Free Seed Update 01/29/18 - Last call before packages go out on Wed.

in #homesteading7 years ago

The 3 seeds I ordered from the USA all arrived today.

American Ginseng
White Yarrow
Coriander Leisure

Plus we still have in stock

Scarlet runner beans - plenty
Purple Coneflower aka Echinacea - plenty

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A quick talk about what is in stock

Scarlet Runner Beans

One of the most prolific bean producing plants. Often grown for its beauty. Is the ONLY perennial bean. (if your ground freezes in winter, it will have to be grown as an annual unless mulch can prevent freezing roots) Seeds are fairly expensive at about $5 a pound so it could easily make money for your homestead by selling on Ebay.

Purple Coneflower

This is one of the best herbs you can grow for survival medicine. Many people think of it as an herbal antibiotic because it basic serve the same purpose, but it does it by strengthening your immune system, rather than kill both good and bad bacteria in your system.

American Ginseng

This is a high dollar cash crop when gathered in the wild. Growing it yourself it still brings a high price ($150 a pound), just no where near what wild grown brings. Seeds are fairly expensive and I only have enough to give 10 people, 50 seeds each. To increase your number of plants, you will need to collect seeds to sow to increase the number of plants.

First come/First Served on American Ginseng

White Yarrow

Yarrow has a lot of medicinal properties. It is a great plant to have on hand for illnesses. HOWEVER, I suggest you NEVER try to wild gather unless you are 100% sure you know what you are doing. It has several look-a-likes that are deadly. I have been dealing with plants since I was a child (back before the mountain grew tall) and I will not wild gather yarrow.

Coriander Leisure

Coriander Leisure is a variety of coriander that has been grown for many years. Seeds should reproduce just fine. It has a larger leaf and can with stand more heat than some other varieties. As you know, the leaves of Coriander are what we call Cilantro. It has a long list of medicinal and culinary benefits.

I will be shipping Wednesday or Thursday

I will be shipping this week. Orders placed after that will have to wait until after the other seeds come in. (2 to 4 weeks) Get your orders in now.


This is really generous of you, esteemed.

Thank you very much! I hope to one day be able to send seeds to anyone in the world. Just have to do things one step at a time as the funds are available.

Right, that's a great idea. Are they any particular seeds you're after, I come across stuff from time to time?

Pretty much anything that fits into the survival/medicinal/edible categories. I'm not too worried about the standard everyday veggies just yet. I am working more on plants that provide value beyond just food. Once we get a good stock in place, then I will be looking more for regular veggies. But everything needs to be heirloom. No Hybrids because we want people to save seeds and pass them on to others.

10-4, I'll pass anything along I come across that fits that profile.

Just placed an order for the American Ginseng. Excited to be branching out with new species of plants. So far now I will be making my best attempt at Purslane and American Ginseng. Will be fun to see how it turns out!

I've got you on the list!

I'm working on an article with all the particulars on American Ginseng. Hope to have it posted by Wednesday at the latest. It is easy to grow, but there are a lot of little things you can do to greatly increase the crop size.

I have a perfect spot picked out for the ginseng at a neighbors creek side. Hardwood trees, lots of leaves for mulch and little sunshine. I think, if I remember right, the best time to plant the seeds is in the fall. Not yet sure of all the particulars so anxious for your post.

The picture of the ginseng made me cry.
It used to grow wild on my property until the poachers stole it all.
Be sure it's well fenced and protected.

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