Planting in the yard of the house by hydroponics axis system.
Hello guys
We can farm in the yard of the house even though we do not have a large yard.One of them is to plant by hydroponic way,
this time I will give you successful ways and tips to plant by hydroponics axis system
Materials needed
We prepare some materials, of course we can easily like stereoform used, bottles of soft drinks, foam, cloth planel
then prepare the mustard seeds.we need to know hydroponic planting does not need to use the soil as a medium enough to use foam.

Seeding stage
For the nursery we use the media foam we have cut into several parts, then we soak the foam in liquid fertilizer, the ordinary fertilizer that we mix with water
Soak the seeds that will be in the seedlings in warm water about 10 minutes, see the drowned seeds, that is a good seed, solid and contains, floating on the edge .Put the seeds on the top of the foam and the usual seeding period 7 to 9 days to grow sprouts
while to wait for time to grow from the seedling seeds we can use the time to create channel axis system.
Assemble cultivation tools with axis system
Ready for used steoroform then round pattern shape (according to plastic bottle for future seed shifting)
on the part of the bottle used luban hole to place the axis, axis function here for as a fertilizer absorbent media
To be more clear the following I put the picture below.
After 10 days we can move the seeds that have become sprouts, back again use the foam we have cut the dice then split some useful to flank the sprouts
Input into the used bottle we have given the axis with the flannel
then we can compose on styrofoam part which we have circle shape
For nutrition and fertilization
Because we planted with hydroponic way is definitely the fertilizer we use should we mix the water.For one bottle of drink, approximately 150 - 300 grams of fertilizer then mixed directly with water.for the time when to replace the water on the steoroform as well as we check the water ph and we can add nutrition in accordance with the capacity of the place,
almost 3 months my culprit pursue the field of cultivation with hydroponic axis, and my measured result satisfactory
You can comment on this post to ask questions about hydroponics axis planting I will gladly share tips
thanks for you attention and see you
fresh vegetables, I can process them into healthy food @dukunproduction