Some of you may have noticed the gazette has been on hiatus since late May, the past couple of months have been difficult here at Fuss & Feathers. I also decided to make it monthly instead of weekly.
We had to reduce our flock of hens down to 8 from 14. The four new chicks (Red, Jody the rooster, Buffy and Gracie) stayed as did Blue, Henny Penny, Mary Anne and Brownie.
Dot became a rooster in her own mind and was a bully to the other girls, not allowing Henny Penny or the new chicks to eat or roost. Constantly patrolling and pecking poor HPs neck till it was red and bloody.
The disharmony seemed to be contagious. Dot stopped laying as did the others who were rehoused.
The Professor (our best layer) became egg bound and although we tried our best to save her it became necessary to euthanize her.
In Memory...
Sweet Pea, Violet, Dot, Blance, and Shelly were re-homed a mile or so down the road to a family who has chickens and children. Our friend David welcomed them into their larger flock.
It was a difficult decision, one I lamented over for more then a month. I grieved the decision and have moved on. In this case smaller is better. Harmony has now been restored to the flock.
We do what we must to keep your animals healthy and happy. I grieve every time I lose an animal whether it is rehomed or death comes calling. We lost one of our dogs about a month ago and I agonised about saving him. In the end, he is now in a far better place not suffering. Glad to see the gazette back!
Thanks ceci. You always know the right thing to say. Sometimes we just have to do the hard things for the betterment of our loved ones. Hope you are well. I gather the seas are still rough right now. 🐓🐓❤️
howdy this evening @mother2chicks! sorry you had to make that adjustment but it was obviously necessary for the rest of the birds. Those guys are looking pretty good now.
They are doing fantastic. It was hard to admit that we had a cou in the coup, but I think everyone got rehired to a better place and for me life is simpler with less. How are you? Been having trouble getting on here and have not been able to reply or post. 🐓🐓
yes Ma'am the bird are much happier now, isn't it interesting that an off bird can cause emotional anxiety and chaos like that, enough so they others stop laying? I mean it sounds like humans getting into it at work or something!
yes steemit was nigh onto impossible to use last night, took 2 hours to do what normally took 30 minutes. but I'm doing great, thanks for asking, did it ever stop raining there?
So glad to see another edition of the Chicken Gazette, but my heart is sore for you that you had to euthanize the Professor (I didn't even know there was such a thing as egg-bound :-() and that you had to rehome some others. I wonder why Dot started behaving like that. At least it's encouraging that harmony is restored to the Homestead! Much love to you, Ellie Mae xxx
Hi @kiligirl, so glad to see you. The girls were out of control. Too many bosses and not enough workers. Sometimes, if there is no Rooster one of the girls takes on a bully kind of profile. In this case she was the largest, and decided the rest of the girls could do without food and sometimes water. She caused a few scraps before we decided to rehome her.The kids love chickens, and are constantly out playing with was definately the right thing to do. The new girls should be laying any day now. Yeah.
How is business? Maybe I had better check out your blog. Have you been traveling lately? Thanks for stopping by. You always make my day. Much Love to you my friend. Ellie Mae 🐓🐓
Dear @abdulmanan, I hope you're well! Thank you so much for your concern. I'm not posting these days because I'm flat out working on getting my business going - organising funding (some exciting Steemit work going on in the background there) and getting the project teams in place so we can deliver excellent solutions to our clients. Hope to share some good news on Steemit in the next couple of months! And again, I really appreciate your concern. All the best to you.
We do what we must to keep your animals healthy and happy. I grieve every time I lose an animal whether it is rehomed or death comes calling. We lost one of our dogs about a month ago and I agonised about saving him. In the end, he is now in a far better place not suffering. Glad to see the gazette back!
Thanks ceci. You always know the right thing to say. Sometimes we just have to do the hard things for the betterment of our loved ones. Hope you are well. I gather the seas are still rough right now. 🐓🐓❤️
They are. I am getting seasick. I hope the weather clears soon...
The chickens look very beautiful in the photo.
They are lovely, would love to keep them but haven't got the room :(
I think your pups would have a grand time chasing them around. 🐓🐓
howdy this evening @mother2chicks! sorry you had to make that adjustment but it was obviously necessary for the rest of the birds. Those guys are looking pretty good now.
They are doing fantastic. It was hard to admit that we had a cou in the coup, but I think everyone got rehired to a better place and for me life is simpler with less. How are you? Been having trouble getting on here and have not been able to reply or post. 🐓🐓
yes Ma'am the bird are much happier now, isn't it interesting that an off bird can cause emotional anxiety and chaos like that, enough so they others stop laying? I mean it sounds like humans getting into it at work or something!
yes steemit was nigh onto impossible to use last night, took 2 hours to do what normally took 30 minutes. but I'm doing great, thanks for asking, did it ever stop raining there?
So glad to see another edition of the Chicken Gazette, but my heart is sore for you that you had to euthanize the Professor (I didn't even know there was such a thing as egg-bound :-() and that you had to rehome some others. I wonder why Dot started behaving like that. At least it's encouraging that harmony is restored to the Homestead! Much love to you, Ellie Mae xxx
Hi @kiligirl, so glad to see you. The girls were out of control. Too many bosses and not enough workers. Sometimes, if there is no Rooster one of the girls takes on a bully kind of profile. In this case she was the largest, and decided the rest of the girls could do without food and sometimes water. She caused a few scraps before we decided to rehome her.The kids love chickens, and are constantly out playing with was definately the right thing to do. The new girls should be laying any day now. Yeah.
How is business? Maybe I had better check out your blog. Have you been traveling lately? Thanks for stopping by. You always make my day. Much Love to you my friend. Ellie Mae 🐓🐓
@kiligirl Remeber me? Where are you? why aren't you posting? Is everything okay?
Dear @abdulmanan, I hope you're well! Thank you so much for your concern. I'm not posting these days because I'm flat out working on getting my business going - organising funding (some exciting Steemit work going on in the background there) and getting the project teams in place so we can deliver excellent solutions to our clients. Hope to share some good news on Steemit in the next couple of months! And again, I really appreciate your concern. All the best to you.
Can't wait to hear that new!
My best wishes are with you for your project,
Hope to see you soon :)
God Bless you!
Goodness, I didn't see your comment until now :-( - thank you so much for the kind wishes. I think they're working....
hahaha no worries :P Stay happy
You too :-)
You clearly did the right thing. One of our reponsibilities as stewards of animals is to do what is needed, which is not always easy for us.
It’s never an easy decision when animals are sick or in pain. We try to be good stewards of all of our critters. 🐓🐓
Beautiful chicken, I like the colors of chicken. This is a good chicks post.
Thank you for the nice comment. 🐓🐓
You are always welcome friend.
Take care, bless you and your family.
Glad your flock is more harmonious. At least there's a happy end :)
Good looking flock too! Do y'all produce to sell or just for family consumption?
What breed is Blue? She looks like our Mama Bird, but we don't know what breed she is.