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RE: Adventures in Contagion

in #homesteading5 years ago

Oh my! Can't ditto this one: I've wanted to watch an enucleation (removal of an organ or other mass intact from its supporting tissues, as of the eyeball from the orbit) - though our daughter in middle school enjoyed dissecting a cow's eyeball at the Chicago museum of science and industry. Did you miss your calling as a doctor? I was the one who actually pulled out the eye. Farm gals and goat-girlz are made of tough stuff!

Welcome Back!!

Bracing myself for you next "rather tragic goat adventure," and feeling sad for the old goat Arlo and one-eyed Leanna.

Yesterday I happened across that parable of the sheep and the goats in the New Testament. Even in childhood, I wondered why goats were getting a bum rap and sheep (passive, not very high-IQ) get to go to heaven. I always knew Eve had been framed, and serpants were unfairly maligned. This book Heaven and Hell: A History of the Afterlife by Bart D. Ehrman reinforces every skeptical thought I ever had on my own. I always thought Paul sounded like a used-car salesman or a televangelist. And I could never get past the fact that Jesus lived and died as a Jew. Don't ask questions; take it all on faith, like a child. But I was not a good child. I kept saying "But how can this be," and ... pardon me. I digress.

Jesus didn't have a dog (or a cat) and he maligned goats. Something was always wrong with this picture...
I can see why goats are associated with devils, given some of their hilariously diabolical expressions, but all this cloven-hoof and tail stuff is so absurd, I marvel at how many people still take it literally. But I digress. Enucleate the goat! Eeep!! Will she get a pirate eye patch just for photo opps?

I couldn't help but laugh at this:

The vet administered the sedative, which doesn't actually put the animal out. It just basically makes them really stoned.

Stoned goats ... Lord have mercy. :))))


You were chosen by God to endure Bobi the Bad.. Guess If you get through this test on earth, you'll go straight to heaven..If not you'll never have to worry about the cold...🐱‍💻

Same with Scary Mary - though you recently disclosed that she is nice to you, just not other cats. Except if you somehow annoy her, and she lets you know with her teeth. Ouch. You are the soul of forgiveness. You welcome the orphans, the outcasts, the single mother with offspring even she cannot love. Heaven has your name in blinking billboard lights!

I don't think so... If God see I do good down here he will use my skills as a cleaner up there..

That is so funny! I have my own theory about the goats and the sheep thing in the Bible. Having spent time with both, I think the idea is that sheep will follow quietly and are easily herded, while goats are difficult to manage because they have their own minds and ideas. If you want a goat to do something, the best way to do it is to make it want do do it. As far as the faith is concerned, being led by God is better than everybody going their own way. I grew up with that sheep and goat analogy, but now that I've been an adult for quite a while and have spent time with both species, I can say for a fact that goats are so much more interesting and rewarding, largely because they have their own minds and personalities.

And the stoned goat thing was super funny! I didn't put that in the post because I wasn't sure how well it would go over, but watching her stagger around was hilarious. I was ostensibly there to make sure she didn't injure herself when she fell over, but it was good theater. I have an eye patch somewhere. I will try to find it and post a picture just for you. I can't believe I didn't think of that!

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