45 ft shipping container homestead business
Homesteading is a full time task. It also always ends up that you are adding more task to be done then your are completing off the "TO DO" list. I have heard so many times people ask how can I make money staying home taking care of my homestead. The answer is their are lots of ways but today I am going to talk about my small business I started to turn part of my homestead into a business. I started a worm business using a 45 ft shipping container. I was already doing composting worms as part of my homestead to produce castings for planting along with worm teas. I took what I had already had in production and just allowed it to expand why I was getting everything set into place.
First thing was I ordered a 45 ft shipping container to house everything. This was followed by adding insulation to keep the temps higher or lower depending on the time of the year.
After that we went with shelving that would help maximize the usable space. I really liked the large adjustable ones that went mostly to the top of the container. I can add more or take away shelves to adjust the whole unit to whatever I need at the time. This is a wonderful option to have for a growing business. Right now it allows me to have my worm wigwams under the first shelf and have my mealworms containers above in the shelving unit. I have added 3 wigwams right now with 4 large shelving units and you will see my king crop fodder system in some of the pictures. The shelves being adjustable allow me to store my brute container worm bins for my European night crawlers and African night crawlers also on the bottom 2 shelves that I don't have worm wigwams under.
This unit so far allows me to make a nice production of castings along with extra composting worms for sale, mealworms, frass and all the other things that come available to sell from mealworm farming and composting worms.
Read my article here on why to mealworm farm.
Or read here on my article discussing some of the worm bin options discussed here.
I will be adding a 2 KW solar and 1 KW wind generator system to the container asap to be able to run power in the container for lights and water pumps for me to grow my own indoor gardens to feed my business.
Stay tuned for updates on the solar unit installation and expansion of the business.