The Vegetable Plot - What Have YOU Got Growing?

in #homesteading6 years ago

I'll admit it - just like every year, I've fallen behind with my vegetables. I have grand plans when it's February and I have all the time in the world. But when the sun appears, the weeds start to grow and life gets in the way (especially going from self employed to a new 50+ hour a week job), my vegetables tend to suffer.

Still....I HAVE managed to get some stuff growing.

The Raised Beds

My raised beds are mostly devoted to salad crops this year. It wasn't as I intended, but it's come to be. I have six crops at the moment; two in each bed. Radishes, rocket, Tom Thumb lettuces, tomatoes, Salad Bowl Red lettuces and spring onions.


Tom Thumb lettuces.


Half-decent radishes this year. The key is low fertility.


Spring onions almost ready to pull.


I have tomatoes both outdoors and in the greenhouse.


Salad Bowl Red lettuces look fab when mixed with other greens.

The wonderful thing with raised beds is that it keeps weeding and pests to a minimum. The downside? Irrigation. Boy, those things dry up fast. At the moment not only do I not have an automated drip waterer but I don't even have a hose because of the shortage of appropriate taps in the house. So every night, it's me...up and down the garden with a 10L watering can!

Other Vegetable Nooks

My vegetables aren't solely contained to the raised beds. I have a thin bed with the broad beans in. They're now going over and ready for picking and I think I'll put carrots in their place. They'll be late starting but I should get a crop of smallish carrots by the end of the year. I also need to put in some overwintering kale and cabbages, as well as leaving space for spinach.

In the greenhouse I have more tomatoes and on top of the chick hutch I have my aubergines and sweet peppers. It's the sunniest spot in the garden and they're thriving. There are also some young red-veined sorrel, parsley and lambs lettuce plants in the conservatory. Lastly, I also have a number of French beans that I've just transferred. Oh, and I have cucumbers on the pergola's in the drive.


Young lambs lettuces, red-veined sorrel and parsley to be transplanted.

All being said, for my lack of care, I don't think 11 types of vegetable is a bad haul, especially as I have more planned.

But now...for you? I'd love to hear what YOU'RE GROWING. Pop me a comment with your vegetable successes this year and let me know where in the world you are too!

Thanks for reading,



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Your garden doesn’t appear to be suffering too badly since your job came along. I am happy just keeping the chickens alive and growing a few cherry tomatoes. Our growing season here in Florida is nearly over. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. 🐓🐓

Thank you! My tomatoes haven't done amazingly so enjoy those cherry toms.

Your salad leaves and radishes are doing really well!

This year the Broadbean and Strawberry have just began to begin Harvesting. Next will be courgettes, Squash, Potatoes and then Swedes.

I neglected my strawberries terribly so well done for keeping yours going :D

Coming along nicely! Were having a cracking some for it this year. I got a few things coming along as I posted the other day, hoping to get a Reasonable crop for an amateur 💯🐒

We're all amateurs in the world of gardening...can never know it all! ;)

I'm impressed with my tomato plants this year, they're right sturdy. Interesting about the radishes, i didn't know that - I'll try them in a less well looked after bed. Courgettes coming along nicely, corn looks good, I've never grown it before and new rhubarb plant is settling in nicely.

I love home grown's SO delicious!

Don't feel bad. I feel like I'm way behind this year as well. We have had some weird weather this year and it's thrown me off a bit. I like what I see here. I subbed here and on Youtube. Cheers and happy gardening!

I try not to feel bad but then I think of all the things I could have grown but forget/neglected/killed. LOL. Will there ever be enough time to try it all?! Thanks for the sub. :D

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