How to Cultivate Vaname Shrimps with Various Complete Techniques and Stages
Vaname Shrimp
The cultivation of vaname shrimp is a very promising business if occupied seriously. Now people are starting to jump in the world of cultivation began to glance at this business and look how to cultivate traditional shrimp vaname. This vaname shrimp has a very high selling value because it tastes good and strong enough from disease attacks and unpredictable weather. The traditional way of shrimp farming is ideal for beginners.
Before you go directly and try this cultivation, consider some important things that must be considered a good and right way.
Basically shrimp are animals that live in waters such as in the sea, rivers and lakes. Shrimp can be found easily in large puddles such as in freshwater, brackish water and salt water with varying depth levels as well. Vaname shrimp is one of the many types of shrimp that have recently been popular and hunted by the public. There are several advantages of this shrimp is a period of rapid growth, resistant to disease attacks. Shrimp farmers think that this shrimp can only be cultivated intensively. But this is totally wrong, it turns out that vaname shrimp can be cultivated dencan traditional pattern. Even traditional patterns can be better than intentsif patterns.
Traditional Vaname Shrimp Farming
Traditional patterns are also more profitable because they can harvest in larger quantities. The technology currently available is only available for intensive patterns. Pond area in Indonesia can reach about 360,000 ha and cultivated by farmers who are still less able.
Information in traditional vaname shrimp processing is still very limited to date. Then the following will be explained in detail how the cultivation of vaname shrimp;
Pond Drying Preparation
Vaname shrimp is a shrimp that pond water is often maintained with brackish water puddles. So the first thing to be prepared is to prepare a pond area with appropriate water content and has the right depth.
Dispose of water ponds and remove fish that became predators of vaname shrimp with saponins. If there is still a puddle of water, then pump it until it is completely dry and let the pond stay empty for 3 days.
If the pond is completely dry, then most likely pathogenic bacteria that are harmful to shrimp will be destroyed. Water flow should be kept in mind during the ups and downs, this water flow should continue smoothly for good quality of this vaname shrimp.
Pest Control
It is very important in the success of this cultivation is to eradicate pests, because not a few farmers who fail because they do not eradicate the fish that became pests for shrimp vaname.
Usually these fish will make the small vaname shrimp into their food. Use 15-20 ppm sapion (7.5 to 10 kg / ha) with 5cm pond height in eradicating these fish pests.

Shrimp ponds should be given organic and inorganic fertilizer. This fertilizer should be distributed evenly with the appropriate dosage. The following is the dosage for fertilization in the vaname shrimp farm;
*Organic fertilizer 150 - 200 kg /
*Inorganic fertilizer as a source of nitrogen 25 - 50 kg /
*Fertilizer 20: 1 (N: P)
*Silicate 10 kg /
This organic fertilizer can be wheat flour, soy flour, rice bran, bran, corn, cotton seeds, animal waste and the like. This fertilizer is spread evenly on the bottom surface of the pond.
The best sources for organic fertilizers are Ammonium Nitrate, Urea, Calcium Nitrate and Diammonium Phospate (DAP). If you want to use silicate fertilizer then use Sodium Metasilicate solution.
Pond water treatment.
The next step is charging pond water. This stage is done when all pond bottom preparations have been completed. Water entered into the pond should be gradual. Let the water in the pond for about two to three weeks. This is done so that the temperature and pH of the water remain normal.
Fertilization of Vaname Seeds

The fried eggs are Vaname shrimp ready to be spread in ready-made ponds. Before the fries are stocked, it must first be acclimatized to the temperature by floating the bag containing the fries into the pond.
Then sprinkle the fries slowly, aklitimasi to sanitation is done by opening the bag and gradually given pond water for 15 to 20 minutes. Continue the tilted sack bag and the small vaname shrimp will come out by itself. Keep this stage done during the day.
Maintenance of Vaname Shrimp

The maintenance process of this vaname shrimp fry is very important and needs to be considered every day. This maintenance starts from the fries in stocking in the pond until the shrimp vaname ready to be harvested. Farmers should continue to monitor temperature and pH content, oxygen content and water depth.
At the time of maintenance of vaname shrimp also must be done fertilization as well as TPS phase afters and giving probiotics done once a week. Provision of probiotics is useful to stabilize the growth of plankton.
When the fry is 70 days old then the shrimp can be fed and began to be reduced by plankton. Do this step and keep the water balance until the vaname shrimp is 100 days old.
Harvest of Vaname Shrimp

Harvest shrimp vaname usually when the shrimp is 100 days old. But before harvest, farmers should pay attention to some important points. Before harvesting, treat the vaname shrimp by dolomite lime and pay attention to the water level. Do this for 2 to 4 days.
The purpose of lime pemeberian and pay attention to the height of water is to prevent shrimp do not experience skin change while in harvest.
The tools used for harvest are as follows
*Harvest Basket
*Place your finger on the floodgates
*Buckets and basins
Dry the mine by draining water assisted by water pump. Do this harvest at night, this is meant to reduce the risk of damage to the quality of shrimp .. shrimp harvest is very susceptible to direct sunlight. When the shrimp has been harvested, immediately wash and soak into the ice or put into the freezer.
Well, that's a review of business how to cultivate shrimp vaname. There is no harm in trying this shrimp farming business. If done painstakingly and seriously then in the first and second harvest can already reap the benefits. So what are you waiting for, please jump in this promising business.