Is Homesteading Right For You?

After watching multiple homesteads utterly fail to get past the basics, I cant help but wonder why someone would so quickly give up on their dreams.

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Recently multiple neighbors of mine decided this life wasnt right for them. Both families had made it through the winter and without an indoor heat source. one of them planted a garden and got chickens. the other tore down an old barn and cleared out a decent chunk of their property. they were making it! but the hardships piled up and instead of using their accomplishments as a motivator they focused on the difficulties. in the end gas money was the excuse for one of the families and a tick bite was what finished the other.

preparing yourself for such large changes such as going off grid can involve alot of dreaming, and that is important, but please dont let the dreams delude you into ignoring how challenging this life can be. This life can be amazing, its up to you.

most people over estimate what they can accomplish in the first year homestead and under estimate their accomplishments for their five year mark. remember that and dont let the little setbacks hold you back!


Very important topic. Great video.

This would make an interesting subject to cover on The Alternative Lifestyle Show. Would you like to come on the show one Friday to talk about it?

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

We could do that. Probably not until things slow up a bit

That would be great. Give me a shout when you want to come on the show.

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

Homesteading is a way of life and is hard work. Many of start with very little and work our way up, day by day. Many come to homesteading with rose coloured glasses and then are disappointed when things don't work out the way they expect. It is definitely not for everyone! I have been at this a lot of years and believe me it is so worth it if you can tough it out!

i completely agree! i feel really bad watching people go through the hard parts and give up as they are go into spring... spring is full of so much hope and promises. the land will test you in the winter and if you work with it in the spring the gifts the land gives are well worth the hardships of winter!

I wish my connection was better so I could view your video. That's too bad about the neighbors. People don't realize that this is a lifestyle, not just some kind of fad like a diets. It takes a lot of gumption to go off-grid. We are nowhere near being there but we get closer every time we accomplish something on our own with our own resources.

you need to stop by!!!! like now. like dude, grab your family and head over. your just a few miles away.

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This was a particularly touching post for me. Thank you for your brutal honesty!

Thank you for the upvote and all that! I'm glad that it could at least get to someone

Many have the dream of homesteading but have never tried any of the tasks - so have no idea what it takes. I did an interview with Joel Salatin where he talked about that. Try to implement tactics wherever you are in the city and see how it goes...
I think that is a big part of people giving up...

I see a lot of that. But more so its people expecting more then what they can realistically accomplish. Planting a massive garden before even securing a safe water source. Or getting animals without having paddocks for them they are perpetually scrambling to catch up doing things half way and then wondering why it has to be redone 50 times over.

Congratulations, your post has been selected to be included in my weekly Sustainability Curation Digest for the Minnow Support Project.

Host of The Alternative Lifestyle Show on MSP Waves Radio.

Editor of the Weekly Schedule of Steem Radio Shows.

Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.

bro, thank you!!

You are welcome. It is a great post.

You are welcome. It is a great post.

Homesteading is great and I love it but it is very demanding physically and emotionally especially when losing livestock and animals.

totally agree! i love this life!

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