Are you too busy to Homestead?

There is no doubt that the homestead bug is sweeping the nation and even the world! There is no doubt that the homestead bug is sweeping the nation and even the world! Many folks are finding that deep inside of them is a sleeping giant that is slowly waking up to the reality of of this microwave society that we live in. They are realizing that if something is too good to be true it probably isn't. They are realizing that with this easy come easy go Society that we live in they are finding that the things they used to assume we're true are not true. They used to think that if it was packaged in a pretty box and sold in the grocery store, there's no way it could be bad for you! They have discovered that processed foods are packed full of chemicals preservatives, chemical dies, and other toxins that are slowly killing them. Because of this they have realized that they need to try and eat organically and if possible grow their own food. As these folks desire to grow their own food and investigate the process and the work involved in doing so they are easily becoming overwhelmed. Even to the point of giving up before they even give it a try. I am not here to tell anyone that homesteading and growing your own vegetables, meat and dairy is an easy task, but I am here to tell everyone that anyone can do it. It will take a little extra effort but with today's knowledge of permaculture it does not have to be a full-time job reserved only for full-time farmers. I work a nine-to-five job and usually work 16 - 24 hours of overtime every week. Still I manage to squeeze in an hour here an hour there in the Garden and by doing so I am able to grow a substantial amount of my own food to feed my family with. Yes, some days I would much rather prop my feet up on the couch and catch a good TV show but that small sacrifice is totally worth the payoff. Watch this video and you will catch a small glimpse of a day in the life of a regular person who manages to do a little homesteading on the side and create a healthier life and Future for my family!

Don't forget, if you're looking for an awesome group of like-minded folks to join forces with here on Steemit then come check out the #thl group


Keep up the good work fellow brother in Christ! Love the emphasis on all the other things in your life (family mainly) while also trying to homestead as much as you can...when you can! Shalom!

Thank you brother. It is a busy season in life but the Lord will see me through!

Thanks for the words of encouragement at the end, it was well received.

How do I join the #thl group?

I am guessing, just write an article about The Homestead Life and Tag it with "thl".

right on. Thanks

Dude, paragraphs. I say that with love. Great message, back to the land is the way to go.

Lol...yeah! Did this one from my phone via speak to text...editing was difficult! Nuttin but love back at ya brother!

We don't pay for haircuts either. Hubby is bald now (I used to cut his hair when he had some), so now I'm only cutting my child's hair and my mum cuts my hair whenever she is around. I have great respect for the skilled hairdressers, I just can't prioritise paying for haircuts, when we can get them for free.

SO TRUE. Thanks for the comment!

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