Almond soap is a good,special and soothing soap, this soap is a special made soap because it removes sore skin and also clear the rashes on the body
Before you start the production, cause it is gonna be in a small quantity i meant the soap.
You have to get these items
•almond oil (small quantity)
•almond grounded one
• strong spoon (stainless)
• water
And the ingredients are;
•two table spoon of almond oil(25ml)
• two table spoon of kaolin(25ml)
•one table spoon(2-5ml)
So let get the soap done
Firstly combine all the ingredients together and then mix them in a bowl
Secondly add the almond oil, the amount of oil you think can be okay that is what you should add
Thirdly then you have completed the task
Put the completed production on the surface of the skin and then allow it to stay on that surface for a while then wash it off
Then it is down
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