What's New? SPRING!!

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

I haven't been able to blog a whole lot this past bit. Working like crazy to get ready for the next seasons, and yes, I am already planning for next winter!

So many things that I can modify to make it easier. Practice makes perfect!
I have been living off grid now for 5 years. This is my first full year in a cabin. So now I am working through the things that will make my life a little easier. :) Now I can live, not just survive! WOOOHOOOO!!!

If you have the time, grab a tea, and peruse (I love that word....peruse....) through my blog.

This past week to 10 days we have gone from knee deep snow to dirt. I will be mud for the next week or so. So I am landlocked until then. Yesterday was my last day out until the mud comes and goes. We are expecting rain tonight, so that will help with the rest of the snow. Some patches are still almost a foot deep.

Photo taken by @foxyspirit

I had to make an egg delivery to the road yesterday, and brought back my mail and a few supplies. It was a hard pull, because the road is both snow and some dirt patches. The normal 45 minute trek, took almost 2 hours each way. Will have to work on a better system. When I have time LOL I actually got sunburned! LOL It was 20°c here today and then it drops to - 5°c at night.
I don't like to leave camp for long this time of the year, because the animals are becoming more active. The bears, bobcats, wolves and foxes are looking at my place like the local buffet. When there is activity, they are less likely to approach. The dogs are pretty good at doing their job, for this I am grateful! Everyone plays their part. Seems that in the spring the forest creatures come and check us out, just in case there is a way to get a free meal. The partridge are now coming down to eat with the chickens. I will try to get a picture. It is funny to see.

The chickens and duck are sitting, Lucy the goat is getting bigger by the minute! With any luck, we will have new life here! Exciting times!

The garden is defrosting quickly, it is my hope to get in there this week, to clean things up and spread the new compost! I love it when we use our own nutrient rich, healthy dirt! Nothing is better than that!
Last year I didn't move the compost until the baby garter snakes grew enough to leave the nest. The compost is so warm you can feel the heat when you stir it up. Not bad for when the cold winter days hit -45°c.

The chickens sure do make a mess!

I am patiently waiting...or trying to be patient!!

My oregano made it!

This is my water front property for about 2 weeks while the waters peak from the spring floods. The water in this picture, goes over my boots. I have to wear waders to tap the birch trees. LOL In 2 weeks it should be completely dry and gone. The ducks are certainly loving it!

The frogs were out last night. Oh how i have missed the peepers!!
I got my first mosquito bite last night, so i know the frogs have lots of food! It amazes me how they can come to life when there is still snow. The insects can teach us so much.

Until our paths meet again!!



Amazing. Garter snakes in your compost??? I guess they aren't dangerous??? Bobcats? Your place seems TEEMING with life. Spring is such a lovely time but it sure keeps you busy... we don't get snow here though it gets cold so essentially can garden all winter long.

Oh and I love the word peruse too!!!

Thank you for perusing my blog! Lol

No poisonous snakes here! Or insects. I don't mind the winter snow, for those reasons! Lol

Do you have down time? I suppose your winter you would be less busy? But you still garden?

Mainly weeding, mowing, making new beds, protecting stuff from frost, planting trees and natives. Vegie garden goes all winter with brassicas and beetroot and greens. No rest for us! But rain and cold and frost can keep us inside 😘

I can't wait till I can say it has been my first full year in the cabin offgrid!
Wow, that was a long trek today. Time to switch out your sleigh for a yard wagon!
You seem to have a bit of snow left yet, ours is melted now but it has been very windy here and it's pretty dry, there may even be a fire ban soon if it doesn't rain.

No doubt about actually living off grid! Such a courageous accomplishment 💛💛💛

I contemplated pulling the wagon in the sled...lol but switching it over every 500 meters just doesn't seem worth it. Only another week or so. Then i will be out with the bush truck. So many trees i have to clean off the road. Will be great for firewood this winter!

Loved perusing your blog post today @earthmother! Spring is pushing it's way through 💛💛💛 it's just wonderful to get to know you better and I adore seeing your offspring by your side! Happy girls! Lots of wonderful life happenings. Enjoy!! Looking forward to the arrival of babies 💛💛💛

Huge love @yogajill! Makes my heart swell when i see you post!
Avia and I work hard, side by side. She is the animal and tree whisperer... she is a good teacher.

Oh our offspring ❤❤❤ best teachers of all. No doubt. My daughter is also an animal enthusiast. She's been studying them since she started to read! She's going to be 16 this Christmas!! Holla the time flys by!! Mighta said this already, Happy Mother's Day! @earthmother No Small Feat ❤💛❤ Blessed to embrace it together! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

They do grow so fast. My oldest son will be 32 this week!! WHOA! i guess I will have to be in my 40's now. My son said that I cant be in the same decade as he is LOL
I hope that you had an awesome mothers day!!! xoxox

I love how you used your pictures here. You great us and show us your story and then your last picture, you leave us. Going home.
I love your post. Im sounding repetitive saying love a lot but what can I say when its true!
Those mosquitoes ... we need to mass produce those frogs in order to not be swarmed by them like the last years. I think I need a pet frog cause I always have a cloud of those squiters swarming around me. I am not ready for them just yet.
As much as I want to keep writing, the Frankster is trying to take over the keyboard and also trying to bite my thumb.

Thank you for taking the pictures, and a great day. We don't get many pictures of us together.
I am grateful for the ducks out there eating the larvae or of the dirt! They do such a good job!!

I would love some harmless garter snakes! We have boas of various sizes and pit vipers, so we have to watch where we walk. No bobcats, but jaguars and coyotes. Lots of wild animals just different climates. Glad that spring has finally come! It was a long winter for you...

I used to breed pythons and boas.
I would rather take winter over the poisonous bugs and snakes! Lol
Have to get to your blogs to see how you are doing! I think about you often. Avia and I are learning about where you live. Thank you for that inspiration!

You are welcome! Nicaragua has an interesting history. It is a shame that it is not taught here. They get lots of government propaganda though...

I don't think that there is much integrity to the history taught in the schools. It is a government agenda, sadly. Thank you for sharing all that you do!

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