Thursday Green - Weather denial edition

in #homesteading5 years ago

The last week has been so routine and uninspiring that I haven't managed to come up with anything to post. It's been rainy and dark and gloomy and more than a little depressing, but the sun has emerged for a few days, so I took a few pictures while I was out on goat rounds today. There's no cute story, just some lovely green.


That picture was taken on my road on a day that was only half sunny. The clouds were doing that looming, bipolar thing they do this time of year, which makes the colors stand out wonderfully. I was a little sad that the car was in the background of the picture, but by the time it had passed, the light had changed and the moment was gone. The rest of these pictures were from today.


The slough was calm and serene today, unlike several days ago, when I went to check on the goats and heard the sound of a distressed goat coming from the water. After my body had filled to the brim with adrenaline and I had run to the edge of the slough, trying to figure out how I was going to rescue a goat from beneath the blackberry vines, I saw the nutria down on the bank, making a sound exactly like a goat! I saw these giant rodents every day last winter and never heard them make a sound. Now I know they sound like young goats in distress, so I will have to fight the urge to panic every time I hear one. I always count the goats every time I go to feed them, but now, you know, somehow it's feeling more dangerous to leave them alone. Even if it's all in my head.


This tree pretty well exemplifies how I'm feeling about the state of the weather right now. Half of it has submitted to fall, but half of it is still clinging to summer. I'm still struggling to accept the fact that we're going back into the dark and the cold, and if I've already complained about this, I apologize. It probably won't be the last time. I eventually reach a point of acceptance, but it's a long process. I will try to keep my snarkiness to a minimum.


That one is a panoramic picture I took today, with the sun kind of warping the colors. The hay field is to the right, and the cow pasture is to the left of the fence. Since the sun was so sparkling today, it seemed like a good opportunity to shoot a scene I see every day. This is just beyond the barnyard when I'm leaving after feeding the goats. I have to get out and close the gate, and today I got this one and the bipolar tree while my son was latching the gate. My kid is also responsible for this last picture. Bluey followed us out to the car today, and was therefore allowed to go on rounds. While my son was opening the gate, Bluey hopped from the dashboard onto my steering wheel. My photo options were limited, since I was sitting mere inches away, but it was still pretty cute.


That's my green for this Thursday! I hope you all had a wonderful one.


Nice pictures, all of them. My personal favourite is the panoramic view of the hay field with the clear blue sky, and the sun in a corner. Great shot.
And cute Bluey on the steering wheel.

Thank you! I love that hay field. I see it every day when I get out to close the gate, and I hadn't thought of taking a panoramic shot of it until now. It's such a lovely green expanse.

I love the car, a pin prick of interest, I love the pasture, I love the tree, I love the autumn light and agree the colors come alive in a subdued kind of way, I love your writing, and I LOVE BLUEY.

Ha ha! Thank you! Bluey is definitely a one-of-a-kind little guy. This autumn has been so lovely. Mostly it just rains, so it's great when the sun comes out to make the colors glow.

Yup it is almost that time of year to start the winter downtime! I am still clinging to summer as well @goat-girlz!!!

Denial is a terrible thing, but it's an annual event for me, so I'm fairly used to it!

Beautiful contrasting colours this autumn! Even the trees are not ready for the coming winter. The reflection in the water is very nice and calming except for distressing sound!

Bluey is behaving more like a dog! He’s too smart!

Well! You could think about having your chili in front of the fire place!


Thank you! I'm never ready for winter and it's somehow comforting when the trees agree with me.
Bluey is definitely more like a dog than a chicken. He loves to go in the car and hang out with the goats.
I am trying to be prepared for the weather when it's better to be eating chili in front of the fire but I'm hoping I have a few more weeks before it becomes a necessity!

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Always hard when the long, wet winter comes in...
Here, we're being reminded that it's not summer anymore. Although the most recent snow is gone now, we have more due Saturday night - supposedly another 3-5 inches.

Weird on the nutria. Never saw them until we were in Vancouver. I guess they're everywhere now.

The nutria have invaded all the dike lands out here! All the farmers hate them, but I think they're super cute. Did you get more snow? We've been cold and clear the last couple of days. The clear part is nice, but the cold is not!

about 7" on Sunday. It's cold now, so that's not going to melt... another 1-3 tonight and 1-3 tomorrow too. Crazy for October!

That is insane!

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It's soooo beautiful.

Today i actually took some surf photo's. The first in a very long time. It was so hot i didn't even dare risk walking barefoot out on the sand. I stood in skinny palm tree shadows up by the highway. When i got in my no AC car i couldn't even touch the steering wheel! Dark and cold isn't easy but man oh man i would take that over being incinerated :)

Thank you! I can't believe it's still so hot down there, especially when it's so cold up here! I don't want to be incinerated either, but living in a freezer is bumming me out! Our average first frost is mid November, so we're way ahead of schedule. I will think about your steaming hot sand and maybe it will warm me up.

I feel bad about complaining about the heat. I want you to be warm and cozy and comfortable. :) :)

Awwww, Bluey on the steering wheel - that definitely made the day for me...
Reading your first paragraph, I was just thinking, heyyy, I got a "bleh" partner... Although Fall or the coming Fall looks wonderful to me... Ok, back to finding something interesting to post...

Bluey makes my day every day too. He's such a sweet little bird. I will gladly be your "bleh" partner! Fall is so beautiful, but I'm not looking forward to the many months of cold and dark!

Awww cute! Does that chicken have a license to operate a motorized vehicle? Ooohh... A chicken hood ornament would be fun. Too bad I had to get rid of the old Ford Ranger. The Jeep wouldn't look good with a hood ornament.

Here's hoping the weather doesn't stay too depressing. If it makes you feel better, we already had a bit of snow, though it didn't stick around!

Bluey failed his driving test because he's too short to reach the pedals, but I let him drive anyway. He makes such a sad face when I try to tell him to get in the back seat! I don't know why chicken hood ornaments aren't already a thing. That's the best idea ever!

The weather is going to be mostly depressing for the next seven months or so, but I will eventually get used to it. The transition is always hard. At least we haven't had any snow yet! Sorry you have!

Yeah... You guys get that constant gloom this time of year. It's actually been pretty sunny here the last few days, but the temps are already below zero. There have been threats of accumulating snow from the meteorologists. Fortunately, they keep changing their minds and we're back to none in the forecast.

Maybe Bluey just needs a smaller vehicle. One of those Mini Coopers should be about right. Plus, it has "coop" in the name, so he'd probably feel right at home!

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