sometimes. Probably like a super tight butthole...lmao that’s the best way I can explain how my throat feels on those days. Like a butthole. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA love you, @rockchickjen

HAHAHA!!! It's true though... that's exactly how it feels! ;) As long as I don't over do it, they're usually fine but sometimes I go a little too hard... What is "sipping vinegar"? I've never heard of that before...

You can buy super expensive stuff that is basically apple cider vinegar in apple juice or vinegar with honey in green tea. I hack it for way cheaper by buying the off-brand Arizona Green Tea and mixing my 1.5 oz shot into about a 20 oz tumbler and just sip on it throughout the set.

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