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RE: What's new? Getting ready for winter!
We are in some pretty hot weather here as well. Not too many cool days anymore. We seem to have gone from winter to summer.
You are amazing to be able to do all your homesteading by yourself. I think it would be so much work to be doing it alone. It can be done but not as much rest time.
I am going to be dehydrating greens pretty soon. Just need to finish getting the gardens in. How is your goat doing? She must be getting quite big now.
You have a fantastic day as well. Hugs
black flies jut came out yesterday with the extreme heat. *sigh They are so much worse than the mosquitos
I just do what I can do. Take the help when it is offered. I have learned to say no to people with a agenda. That has been the hardest part for me. Discernment. I like to trust everyone.
Oh to have greens. Fresh, real greens!!
Do you have fireweed? Apparently the shoots are like fiddleheads and asparagus. Fabulous steamed. Wil be looking for them this year. We dont have the right kind of ferns for eating here.
Descernment is a hard one. We have had and are still learning that one. Yes there are people that truly want to help and then there are the ones with an agenda. Sometimes we just curl back up for awhile and not have anyone help after having people with an agenda come out.
Learining to navagate the different types of people can be interesting. We are trying to figure out a process that speeds that up. To be able to figure it out quicker and better would save us some valuable time. Also it would be better for everyone.
Oh yeah to have fresh greens would be wonderful. My lettuce is about 2 inches tall and so is my kale. Soon :)
We are beginning to get black flies as well. Yes they are a pest but at least they don't bite. Well I can't say that. We did have some flies that were biting last year. It was horrible. They would bite me especially when I was milking.
I do have loads of fireweed here. I have not gotten around to harvesting it yet. It is always on the list though. I didn't know it was like ferns for eating. So you eat the stems? I thought you could only eat the leaves. I will be harvesting them for sure this year.
We don't have the right type of ferns here either. It is too bad. I wanted to try fiddleheads. I know they sell them in the store but I wanted to to be able to harvest them myself.
Let me know if you figure out that formulae!! ;)
The black flies here bite and we look like small pox victims after only a couple weeks.
The fireweed shoots are what we eat in the spring. We get them when they are a few inches tall. We collect the leaves in the fall for tea, too. :) love that we are collecting the common medicines!
Another formula that I use is Eucalyptus and orange oil. I get a small spray bottle and add about 10 to 15 drops in of each. Usually this works. The reason I was trying the garlic tincture was because I read that garlic keeps the mosquitos away. That is horrible that you have been bitten so much.
I like that we are able to collect common medicines. I don't have these conversations with anyone else usually so I find this nice to be able to talk with you about these things. As well as learn from your experience. Thank you so much.
I have also used lemon grass, geranium, citronella... but as you know... here are just times to wear the suit!! Lol I LOVE my screen tent and coils.
Love our chats too! It's great to bounce off ideas with people that are doing things in a good way. Xoxo huge love to you!
I have never tried lemon grass or geranium. So you have used an essential oil or did you make your own tincture? I will have to look into that. The more we have to work with the better.
We don't have a screen tent, what a good idea. Then you could be outside more. I would love to sit outside and knit or crochet but it is just not possible. Also I would love to sit out there and have my morning coffee. That to me is the best. There are a few days in the year when I can do that with less bugs.
Have a great day.
I use essential oils for now. One day i would like to distill my own. That's on my list...LOL
We love the screen tent. Best 149.$ i have ever spent. Its 10x10. and we live in it pretty much. we only come in on soaking rainy days, and to sleep. This year I am making a basic outdoor kitchen, so that there will be no heat inside the house. :)
I spray the tent screens with citronella...and sometimes have to light a coil when they are really thick.
I find that when I am indoors too much, i get lazy.
I should look into a citronella spray. Usually we don't use anything. This year is so bad. In the mornings they are even in the house. While on the computer I am swatting more than I would like. It is ver distracting. We have a hole somewhere where and they are getting in. Time to seal everything up.
Having an outdoor kitchen would be fantastic. We had a sink and counter tops in the atrium and I loved it. Now the atrium is full of plants. The kitchen in the atrium took the pressure off of my kitchen and it stayed cleaner.
You be lazy, I can't imagine. Oh yeah I know we all have our moments. However this time of year there doesn't seem to be too much time for lazy.