So a rooster walks into a bank...

in #homesteading5 years ago

Trixie, our big dog, loves to go on goat rounds with me. She is ten years old, and has no patience with the puppies and their rambunctious anarchy. Going on rounds with me is her mini vacation. I am happy to have her along, since she is the only one of the dogs who can be trusted not to barf in the car.


When I put on my boots and pick up my purse, she will wake up from her old lady slumber and charge out the door to go wait by the car. If I don't let her come with me, she watches me back out of the driveway with a face that is a mixture of sad and vindictive. Yesterday I opened the back door of the car for her to hop in. My son came out and got in, which takes a while. Getting him out the door is like trying to pour molasses in a snowstorm. Since he moves so slowly, our little micro rooster, Bluey, followed him to the car and stood there waiting to be picked up.


So everybody got to go on rounds! Bluey turned out to be a great passenger. He sat quietly on my son's lap while we drove, and got to go see the goats with us.


Trixie had a good time too. She loves a good roll in the grass, but I am careful not to let her roll where the cows have been. Goat poop is nice little round pellets. Cow poop is a big ploppy mess, and more than once I've let Trixie back in the car only to smell the distinctly gross aroma of fresh cow poop, and when I look back I see that her neck is green instead of white. That makes for a ride home with the windows open and a good hosing down when we get home.


After we checked on the goats, we went to my friend's house to pick tomatoes. That's a whole other post, but while we were picking, Bluey hopped into the back seat with the dog and found the bag of apples that was left there after the cider pressing last weekend. My son grabbed Bluey and the apple when we got back to the car and held onto the apple so the poor rooster could eat more easily. I couldn't get a picture of the funniest part, where he was pecking at the apple so hard that juice was flying all over the place. All I could get was this one, when we weren't moving.


We went into town after the tomato picking and ran a bunch of errands. Bluey had to stay in the car while we were in the grocery store, since we figured "Service Rooster" isn't a recognized thing. He did bring him into the bank, however, and all the tellers swarmed around and petted him. I figured we had a fifty/fifty chance of getting a good response or getting kicked out. I'm glad it went the way it did. I didn't think to get pictures of the rooster in the bank, because I was busy doing my banking, but that would have been a great shot to get. All I have to close the post is this shot of him on top of the round pen at Farmer Dan's.


Anyway, that's the story of when the tiny rooster went to town. Have a great afternoon ( or evening or morning) everyone!


I don't know... People have been trying to take all sorts of service pets places, lately. Service rooster might qualify for emotional support or biological alarm clock! It would be funny to see a rooster in the bank. Well, as long as he didn't make a "deposit."

Ha ha ha! Biological alarm clock! That's so funny. I am very glad he didn't make a deposit. I was a little worried that he might, but he saved it for the car ride home.

I thought that you were going to say that the rooster got into the bag alone and pecked a nice chunk out of each apple. And if Trixie hadn't been invited, we can assume she planted that vindictive little seed of an idea in his head ;)

The boy is reading The Magic Tree House book on the Titanic. It mentions how some of the first class passengers had prize hens and roosters with them. That was unexpected, but interesting.

Ha ha! I kind of expected that more of the apples would have holes in them, but Bluey is a kind rooster and very respectful, so he only ate one.

That's sad about the chickens on the Titanic! I had never heard that either. Now I have to picture dead roosters at the bottom of the sea. I remember the Magic Tree House books from when my boy was that age. He loved them too.

This is a really strange rooster! He is not at all blue and he seems to think he’a person that he needs a bank account too.

Trixie is a nice fluffy dog!

When we adopted him I asked people on Steemit what we should call him. We got a few suggestions, but the one that stuck came from @ozkdawg. He is from Australia and said that that's what they call people with red hair. Also, it turns out that Bluey's legs are blue, so it works literally too! I don't know what he thinks he's going to put in a bank account. Maybe the rest of those apples!

Trixie is the most wonderful dog. She is the boss of the whole farm and makes sure everyone knows it.

These two are very special personalities!

Have a nice day.

Is everybody happy :-)

I think everybody's pretty happy!

Haha! How fun :) Hi Trixie and Bluey.

They say hi back!

Posted using Partiko Android

Interesting story of 'A rooster went to town'. 😊
One happy family! Very good.

Thank you! It was a fun little adventure.

Glad to see the Bluey is doing so well. Funny that he was loved at the bank! That's really something! I will show @emberskydragon this post...

Oh, please do! I was thinking of her while I was writing it!

Posted using Partiko Android

You are so funny!
So I have to ask, since I have no roosters - do roosters have bowel control that hens do not have?

Thank you! And heavens no, roosters have no bowel control at all! He is so small that he makes very tiny poops, though. They just get brushed out of the car. You should get a few roosters; they're such loud fun!

They are not allowed where I live, and as soon as the poor things start to croak, a neighbor calls the cops.
I must be feeding my hens the wrong stuff, because there is no way to just brush their fecal material anywhere. You are really really funny!

The neighbor calls the cops? What a jerk!
I'm sure you've noticed the different kinds of chicken poop if you've had them for any length of time. The most common ones are really just undigested feed. The white stuff on the top is urine. Every few times they go, there will be a runny and very sticky one. That is the actual poop. Those can't be brushed anywhere, and once they dry on your wood floor, it requires a chisel to remove. I would tell you how I know that, but you might not want to hear it. :)

hahahaha! I know that by how hard they are to get off my boots! I walk gingerly to try to avoid the newest ones. My fave is when I'm sitting at a table in a restaurant with friends and the odor of chicken poop wafts up. I probably should stop letting the gals free-range.

Ha! I've done that a few times. My favorite is walking through the grocery store leaving a trail of poop and mud chunks everywhere I go. I would be so easy to follow!

Hilarious! 😃

Loved this story! He sure was enjoying that apple!

Thank you! Usually when they eat apples they roll around and it takes a lot of work. He was so excited about the non-moving target!

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