Feeling Accomplished, Part Two
It's been raining. Almost every day. And it is supposed to rain again for the rest of the week. All this rain makes completing outside tasks difficult. It feels like my spring crop plan is just slipping away. I have things I still need to do that should have been done two months ago. That's life on the homestead I suppose.
Luckily the rain broke for a couple days and things dried out enough to get some stuff done. I managed to get some of the wood chips spread. A friend of mine keept telling me I should call his dad to help. I took him up on the offer. His dad is a retired farmer from New York. Like a big farm kind of farmer. He looked at my cute little tractor, chuckled, and said, "That thing could have fit in the bucket of my tractor." At the end of the day, however, he was quite impressed with how capable it was to the task at hand.
Well, we didn't get the whole thing done. We had to take a break so I could patch up the nasty blister I tore into my hand. I'm 52 years old and still don't have the common sense to grab my gloves when using my landscape rake. Oh well. By the time I cleaned it up and found my gloves it was starting to drizzle. Go figure. The good news is we got enough finished to allow me to plant a couple rows of tomatoes around the end of March.

Keep plugging away 👍🏼👍🏼 You will have great success 😁 upvoted and Resteemed
Thanks! I plan to . . .
That's just always how it seems, when it is not one thing it is another that is trying to stop you. You just have to keep at it till the jobs done. Then look back to admire your work for a quick second before you have to move on to the next job.