The ancient waffle iron LIVES AGAIN!! ♥ (The results are tasty!)
I had to put my older-than-dirt waffle iron to good use this morning!
Let me tell you, it is awesome!
Unfortunately, there was a bit of a learning curve...
My first waffles were somewhat less-than-perfect...
Let's just say, I was impatient. I did not let the iron heat up all the way first, and then I checked on them too often.
By the third waffle though, I had it down. You have to:
- Let the iron heat up!!
- Put enough butter in the pan.
- Do not check them too much! (Seriously, let it be!)
- Do not flip too early.
- Use a timer to make yourself wait! (For some reason, 30 seconds seems to feel like 10 minutes when you are waiting on that waffle!)
Mainly just boils down to patience.
Once you get it right, they are fabulous!
Here is the recipe I used, in case anyone is interested. It is just a basic waffle, comes out very well every time.
I'm sure we got it off the internet long ago, but now I just have it written in a notebook, so I don't know who the original author was...
2C flour
1T baking powder
2T sugar
1/2t salt
2 eggs
1 2/3C milk
1/3C vegetable oil
1t vanilla
1t maple extract
- Mix dry ingredients.
- Mix wet ingredients.
- Gently combine wet and dry ingredients. Do not overmix.
- Cook according to your waffle iron's instructions.
This made 5 large waffles in my iron, so you may need to double, depending on your waffle consumption.
So, to anyone who was wondering how well an old-style iron would work on a glass-top stove, I can assure you, it works quite well!
I had my doubts, but after being told by other people that it worked for them, I am SO glad I gave it a try!
Waffles will never be the same around here again!
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! ♥
badges courtesy of @daddykirbs
Thank you for the waffle-iron report! So glad it works well! I had to chuckle at the not-so-perfect waffle pictures; I've made a few like that over the years! Ha ha!
I was tempted to leave those out and forget about them, but for the sake of honesty, I thought it would be best to share the whole truth... :D
those are some incredibly beautiful waffles, wow!!!!
i would slather some peanut butter & jelly between two of them and have some of the fanciest breakfast sammiches EVER.
Thanks!! ♥
That is a great idea!!
I like to just put butter on mine. My son takes it one step further and puts Slap Ya Mama seasoning on his! My other two kids just take syrup like normal people... LOL
i had to look up the "Slap Ya Mama" seasonings - that's some serious eatin' right there. would also be AMAZING with shrimp and grits.
and now i am hungry again!!! LOL
It is some yummy stuff! We use it on everything.
I love that it doesnt have preservatives or anything bad in there, just yummy spices!
Awesome! I laughed at the impatient part, but only because I'd have done the same thing...
Glad you got it figured out. They turn out so pretty!
Haha, that was the hardest part! My daughter and I were making them together, and we kept asking eachother, 'should we check it?!' 'NO! Its only been one minute!' 'How about now?!' 'No, not yet!' "How do we know when to flip it?!' 'Maybe we should peek...'
Once the pan is all the way hot though, they come out faster and the wait is much less agonizing. ;)
Hopefully, too, now that you know how it behaves, it will be less nerve-wracking.
Yes, I think so...
My mouth is watering! I think I'd be having breakfast for dinner more often!
I have to say, even though we just ate them for breakfast, I was sorely tempted to do waffles for dinner too!
Waffles are my nephew's favorite breakfast when he stays the night! But that waffle almost looks too pretty to eat @squishysquid!
They DID come out very pretty!
I dont blame him, waffles are delicious! ♥